north-road / slyr

A Python ESRI lyr/style file converter/extracter/parser

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MXD support

baerbock opened this issue · comments

Dear Niall,

does this Open Source version currently support mxd input, e.g. ?


MXDs are not supported yet -- basically the way style/LYR/MXD files are structured we need to "build up" to these. MXDs basically contain multiple LYR files themselves, and we need to be able to reliably parse LYR files before we'll be able to start work on MXD documents.

So it's coming, but not yet. We're aiming for September-October 2019 for MXD support, which will initially be included in the full SLYR version only, and then at a later stage will be released to the open source version. See for details.