nodiscc / hecat

Generic automation tool around data stored as plaintext YAML files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

processors/url_check: exclude_regex does not work when multiple regexes are configured

nodiscc opened this issue · comments

        - '^[\w\.\-]+/[\w\.\-]+$' # don't check URLs that will be processed by the github_metadata module
        - '^$' # DDoS protection page, always returns 403
        - '^$' # always returns 403 Request forbidden by administrative rules
        - '^$' # DDoS protection page, always returns 403
        - '^$' # DDoS protection page, always returns 403
        - '^$' # DDoS protection page, always returns 403
        - '^$' # the demo instance takes a long time to spin up, times out with the default 10s timeout
        - '^$' # hecat/python-requests bug? 'Received response with content-encoding: gzip,br, but failed to decode it.' HTTP 200
^ this URL should be ignored