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Inconsistency in comparison with Mastodon

tobyink opened this issue · comments

- There are no clear incentives to run servers, therefore, they tend to be run by enthusiasts and people who want to have their name attached to a cool domain. Then, users are subject to the despotism of a single person, which is often worse than that of a big company like Twitter, and they can't migrate out;

There are no clear incentives to run servers

But the three bullet points directly above this line each are examples of clear incentives to run servers:

  • User identities are attached to domain names
  • Server owners can ban you, just like Twitter; Server owners can also block other servers;
  • Migration between servers is an afterthought and can only be accomplished if servers cooperate.

You're basically saying that Mastodon works if every person run their own server, which I agree with.

Well, it's a trade-off like with other decentralized services such as HTTP and SMTP.

If you run your own server, you're not subject to someone else's whims and you have more freedom about how you manage it and how you configure things. If you delegate hosting to somebody else, it's more convenient, but you're at their mercy. Depending on what you value, you'll go one path or the other, or somewhere in between.

You're basically saying that Mastodon works if every person run their own server, which I agree with. 😁