norcalli / snippets.nvim

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How can I add a value of placeholder as argument to function?

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I have this function to capitalize the first letter of a word:

function titleCase(first, rest)
   return first:upper()

And want to use this in my snippet:
Basically i want capitalize what I typed on first placeholder

  typescriptreact = {
    ["ush"] = [[
    const [${1}, ${=string.gsub($1, "(%a)([%w_']*)", titleCase)}] = useState(${3})

I'm very noob on lua so apologies if it's a dumb question, but I'm really struggle with this

Already solved! It was just lack of reading the documentation haha.


    ["ush"] = [[
const [${1}, ${1|string.format('set%s', S.v:sub(1, 1):upper()..S.v:sub(2))}] = useState(${3})$0