nodemcu / nodemcu-firmware

Lua based interactive firmware for ESP8266, ESP8285 and ESP32

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_init.lua should not use node.flashindex anymore as it is deprecated

HHHartmann opened this issue · comments

Expected behavior

don't use node.flashindex as it is deprecated

Maybe even deprecate the LFS stuff in there as we now have node.LFS.
Just leave in the loader configuration and loadfile/dofile.

Test code

see lua_examples/lfs/_init.lua

NodeMCU startup banner

branch: tmr.softwd
commit: c4baa9f
release: 3.0-master_20200910 +39
release DTS:
SSL: false
build type: float
LFS: 0x40000 bytes total capacity
modules: adc,bit,color_utils,crypto,dht,encoder,enduser_setup,file,gpio,gpio_pulse,http,i2c,l3g4200d,mdns,net,node,ow,pipe,pwm,rtcfifo,rtcmem,rtctime,sjson,sntp,spi,struct,tls,tmr,uart,wifi,wifi_monitor,ws2812,ws2812_effects
build 2020-11-09 20:08 powered by Lua 5.1.4 on SDK 3.0.1-dev(fce080e)


generic ESP8266


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Still to be done