not-fl3 / nanoserde

Serialisation library with zero dependencies

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Add warning about forcing struct field order for JSON

EriKWDev opened this issue · comments


According to the JSON spec,, An object is an unordered set of name/value pairs. However, nanoserde's JSON requires files to have the exact same order as the struct internally or else it crashes.

It would be really great if this "non-compliant" order requirement was communicated up front in the README

Why this should be communicated

Thinking this is a great general JSON-parser, people might try to migrate their projects to this only to later realize that it won't necessarily work with files created by other tools.

This hit me hard when I was going to migrate my GLTF parser to nanoserde thinking it was a compliant JSON parser, but it really only parses files created by itself or in the exact internal order of the structs, but GLTF-json files are created by many other serializers that don't care about any specific order.

Example that fails

Here is a failing test that normal serde_json and miniserde handles:

fn de_out_of_order() {
    pub struct Test {
        pub a: f32,
        pub b: f32,
        c: Option<String>,
        d: Option<String>,

    let json = r#"{
        "a": 1,
        "d": "hello"
        "b": 2.0,

    let test: Test = DeJson::deserialize_json(json).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(test.a, 1.);
    assert_eq!(test.b, 2.);
    assert_eq!(test.d.unwrap(), "hello");
    assert_eq!(test.c, None);

To be fair, makepad_tinyserde doesn't handle this either, but it's still not really documented anywhere that I can find

Thanks for reporting this, I mostly use the binary one so hadn't considered this. Will take a look through and either make it compliant or highlight that it is not in the README.

It would be really great if this "non-compliant" order requirement was communicated up front in the README

Sure, feel free to send a PR!

Just a side note, I got gltf parser that works just fine with blender-exported gltfs and gltfs from gltf-sample-models:

Maybe it will require some hacks to get it works for some other gltf sources tho!

I've added the example test case to the json test suite, and it appears that the issue was the missing comma after "d": "hello" rather than an issue with the field ordering. After adding the comma, the test passes as expected

That is embarassing. I tested it now and it seems to work.

But I am still very confused. It was a while ago and I of course might have done something wrong, but I was quite certain that it seemed to be a field order dependent thing that didn't allow me to use nanoserde for my gltf parser.

Once I switched it to serde it worked again.

I will return if I find out why it was the case