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Migration to webargs

vovanbo opened this issue · comments

What you think about migration from reqparser to webargs? Flask-RESTful will be ready soon to rip out their reqparser and marshalling (see flask-restful/flask-restful#335).

Does it make sense?

Yes it makes sense.

I'll be waiting for upstream work to advance and be merged.

Maybe I should open a webargs branch to prepare the migration and stay close to the upstream work in progress.

I will probably add support for Webargs soon !

The referenced flask-restful ticket also proposes to use marshmallow, does it not? As far as I've read the docs, marshmallow has many more features than webargs (besides retrieving data from several locations on the request) and looks more promising. Or did I accidentally miss something?

Yes, in fact I/we can do both.

I'm thinking about dropping flask-restful.
It was a very good base to start, but now, it may be easier for me to only copy the code I'm depending on.
The hook and monkey-patch approach has some limits and introduce some complexity.

Dropping flask-restful doesn't mean API breakage, because I will still have to support their request parser, but it means I can let people choose their request parser (Webargs, Marshmallow...)

I'm very open to discussion, feedback or any advice on this topic.

To clarify: webargs is used for declaratively defining request arguments (e.g. query params, JSON body) and marshmallow is used for deserialization and serialization. webargs knows how to pull values from a framework's request objects; marshmallow does not. While there is some overlap in their functionality (both can do validation), they are meant to be used together.

+1 to the direction @noirbizarre is proposing. I've done very early work on a pluggable API doc generator (marshmallow-code/apispec#1). Would be open to collaborating.

I would like to add here that webargs moved on using marshmallow fields under the hood (marshmallow-code/webargs#61).

I have also successfuly patched Flask-RESTplus to handle marshmallow schemas and webargs parameters (using flask-marshmallow, webargs, and apispec modules together). I may try to make a PR, but I'm not sure whether it should be done before Flask-RESTplus drops Flask-RESTful dependency.

Currently, my API looks like this:

@errors.DefaultHTTPError(code=422, description="Arguments are invalid")
class Users(Resource):
    Manipulations with users.

    def get(self, args):
        List of users.

        Returns a list of users starting from ``offset`` limited by ``limit``
        return User.query.all()[args.offset: args.offset + args.limit]

Instead of

        401: ("Auth error", AUTH_HTTP_ERROR_MODEL),
        400: ("Arguments are invalid", INVALID_ARGS_HTTP_ERROR_MODEL),
class Users(Resource):
    Manipulations with users.

    def get(self):
        List of users.

        Returns a list of users starting from ``offset`` limited by ``limit``
        args = pagination_arguments_parser.parse()
        return User.query.all()[args.offset: args.offset + args.limit]

For me, the code became cleaner and also things like AUTH_HTTP_ERROR_MODEL and pagination_arguments_parser became classes, so it will be easier to maintain them.

Hum, I'm really interested in.
I suggest you wait for flask-restful removal.
There might be an adaptter pattern to keep the legacy flask-restful request parser in the hood but allowing to provide different adapter for different frameworks, Marshmallow being one of them.

Until then don't hesitate to publish the code somewhere, it can be a good source of inspiration.

@noirbizarre Here is my RESTful API example server using Flask-RESTplus with marshmallow, webargs, and JSON Editor and Password Flow patches to Swagger-UI:

Notice that I have patched Flask-RESTplus right there (find flask_restplus_patched folder).

It still requires some polishing, so I will notify you once I am completely satisfied with its design. Actually, there is only one thing that is bothering me: I don't like that Schema (in flask_restplus_patched/, Parameters (in flask_restplus_patched/, and Permission (in app/users/ handle api instance inside, it has to be done either by api instance call (like it is for parser - @api.doc(parser=parser_instance)), or something else (because I don't see a way api instance can handle Permission instance if it is not supported directly).

Thansk @frol for the sample project.

I will take a closer look for the 0.9 release.

@noirbizarre My example matured and it is close to the final state. Flask-RESTplus patches (in flask_restplus_patched folder) are not going to change, though. I just want to tune permission for the example, and I also want to add tests (I couldn't really write them before I finally decide on the interfaces, but tests must be in the example to make it complete).

@noirbizarre I have upgraded my Flask-RESTplus-Server-Example to align it with Flask-RESTplus 0.9 release (though, #139 merge is required). Please, take a look into flask_restplus_patched folder, and particularly, into and Overall, my patchset is quite small. Besides webargs ( it adds support for marshmallow models (, and defines DefaultHTTPErrorSchema which is automatically applied to api.response() decorated methods by default.

