not-fl3 / nanoserde

Serialisation library with zero dependencies

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Generics support

smokku opened this issue · comments

Is supporting generics in scope of this project?


#[derive(Debug, Clone, SerBin, DeBin, Default, PartialEq)]
pub struct Timestamped<T> {
    inner: T,
    timestamp: Timestamp,

I get:

error: proc-macro derive panicked
   --> shared\src\
221 | #[derive(Debug, Clone, SerBin, DeBin, Default, PartialEq)]
    |                        ^^^^^^
    = help: message: Unexpected data after end of the struct

They are, just not implemented yet

I started looking into this because I need it for Is there a canonical way to parse out generics in proc macros? I'm using this for now:

 fn next_struct(mut source: &mut Peekable<impl Iterator<Item = TokenTree>>) -> Struct {
     let struct_name = next_ident(&mut source).expect("Unnamed structs are not supported");
+    let has_generics = if let Some(_) = next_punct(&mut source) {
+        let generic = next_ident(&mut source);
+        if let Some(_) = next_punct(&mut source) {
+            let binding = next_ident(&mut source);
+            let next = next_punct(&mut source).unwrap();
+            if next == "=" {
+                let default = next_ident(&mut source);
+                next_punct(&mut source);
+            }
+        } else {
+            next_punct(&mut source);
+        }
+        true
+    } else {
+        false
+    };

Ah, didn't see #44.

This should all be handled now via a new parser, please open a new issue if you encounter problems with the new parser's support for generics