nodemcu / nodemcu-devkit-v1.0

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Eagle library for Nodemcu Lolin V3

irwanayeah opened this issue · comments


Hello gentleman,
I would like to use Nodemcu Lolin V3 as a part in my PCB layout. But I can't find any library for Eagle. Is there any existing one? Or does anybody plan to create one?

me too! still nothing... nowhere...

@irwanayeah @sturze Hello, Lolin V3 is not official board, the official latest board is nodemcu-devkit-v1.0
And, we don't authorization Lolin V3 use the name Nodemcu. Maybe you got a "fake" one that not opensource.

See also #8

Eltronas I thing your package is wrong, Its weight is wrong or there are diferent sizes of the "same" board.

Eltronas, do you have any library for V2???

guardate questo che funziona

can you sent link again ? the link expired