Watching this thread with great interest, @frol and @noirbizarre . Thanks so much for both of your efforts, and a definite +1 for a pull of the flask_restplus_patched patch set into flask_restplus.

@thclark Thanks for your interest. Since the most refactoring is done (flask-restless got partially integrated inside flask-restplus), I will try to prepare several pull requests merging my "fork" into flask-restplus. I expect the following features will be added separately:

I have cut several corners while writing my patchset since for the sake of simplicity, I made an assumption that only Marshmallow schemas and Webargs will be used. Thus, it will require some amount of work to integrate my patches back to general implementation. You are welcome to make those pull-requests to Flask-RESTplus project porting them from my patchset or writing your own since I don't know when I will have enough time to work on this.

By the way, I am not sure where the line should be drawn for Flask-RESTplus, so in my example, I have implemented users, authentication, and authorization on an application level.

@frol Thank you. I'm just now learning python / flask after many years with MATLAB, FORTRAN and C so some of these issues are a bit outside my comfort zone at the moment. Nevertheless, I'll clone flask-restplus and see if I can implement any of those features reasonably elegantly and without breaking things. If I get comfortable with it I'll make a PR and make a note of it here.

I think you drew the line correctly re. users, authentication and authorisation - it doesn't really seem like the central goal of Flask-Restplus. Additionally (admittedly unusually) I'm implementing a customised unix-style permissioning system which could turn into a headache if I tried to shoehorn it into a pre-set framework. I think your example is a good enough guideline for how to do it quite compactly.

@thclark I'm not sure what problem you want to solve with "unix-style permissioning system", but I encourage you to look at this great project: (while the documentation has enough examples, you can also take a look at my example server, where I implement roles and "mixin" permissions).

Thanks @frol, very helpful. I'll take a look.

Has the integration with webargs moved forward at all recently? I saw the demo from @frol that seems to work. I'm not sure if that base could be used as a PR or not. Thanks.

I would be interested to know if the above example by @frol will work will latest release of flask-restplus?

@sohaibfarooqi My example server works with the latest Flask-RESTplus just fine. I have been using it as a bootstrap for my production projects for almost a year now.

@frol flask_restplus_patched version? One with marshmallow

@sohaibfarooqi I didn't understand your question. Rephrase it, please. The flask_restplus_patched doesn't have any versioning, but it works just fine with the latest and recent Flask-RESTplus releases.

This repo have different code in app/ and flask_restplus_patched/. So args parsing with webargs/marshmallow is done in app/?

flask_restplus_patched/ contains a collection of wrappers for marshmallow, webargs, and apispec extending Flask-RESTplus helpers. app/ implements the demo server defining schemas, parameters, and resources.

Ohhh right.!
Thanks @frol for this great sample. :)

Any progress on this? Would still love to see the patches integrated into restplus. :)


No progress from me, sorry. I am still extending my example server (rarely touching the Flask-RESTplus wrapper helpers, though), and I use it for a bigger project of my own, where it works well, so since everything is fine for me, I cannot allocate any more time to move my helpers to the upstream (as I have mentioned, it will require quite a bit of work to ensure that the existing schemas don't break).

I have several options for those who are really interested in this topic:

  • Just copy my helpers to your project and use them (easy and straightforward, but not as clean as it ideally should be, and theoretically, there might be some bugs, though, I use it extensively and none showed up yet)
  • Try to integrate my helpers into Flask-RESTplus
  • Look at flask-apispec, which supports exactly what you want: webargs, marshmallow, and swagger. (it might be not as robust as Flask-RESTplus, but I would give it a try if I could find it before I dived into Flask-RESTplus)

Our project uses Marshmallow to define the models, so this integration is a key feature for us.

I checked flask-apispec a while ago. It didn't have all the features we required, and it didn't seem to show much [re|]activity. I wasn't comfortable with it because I found it hard understanding the code, so I couldn't modify it to fit my needs (doesn't mean it is that twisted, could be me being noobish on that one).

We ended up crafting an equivalent of our own: flask-rest-api. It is inspired by flask-restplus and flask-apispec and relies on apispec and webargs. It also deals with etag and pagination. There is no docs yet and the direct test coverage is poor, although it is tested through our project. Needless to say it is by no means stable, as we introduce breaking changes as we go. There are also a few issues in the generated docs.

AFAIK, flask-restplus is the most stable and featured alternative. I'd probably be using it if our project was not so Marshmallow-based.

Apparently, there's been a little activity on flask-apispec, lately...

