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enduser_setup module fails for open wifi networks

blobule opened this issue · comments

Expected behavior

Using enduser_setup, selecting an open network (one without password) is expected to work, but results in 400 bad request error instead.

Actual behavior

Selecting an open network result in a 400 bad request error.
This is due to the fact that the enduser_setup.html page will explicitly disable the password field for open networks. This results in a form that is submitted without the wifi_password field, which is expected to always be there in enduser_setup.c, in function enduser_setup_http_handle_credentials(), line 837:

if (name_str == NULL || pwd_str == NULL)
    ENDUSER_SETUP_DEBUG("Password or SSID string not found");
    return 1;

This "return 1" results in function enduser_setup_handle_POST replying a 400 bad request response.

All that is needed is to remove pwd_str==NULL from the test, and create an empty string instead when pwd_str is NULL.

Test code

Setup a wifi network without password, then do as in the documentation:


Select the network in the browser page. Notice that the submitted request has no wifi_password field. Error 400 will follow.

I don't have a working copy of nodemcu myself, so I cant submit a pull request. I hope someone can just fix this directly, as this is a simple bug.

NodeMCU startup banner

NodeMCU built on provided by
	branch: release
	commit: 4f6792773f93f36a7255cfd28dca7aa6c4aa9552
	release: 3.0-release_20201107
	release DTS: 202011071523
	SSL: false
	build type: float
	LFS: 0x0 bytes total capacity
	modules: adc,bit,encoder,enduser_setup,file,gpio,i2c,mdns,mqtt,net,node,rtcmem,rtctime,sntp,tmr,uart,wifi
 build 2021-01-03 22:57 powered by Lua 5.1.4 on SDK 3.0.1-dev(fce080e)


Esp8266 on a wemos d1 pro. Not very relevant for this bug...

Maybe it would be better to change enduser_setup.html to not disable but to hide the password field. Meaning to have a hidden input field


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