nostr-protocol / nostr

a truly censorship-resistant alternative to Twitter that has a chance of working

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

faq: Is there any proposal in nostr to schedule notes or events?

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I would like to know if there is any proposal in nostr to schedule notes or events. Is there any proposal in nostr to schedule notes or events?

What do you mean by that? Send an event in advance to make sure it's published at desired time?

That should be straightforward to implement by just putting a future date on a note and having relays keep those hidden until the time comes.

What do you mean by that?

I think this has two important use cases. For example,

That should be straightforward to implement by just putting a future date on a note and having relays keep those hidden until the time comes.

great idea!

What do you mean by that?

  • use case 4: this allows users to want to use nostr… because they(users) will make money. It is a relationship of mutual exchange between different parties. Most clouds like Mega-nz-co etc, Google drive have business models that work through a monthly, yearly contract… where the user stores stuff on the server side and in return the company gets a monthly cash , annual etc while keeping these user stuff stored securely. Protocols like fileicon address this concept.
  • use case 5: you could configure when your messages or account will be deleted. There is an open proposal here about this: Feature: auto-delete: "Some third-party services offer auto-delete feature for Twitter (example: delete all tweets that is one month old). Maybe NIP-09 can be expanded to include this auto-delete feature. One implementation would be to include an "expireAt" property on all tweets (notes) for accounts that decides to enable this auto-delete feature."
  • use case 6: Temporary email servers have a time to receive, send or hang up messages.