Same issue here. flask-apispec is not active. And notes explicitly states that project is not stable.
@lafrech is there any documentation for flask-rest-api? is it stable and are you planning to support it for long time?


notes explicitly states that project is not stable.

I think what it means is that new releases might introduce breaking changes. It is probably reliable in its current state if it does what you need.


is there any documentation for flask-rest-api? is it stable


There is no docs yet and the direct test coverage is poor, although it is tested through our project. Needless to say it is by no means stable, as we introduce breaking changes as we go.

flask-rest-api is less mature. Don't use it if you want something that works out of the box. For now we don't "support" it, we're building it as we build our application, and we expect to be using it on several long term projects. Communicating about it might be a little early. My point was to provide feedback about the solutions I tested and how I ended up starting a new project. Publishing it makes it easier to discuss specific parts or backup discussions about the libs we use. And we appreciate feedback. Plus we get CI for free.

Is there a detailed plan and due date for this feature?

@frol could you give us some "tips" on where would we have to start in order to integrate your helpers to flask restplus?

@noirbizarre are you still open to PRs? is the project still "live" ?

Im asking because im trying to choose flask extensions for an upcming project for uni, and so far restplus is winning. But i would also liketo be able to "give something baack", so this is ideal.

Thanks in advanced!!

@ramarivera I still use my flask-restplus-server-example project as a bootstrap for new API servers I implement, and it works great for me... I wish I have time to port all the patches back to flask-restplus upstream.

@frol i'm sorry, when i said to integrate into flask restplus i meant into the upstream (my bad u.u)


@ramarivera Well, you may simply go and replace the methods in the upstream with the methods from my patchset (just keep in mind the super usage, which will essentially mean to merge both implementations in a single method). Such simple approach will result in that you will be able to use webargs and marshmallow right away, but the problem, which stops me from working on the PRs, is that other ways of defining parameters and models supported by flask-restplus will be broken. That is OK for my use since I don't want those alternative ways, but that will break backward compatibility of the project, which is bad.

@frol Have you reached out to @noirbizarre -- Perhaps consider becoming an owner on the project?

@jbrownsc I haven't tried to reach out @noirbizarre because I don't see any point in that. He is aware of my example with patches, but I assume, he is quite busy just as myself to work on this. Thank you for your support, but I don't want to become an owner/maintainer as I have too many things to maintain already. I must admit that getting my patches around from project to project is tedious (I have already built 4 production-ready projects based on the example), so I consider to finally work on making PRs to flask-restplus.

Also, @khorolets and I learned that there is still quite a bit of code duplication and boilerplate for a new module. @khorolets has been experimenting with "generics" approach based on my example, so we keep improving the example and the patchset.

@frol any word on getting your example changes merged into the project? this is exactly what my team and I are looking for 😍 , prevents us from having to duplicate defining Schemas and api.model responses.

@joeyorlando Sorry for this lack of progress, but I have been super-busy, and to be honest, the idea of ensuring that I don't break others code doesn't make me exciting. I have brought some patches to the upstream, but the main patchset still remains as a set of patches. I hope I will be able to sort this out by the mid of January, but I cannot promise.

Also, I want to highlight that there is an interesting project emerged, called apistar, which exploits Python 3 typing annotations as validation and serialization information. Though, beware that its support for spec generation is weak (they support OpenAPI / Swagger, RAML, and CoreAPI), and its development is on pause. I still find my own implementation to be the most stable and robust to the "real-world" tasks, but I keep exploring what it is available out there.

thanks @frol for referencing apistar, looks neat will definitely have to check it out! I may just stick with your patched version for now, more suits my needs. On this note though, I'm having to implement the Namespace.expect method to allow passing in marshmallow.Schema objects (as opposed to Namespace.model objects, any idea how this might look?

@joeyorlando I am not sure if I understood you correctly, but have you looked at Namespace.parameters implementation in my API server example?

@frol I see what you're referring to now 👍 just what I needed. Sorry to be a pain but last question I had was referring to changing the structure/default HTTP status code when there are validation errors. By default it seems that you have it set to 422 HTTP code and the following JSON object:

  "messages": { // stuff inside here is from my Schema validators
    "email": [
      "Not a valid email address."
    "user_role": [
      "User role specified by UUID string does not exist"

Ideally I'd like to change it to a 400 HTTP code and a different object structure but can't find where in your patched library this is happening 🤔 , figured it would be where <my_schema_class>.load() is being called, but don't see any references to .load(). Is this something happening internally in the webargs.flaskparser library?

