nodists / nodist

Natural node.js and npm version manager for windows.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unhandled rejection error when setting npm latest

steve-nickerson opened this issue · comments

when trying to set npm version after declaring a node version, the below error is issued. if an npm version other than latest is requested, also shows an error but slightly different.

Result is that unless you already have the node or npm version you need, it is unusable.

$ nodist npm latest
npm latest
Unhandled rejection {"message":"Must specify access token via Authorization head
$ nodist npm 6.9.0
npm 6.9.0
{"message":"Must specify access token via Authorization header.

Windows: 10 Pro
any shell, bash, powershell
admin privs turned on for good measure
any other env details, happy to provide.

We're experiencing this issue too.

I see a PR for the above that appears to fix the problem. The last release tag I see is from 2019. Is this repo actively managed? What is the process to get it merged/approved and a new release tagged?

any update on this?

try nodist npm match

Should be fixed in v.10.3