nosco / hx

A simple, easy to use library for React development in ClojureScript.

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closure_uid keeps showing up in props created by goog.object

lilactown opened this issue · comments

closure_uid keeps showing up in props created by goog.object

Sorry, I just found out, you are in the process of quite big refactoring. You can ignore this comment.

Hi. I am seeing it also. Do you think it can force to update components, even if the rendered DOM has not changed?

😅 thanks for commenting though. Yeah, hoping to solve this in the refactoring.

It looks like this was fixed in the refactoring I've done

It indeed was for me. Actually I am liking this library more and more. I event did some example project with it: hxor. It is right for usage with shadow-cljs.

Thanks man!

Great! 😄 There are still a few things that I feel like I need to get right with it, but I'm glad you are enjoying it!

I took a look at your example project. I'd never heard of funcool/potok. It's pretty cool!

I noticed that you're calling hiccup/parse a couple times in component.cljs. Specifically here:

Those should not be necessary 😉. As long as the vectors are realized at runtime in the return value of defnc, then they will be interpreted correctly.

If that's not clear from the docs (or that actually isn't working), feel free to open up another issue!

Great! Thank you very much. I will fix it.

Potok is in my opinion the best way to handle the state of the app. And Beicon (RxJS wrapper in cljs, on which Potok is based) is of similar idea as hx, I believe.

It's fixed in hxor, thank you again.