@joeyorlando Let's stop hijacking this thread. Please, move your questions to the issue tracker on my example, and let's deal with them there.


I am about to tackle a SQLAlchemy + Marshmallow + flask-restplus automated REST schema generation thing…
Before I dive in, I was wondering what might be the status of a possible PR for this feature?

@zedrdave I have mostly switched from REST to Thrift and from Python to Rust, so I have lost much of my initial interest in this topic. Thus, I don't believe I will ever bring my patches to the upstream, yet feel free to use them if you find any value in them (they seem to be stable and minimal enough).

Disclaimer: this might seem open source "self-promotion", but I think it might be useful for some of you:

After not very successfully trying to use Flask-rest, Flask-restplus, and Django-rest for APIs, and after seeing several comments and activity in issues in several projects (especially from @frol , so thanks for all your activity, it helped a lot) I'm very happily using a combination of:

  • Flask-apispec
  • Webargs
  • Marshmallow
  • other stuff...

It all combined creates a Swagger endpoint, so now my APIs have automatic interactive documentation. It can parse and validate even subtrees of args, report errors automatically, etc.

If you want to try the recipe, I created a project generator here:

+1 for the marshmallow stack (webargs, apispec) which provides a sane base to build upon.

Self-promotion disclaimer here as well: As I said in a comment above, we had difficulties with flask-apispec, and we ended up building our own wrapper around the marshmallow libs: flask-rest-api. A year has passed and it is now much more mature, with full test coverage, clearer code, PyPI releases. It still lacks docs but there are examples in the tests. However, it is far from being as stable and featured as flask-restplus.

If you search the Internet, you'll find loads of "flask + whatever" REST libs, each with its own features and shortcomings. A part of them are meant to interact only with SQLAlchemy.


@tiangolo @lafrech: thanks for the suggestions! No worries about the self-promotion (I wasn't aware of these two projects, and it's nice to know about these alternatives)… However, our current project is well under way with flask-restplus, which means we are more interested in a solution based on that. Especially since the patched version made by @frol seems to work fine.

Out of curiosity, how would you summarise the differences in features and useability between your libs and @frol's patched version of Flask-restplus?

@frol: no worries, I understand. From looking at your patched files, this is indeed a fairly small amount of code, especially if we set aside the Python 3/HTTP code part for now. I could potentially try my hand at a straightforward PR that just replaces/merges existing functions with the ones you wrote… Would you foresee any issue with that?

@noirbizarre: would you have any interest in such a PR? Would you rather look at it yourself?

especially if we set aside the Python 3/HTTP code

@zedrdave That part is already in the upstream (#303), yet there is no release on PyPi since a year ago, so I cannot drop that from my patchset just yet.

I could potentially try my hand at a straightforward PR that just replaces/merges existing functions with the ones you wrote… Would you foresee any issue with that?

The problems may show up if users of the library (i.e. developers, not the end-users) mix up Marshmallow schemas / parameters with Flask-RESTplus built-in schemas / parameters on a single end-point. This compatibility issue and proper testing were the show-stoppers for me to work on the PR, as I didn't use the built-in schemas / parameters. Other than that, everything should go smoothly.


The problems may show up if users of the library (i.e. developers, not the end-users) mix up Marshmallow schemas / parameters with Flask-RESTplus built-in schemas / parameters on a single end-point.

Gotcha. Maybe for now, a simple and safe solution, would be a config setting that only lets devs use built-in schemas or Marshmallow schemas (but not mix them) and set to built-in by default…

From what I understand, most of the difficulties come from the retro-compatibility of the code.

What about a major version that would drop compatibility and rely solely on the marshmallow stack?

From an API developer perspective, this would mean rewrite all the view decorations, but in a more or less find and replace fashion. Of course, difficulties arise if the dev tweaked the reqparser and marshalling codes to suit specific needs : custom fields, etc. This issue is the right place for current users to comment about this.

@zedrdave I didn't actually try @frol's patched version for real (but I trust him it works !). I can't comment about usability compared to our own lib. We have features related to pagination and ETag that we had to put in the lib because they are quite entangled with the parsing/marshalling operations. I wonder how to manage pagination the same way with other libs, including flask-restplus. I've been searching and didn't find any clue. Maybe it's just poor design on my side. If flask-restplus was ported to marshmallow, I could reinvestigate that. I don't know all the features in flask-restplus, but there are at least two I can think of that we (and flask-apispec) don't have: fields masks and postman export.

