north-road / slyr

A Python ESRI lyr/style file converter/extracter/parser

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

mdbtools not found with different language settings

prebm opened this issue · comments

Working on a Mac with german locale settings I was unable to convert styles because I got an error stating

The MDB tools "mdb-export" utility is required to convert .style databases. Please setup a path to the MDB tools utility in the Settings - Options dialog, under the SLYR tab.

although I could confirm they were installed in /opt/homebrew/bin

After some digging I found the line 146 in using

if 'Usage' in line:

Now, on my Mac it seems mdb-export creates a localized manual when calling the process, making the check for 'Usage' useless. Changing it to 'Anwendungsoptionen' fixed the problem for me.

$ mdb-export
Wrong number of arguments.

  mdb-export [OPTION …] <file> <table> - export data from MDB file

  -h, --help                        Hilfeoptionen anzeigen

  -H, --no-header                   Suppress header row.
  -d, --delimiter=char              Specify an alternative column delimiter. Default is comma.
  -R, --row-delimiter=char          Specify a row delimiter
  -Q, --no-quote                    Don't wrap text-like fields in quotes.
  -q, --quote=char                  Use <char> to wrap text-like fields. Default is double quote.
  -X, --escape=format               Use <char> to escape quoted characters within a field. Default is doubling.
  -e, --escape-invisible            Use C-style escaping for return (\r), tab (\t), line-feed (\n), and back-slash (\\) characters. Default is to leave as they are.
  -I, --insert=backend              INSERT statements (instead of CSV)
  -N, --namespace=namespace         Prefix identifiers with namespace
  -S, --batch-size=int              Size of insert batches on supported platforms.
  -D, --date-format=format          Set the date format (see strftime(3) for details)
  -T, --datetime-format=format      Set the date/time format (see strftime(3) for details)
  -0, --null=char                   Use <char> to represent a NULL value
  -b, --bin=strip|raw|octal|hex     Binary export mode
  -B, --boolean-words               Use TRUE/FALSE in Boolean fields (default is 0/1)
  --version                         Show mdbtools version and exit

If desired I could prepare a PR, but I am still unsure which conditional would be best to use. Especially as I cannot test it on other platforms. Do you have an idea what would be best to use in this case? Any string from the above is somewhat error-prone. Maybe 'export data from MDB file'. Any other ideas?

System: Apple M1, macOS Monterey, QGIS 3.16.14-Hannover

What if we change it to one of the strings which can never change? I.e. "row-delimiter". Does that work for you?

That works for me. I will prepare a PR.

Fixed by 1489c4a