noeldelgado / gemini-scrollbar

:first_quarter_moon: Custom overlay-scrollbars with native scrolling mechanism for web applications

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conflict with scroll to top jquery code !

elostoraweb opened this issue · comments

thanks for a great work
gemini scrollbar has a conflict with scrollTop code , please see it here in jsfiddle


$(document).ready(function () {

$(window).scroll(function () {
    if ($(this).scrollTop() > 100) {
    } else {

$('#backtop').click(function () {
    $("html, body").animate({
        scrollTop: 0
    }, 600);
    return false;


the above code not work with gemini scrollbar
can you help me ?

Hi, can you update the demo to actually use gemini-scrollbar? That way I may be able to help you.

Hi , this is working demo
sorry can't update Jsfiddle with actually demo files , it's don't work there !

thanks alot :)

Hi @elostoraweb, here is the updated demo When using gemini-scrollbar, you should use the getViewElement method to actually interact with the scroller, I pointed it out on the readme, let me know if that wasn't clear, also, pls let me know if this works for you.

hi @noeldelgado
it's ok now 👍 Thank for clarification , you've solved the problem
Regards :)

Hi @noeldelgado
please , i used this code to make Bootstrap Navbar sticky when scrolling page .

<script> $('#nav').affix({ offset: { top: $('header').height() } }); </script>

i edit it with getViewElement to avoid conflict with gemini scrollbar ,but not work
can you merge it in your edited example above ?
thanks alot

Sorry, I don't understand, did you forget to save the latest changes on jsbin? I cannot see any sticky header on there.

@noeldelgado a waiting your reply

@noeldelgado thanks million 👍