nooqta / laravel-kodyfire

A code generation tool to Laravel artisans using kodyfire-cli

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Version Documentation License: MIT

Generate Laravel models, migrations and more using Kodyfire.


laravel-kodyfire requires the kodyfire-cli to be installed

npm install -g kodyfire-cli


npm i laravel-kodyfire


Method 1: As a generator

In order to generate your artifacts, run the generate command. The syntax is kody generate|g [kody] [concept]. If you ommit kody and concept the assistant will prompt you to select them. As an example, run the following command from your terminal:

kody generate laravel model

or you can you the shorthand generation command

kody g laravel:model YourModelName

The shorthand will execute without prompting if no additional arguments are required

You can also create related artifacts by providing the --includes option with a list of comma seperated artifacts

kody g laravel:model YourModelName --includes migration,seeder,factory

In order to list available concepts, run the following command:

kody ls laravel

To list available templates run:

kody ls laravel -s templates

To use a different template run

kody g laravel:model YourModelName --overwrites template:templateName

When providing a template name ommit the prefix and extension part of the template name. For example if the template name is controller.api.php.template, You should overwrite the template as follow:

kody g laravel:controller YourControllerlName --overwrites template:api

--overwrites are the concept arguments. In order to list available arguments of all concepts run the following command:

kody ls laravel -s overwrites

Method 2: As an importer

You can use a source containing the definition of the artifacts you want to create at once. Available sources: yaml, plantuml(class diagram). As an example, A declaration for the yaml laravel source import file might look like the following

      name: string
      email: string nullable unique
      status: enum:active,inactive default:active
      password,phone,role: string nullable
      email_verified_at: timestamp nullable
    hidden: password
      belongsTo: Company

After adding your definitions, run the following command to import your assets.

kody import laravel migration,model -s import.yaml

Using your own templates

Since every project has its specificity, you can always overwrite the default templates provided by the package. In order to start using your own templates, you must publish the default templates into your root project under .kody/laravel-kodyfire. To do so run

kody publish laravel


kody publish laravel templateName

if you want to overwrite a single template

After updating the published template content. Test drive your template by running

kody g model yourModelName

Available concepts TODO

concept (default)

Generates a generic concept


Generates a model class


Generates a controller class


Generates a request class


Generates a resource class


Generates a collection class


Generates an event class


Generates a listener class


Generates a subscriber class


Generates a observer class


Generates a policy class


Generates a factory class


Generates a seeder class


Generates a test class


Generates a unit test class


Generates a middleware class


Generates a repository class

kody g laravel yourConcept
  • kody string - The name of the kody. Laravel in our case. You can also use the kody:concept syntax. You can have multiple kodies installed. To list your installed kodies within your project run kody list
  • concept string - The name of the concept you want to execute. if you've used the kody:concept syntax this argument will be considered the name argument and the command will not prompt you for additional arguments if there is no other required parameters. To list the concepts of your installed kody (laravel), run kody list laravel
  • name string - The name that will be used to generate your artifact.
  • -i,--include <includes> Comma separated list of concepts to include. (e.g. -i concept1,concept2). To list available concepts use the list command (e.g. kody list kodyname)
  • -o,--overwrites <overwrites> Overwrite some default schema like the template name you want to use
  • -m,--multiple Generate multiple artifacts
  • -p,--persist Persist the generated artifact
  • -h, --help Display help for command

πŸ“… Future Features

  • Incorporate Laravel default stubs as base templates
  • Generate migration: allow adding fields and relations
  • Import and generate models from a plantuml class diagram


Anis Marrouchi

🀝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check issues page.

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πŸ“ License

Copyright Β© 2022 Anis Marrouchi.

This project is MIT licensed.

This README was generated with ❀️ by readme-kodyfire


A code generation tool to Laravel artisans using kodyfire-cli

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%