not-fl3 / nanoserde

Serialisation library with zero dependencies

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

JSON serialization fails on structs with one field

KongouDesu opened this issue · comments

Attempting to serialize a struct with a single field results in an empty JSON object:

use nanoserde::{SerJson}; // v0.1.17

struct Broken {
    field: f32,

struct Works {
    field1: f32,
    field2: f32,

fn main() {
    let b = Broken {
        field: 0.1,
    let w = Works {
        field1: 0.2,
        field2: 0.3,
    println!("{}",b.serialize_json()); // Fails
    println!("{}",w.serialize_json()); // Succeeds

Compiling emits "warning: field is never read: field" on 'Broken'
Running prints


Thanks for the report!

Should be fixed in 0.1.18