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rtctime.dsleep fails with integer argument on Lua 5.3 build

lsborg opened this issue · comments

Expected behavior

rtctime.dsleep(2808000000) should put microcontroller to sleep

Actual behavior

Lua error: stdin:1: bad argument #1 to 'dsleep' (number has no integer representation)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'rtctime.dsleep'
stdin:1: in main chunk
[C]: in ?
[C]: in ?

Test code

Provide a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example which will reproduce the problem.


NodeMCU startup banner

NodeMCU built with Docker provided by
branch: release
commit: d4ae3c3
release: 3.0.0-release_20210201 +1
release DTS: 202105102018
SSL: false
build type: float
LFS: 0x10000 bytes total capacity
modules: adc,encoder,file,gpio,http,net,node,rtctime,sjson,sntp,tmr,uart,wifi
build 2021-08-01 02:08 powered by Lua 5.3.5 on SDK 3.0.1-dev(fce080e)


Nodemcu ESP8266


node.dsleep(2808000000) works fine.

rtctime.dsleep() uses integer internally: Hence, the maximum is 4294967295 as documented:
node.dsleep() on the other hand uses long (64bit) internally: See the note about the maximum in the docs:

However, as your 2808000000 value is below the 4294967295 maximum I don't understand what's going on here.

Thanks for your answer @marcelstoer

New info, it works with lua 5.1

NodeMCU startup banner

NodeMCU built with Docker provided by
branch: release
commit: d4ae3c3
release: 3.0.0-release_20210201 +1
release DTS: 202105102018
SSL: false
build type: float
LFS: 0x10000 bytes total capacity
modules: adc,encoder,file,gpio,http,net,node,rtctime,sjson,sntp,tmr,uart,wifi
build 2021-08-01 23:28 powered by Lua 5.1.4 on SDK 3.0.1-dev(fce080e)

@jmattsson is there a good reason rtctime.dsleep should not be modeled after what we have in node.dsleep (using uint64 us;)?

if ( lua_isnumber(L, 1) )
#if LUA_VERSION_NUM == 501
us = luaL_checknumber(L, 1);
#else /* 503 */
us = lua_isinteger(L, 1) ? lua_tounsigned(L, 1) : (uint64) lua_tonumber(L, 1);
luaL_argcheck(L, 1, us < 36000000000ull, "invalid time value" );

IIRC (and it's been years since I worked in this area), the sleep time limitation came from the 32bit registers used to configure the chip for wakeup.

Oh, true, it even says so in the rtcmem docs. What could be the reason 2808000000 works with Lua 5.1 but not with Lua 5.3?

Based on that error message, it looks to me like either lua_tounsigned() is still trying to fit it into a signed 32bit integer (max value 2147483648), or the lua_isinteger() is the one doing it. Is there a lua_isunsigned() in Lua 5.3?