Also we're using redoc as it was easier to integrate than swagger-ui, but swagger-ui has changed now and can be integrated pretty easily as well so we could easily propose both. Redoc is nice, though, and could be considered here as an option.

@zedrdave Here's what I've found. At least what I understand. I might be wrong.

Django-rest came first, custom/integrated schemas, arg parsing, UI interface, etc. Class-based endpoint handling. All integrated with Django, and all that that means, like:

  • you are tied to a relational database
  • if you use Celery and want to use the DB models, you have to install the full stack everywhere, you couldn't very easily install and use just SQLAlchemy without the full Django stack
  • You define routes with regex in a specific location separated from the actual endpoints (although I understand that changed in the latest Django)

Flask-RESTful came afterwards, to be a sort-of Flask copy of Django-rest, working very similarly. It is probably the most popular in GitHub stars because it came first. But as far as I could investigate, its development kind of stagnated. Custom/integrated schemas, arg parsing, UI interface, etc. Class-based endpoint handling, etc.

Flask-RESTplus started as a fork of Flask-RESTful, to keep improving on what was there. Custom/integrated schemas, arg parsing, but exposing a Swagger endpoint, so it can use better UI (Swagger UI) and integration with other things.

Flask-apispec, which is what I'm using, is maintained by the same guys of Webargs and Marshmallow, @jmcarp and @sloria . In my opinion, it is probably the most under-rated Flask plug-in and one of the best (with Webargs and Marshmallow). I think it deserves way more attention than it has, certainly more than my own open source Flask projects. It does something very simple, it just ties Webargs and Marshmallow with the Flask routes internally using Apispec, generating the swagger endpoint (live docs) automatically. I think it works wonderfully. The problem is maybe that the docs are not as complete as all the alternatives. But most of the docs you really need are actually from Webargs and Marshmallow. You can use simple Flask routes or class-based routes.

Because it uses Webargs:

  • You get to parse even nested arguments, you could specify that a deeply nested field in a JSON document should have a specific value, is required etc, and it will just work.

You can specify that a JSON field people should be a list of dicts with names in which the last_name is required. Something like:

  "people": [
    {"first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe"},
    {"first_name": "Johny", "last_name": "Doey"}
  • You get your arg parsed and converted or the client user gets a very specific error telling him exactly where is his error. And it's all documented and with an automatic UI that documents the API and let's you explore it with Swagger UI.

Because it uses Marshmallow:

You can declare models that can reference each other (for example if you use a relational DB) and you can specify that the response should contain only some fields, and should contain only up to some level of nested objects, but without some fields, etc. And again, it gets auto documented in the Swagger endpoint that you can explore with Swagger UI or anything compatible. Right now I don't remember the specific advantages of Marshmallow vs custom serializers, but I remember it is quite more powerful, I think that the nesting of models is not very easy to do with custom serializers.

About my project generator, it just generates the very simple basic code to get up and running with Flask-apispec, with Webargs, Marshmallow, authentication with JWT tokens, SQLAlchemy models with migrations, but not using Flask-SQLAlchemy to be able to switch easily and/or use the same models in Celery workers (For example, I have some projects where I modified those bits to use CouchDB and some with ElasticSearch).

It also generates code to start working with Celery workers connected to the same app, simplified API testing with pytest, everything tied together with Docker, with easy local development and deployment with Docker Swarm mode, CI ready, with the base to create a frontend container where you can build an Angular/React/whateverjs front end app, that shares the same URL as your Flask API, handled by Traefik proxy with automatic HTTPS certificates generation.

If you have a public Linux server you can get it up and running, starting from scratch, with about 5 commands. Install Docker, generate the project, create the first migration, deploy. And there you can test it and discard it right away if you want.

BTW, with the way paths are handled by Traefik, you could have your standard API in one endpoint (say and some parts, or a new API in other endpoint (say, being it with Flask-apispec or whatever you decide to use.

I'm probably missing some stuff, but that's basically all my full-stack project does, it's sort of simple. It is NOT a new framework, just a starter project generator using the tools and setup I've found works best for me and my teams over time.

I just found out about flask-restplus-patched:

Extends Flask-RestPlus so it can handle Marshmallow schemas and Webargs arguments.

The code here is copied directly from the flask_restplus_patched directory in Flask-RestPlus Server Example. It's easier to use as a dependency in other projects, if it exists in its own repo and is available on PyPI, rather than needing to be copied manually from there.

BTW, the flask-rest-api lib we developed (see my comments above) is now much more stable and documented: