not-fl3 / nanoserde

Serialisation library with zero dependencies

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unamed variants issue on complex enums

flukejones opened this issue · comments

For example:

#[derive(DeRon, SerRon)]
pub enum SlashMode {
    Bounce = 0x10,
    Slash = 0x12,
    Loading = 0x13,
    BitStream = 0x1d,
    Transmission = 0x1a,
    Flow = 0x19,
    Flux = 0x25,
    Phantom = 0x24,
    Spectrum = 0x26,
    Hazard = 0x32,
    Interfacing = 0x33,
    Ramp = 0x34,
    GameOver = 0x42,
    Start = 0x43,
    Buzzer = 0x44,

I have additional derives that are required and the zbus ones in particular which enforce the name = value constraint. But that makes the Unamed variants are not supported error a little confusing.

This effectively prevents me moving off serde. Is there any other information I can provide?

Oh, right, forgot about those. I’ll add them to the parser when I get a chance

@knickish if you can give me some pointers I'll have a go.