noobpk / frida-intercept-encrypted-api

A tool to help you intercept encrypted APIs in iOS or Android apps

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

nest __NSDictionaryI type how to modify?

WULINPIN opened this issue · comments

my request args[2] is:

`369466 ms -[EMASNetworkEncryptionDefault responseObject]
p1 is:

rspData =
code = 0,
success = 1,
hardId = OahpvhiXrSqnShf5Sdm3uaCG6sp7auKX7QMwzIbF66fNTgl1Hs5OcdIt2u8pVCac,
hitPolicy = ,
riskLevel = ACCEPT,
action = normal
rspHead =
finalStep = ,
bizNm = ,
add = w8x/4xpf4duTRs8q6TNCw7dyslXefY95rbVtLH3HV3N2VLEJ990OP0CF01mr6dRsO+ARLlOIarnxBpqE3qMLYoWatWDXMVkbIYOrq4CurwgCFXl7/vcxsg+LOly3Mpl0rha35YBwYDhJfC0Kw0LB6Q==,
mktDetails = ,
serviceNm = ,
serviceId = ,
orignRspCd = ,
faceVerificationByRiskCheck = ,
addition = ,
bizId = ,
rspCd = S000A000,
errorId = ,
expSrcId = ,
orignMsg = ,
msg = 交易处理成功,
expSrcNm = ,
decode =

type: __NSDictionaryI
and i use ios_hander.js alaways crash app