nodemcu / nodemcu-flasher

A firmware Flash tool for nodemcu

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Issues in flashing firmware

Maazyounis opened this issue · comments

Hi guys, I am having a problem with flashing the firmware in ESP8266. I am using NODEMCU FIRMWARE PROGRAMMER. GPIO0 -> LOW when I upload the firmware. I have done this couple of times but from past few days I am unable to flash the firmware. I get the this message at serial monitor if I restart the chip

"ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(5,7)

waiting for host"

I have tried different ESP8266 but they all are behaving in the same manner. Actually ESP8266 doesn't connects to flasher. USB to Serial converter blink while flashing but nothing happens. ESP8266 does connects when I do the following while flashing


By doing this flasher shows the successful firmware ( .bin file ) upload sign but when I try to upload the code from ESPlorer to ESP8266 I get this message

PORT OPEN 230400

Communication with MCU..................................Got answer! AutoDetect firmware...

Can't autodetect firmware, because proper answer not received."

Can anyone please help me out or identify that the mistake.

I have the same issue. Even tried to bruteforce com port bitrate.