nodemcu / nodemcu-firmware

Lua based interactive firmware for ESP8266, ESP8285 and ESP32

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node.LFS.reload() LFS Image too big for configured LFS region

ENC-Automation opened this issue · comments

Expected behavior

Reload LFS with the flash image provided.

Actual behavior

LFS Image too big for configured LFS region.

LFS: 0x16000 bytes (90112 bytes) total capacity
Image file size is 54927 bytes
54927 bytes should fit into 90112 bytes

Test code

> LFS Image too big for configured LFS region
print("The LFS size is "..node.getpartitiontable().lfs_size)
> The LFS size is 90112
print("Image file size is "..file.stat("lfs.img").size)
> Image file size is 54927
print("Flash size is "..node.flashsize())
> Flash size is 4194304

  local s,p={},node.getpartitiontable()
  for _,k in ipairs{'lfs_addr','lfs_size','spiffs_addr','spiffs_size'} do
    s[#s+1] ='%s = 0x%06x' % {k, p[k]}
  print ('{ %s }' % table.concat(s,', '))

> { lfs_addr = 0x07c000, lfs_size = 0x016000, spiffs_addr = 0x092000, spiffs_size = 0x36b000 }

NodeMCU startup banner

NodeMCU built on provided by
branch: release
commit: f25dc56
release DTS: 202112300746
SSL: false
build type: float
LFS: 0x15000 bytes total capacity
modules: adc,dht,encoder,file,gpio,i2c,mqtt,net,node,rtctime,sntp,tmr,u8g2,uart,wifi
build 2022-06-04 00:47 powered by Lua 5.1.4 on SDK 3.0.1-dev(fce080e)


Nodemcu Amica (ESP-12F) Silicon Labs CP2102

Image files are compressed, so the file size does not represent the needed flash size.
luac.cross has a switch however that allows to give the maximum flash size for your needs. If the size exceeds the given site it will error out.

Just noticed, that the switch only works for the Lua 5.1 version but that seems to be what you are using.

Use -m to limit the size of the generated image.

Thank you HHHartman,

Sorry about my english.

Total *.lua applications files: 78Kb

Using -m luac.cross switch to limit size:

luac.cross -o lfs.img -m 98304 -f *.lua
luac.cross: The image is too large for specfied LFS size
luac.cross -o lfs.img -m 131072 -f *.lua
luac.cross: The image is too large for specfied LFS size
luac.cross -o lfs.img -m 151552 -f *.lua (148Kb)
Ok. lfs.img file size is 59929 bytes.

It was necessary to set a size 2 times larger to generate the image.
So the LFS region had to be configured to be 2 times larger in order to work.
So Lua applications with up to 256Kb are not possible. At most something around 128Kb i believe.
Is there any future possibility to increase this "256Kb" of Lua applications?"
Thanks again for your time, dedication and work done.

again, the img file is compressed. The actual lfs image which is written to flash is then decompressed and thus matches the value given for the -m switch and the lfs region.

Okay, HHHartmann, thanks again.

After testing, I came to the following conclusion:

Setting the maximum LFS region to: LFS: 0x40000 bytes total capacity (256Kbytes)
Maximum Lua applications will be 128Kbytes. (After code editor, Before compilation with luac.cross)
luac.cross -m switch it's irrelevant.
Therefore, the documentation should include:

LFS support
...This now enables NodeMCU developers to create Lua applications with up to 128Kb (Not 256Kb) Lua code and read-only constants executing out of flash. All of the RAM is available for read-write data!

Finally, I would like to thank all the developers and contributors of nodemcu-firmware which is of great value to me.