nosco / hx

A simple, easy to use library for React development in ClojureScript.

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Helper for HoC

lilactown opened this issue · comments

Right now, creating components that need to be wrapped in HOC (especially multiple HOC) is a bit cumbersome.

See and for examples.

I could imagine an API similar to:

(hx/defnc DraggableBox [{:keys [connect-drag-source top left text] :as props}]
  ;; key `:wrap` defines a vector of HoCs to wrap the component in
  {:hx/wrap [(dnd/DragSource "box"
                       ;; this maps the react-dnd context to props for our
                       ;; component
                       (fn [connect]
                         #js {:connectDragSource (. connect dragSource)}))]}
  ;; render body
   (hx/f [:div {:style {:top top
                        :left left
                        :position "absolute"
                        :border "1px solid #333"}}

The defnc macro could define two vars in the call site: DraggableBox which is the wrapped component, and DraggableBox_Render which is the non-wrapped component as written in the body of the defnc macro.

With the Hooks proposal gaining such momentum and mindshare, this might eventually be an unneeded enhancement. In the meantime, many React libraries are implemented as a collection of HoCs, so it might be smart to introduce this and then deprecate it once Hooks has been released in a stable version of React.

Just for the history record, react-spring removed all the references to HoC style and went hooks only on the home page. I think it is telling.

Implemented in master