openjs-foundation / summit

Organizing a Collaborator Summit

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Collaboration Summit at Node Interactive Austin

hackygolucky opened this issue · comments


Let's plan a Collaboration Summit!

Looking at how we can improve for November from the Amsterdam event. It would be great to do lots of outreach to the various working groups to make sure they know this is happening, that there's lots of space/time for working groups to discuss things, and that each one should represent!

Please edit these things! This is a draft.


Working groups in attendance

Things to cover:

  • Make plan for contributor meeting
  • Share sign up schedule for people to sign up tomorrow
  • All presentations should be at the beginning
  • Unconf planning time to figure out who wants to work on what and then breakout

We'd love to know ahead who will be represented. Filing issues in this repo is helpful for discussion particular to a working group and how they'd like to manage their time. Linking to that here would be great! We'd like to be able to post times for this on the conf agenda so people are aware of when WG meet and can maybe get a break, if needed. We'll be looking at issues filed in this repo titled "Austin: working group something something" to add these below as well.

Day-of Agenda

Dec. 1, 2016
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Introduction and presentations pertinent to majority of audience
14:00 - 17:00 Working group breakouts

There are no signups for this day with room breakouts. Wander and find an open room after presentations occur.

Dec. 2, 2016
08:00-09:00 Breakfast
09:00-12:00 Collaborator gathering
12:00-13:00 Lunch break(is lunch provided?)
13:00-17:00 Working group breakouts
Sign up for breakout rooms HERE

AV Setup

  • Big projector/screen with HDMI(do we need something else?) and audio output
  • Microphone on podium
  • A wireless microphone to pass around
  • Power outlets for tables
  • WiFi

Space Setup(proposed due to venue space available)

The events team shared this image of what they thought should work for Code & Learn and Day one of the Collaboration Summit. They also asked if a crescent table setup would be more helpful, but my suggestion was that it is more important for attendees to be able to sit at tables with each other/mentors and get help for Code & Learn, so chairs on both sides isn't a bad thing because looking at the projector only happens towards the beginning. Does this sound right?

Day One Collaboration Summit:

Day Two Collaboration Summit:
There will be breakout spaces available after the general space meeting occurs(if that's still a thing). This map represents the general space meeting


A description of what Collaboration Summit will be a great way for us to spread the word so people will register and attend in Austin. Anyone who would like to attempt a bit of copy for this gets brownie points! PR and Marketing at the Node.js Foundation will happily share this and post the full agenda on the conference website

  • outreach to the various working groups to make sure they know this is happening, that there's lots of space/time for working groups to discuss things, and that each one should represent!
  • share on Twitter, GitHub, other social media

Logistics to prep

  • Figure out a way for any open spaces available for working groups to meet during the conf/collaboration summit to be schedulable online and in-person(large poster or whiteboard because things change last minute and not everyone likes looking at their phones)


  • Do we still want to call this Collaboration Summit? I think a slightly more atomic preliminary agenda(understanding the importance of some unconf-ing happening) helps communicate that portions of this program are contributors-only will be helpful, but is there another name that communicates this better?

UPDATE 11/16

  • 257 registrants. Attrition expected at %50, but we're needing to close registration now because we will run into space issues if more people show/signup.

UPDATE 11/30

To be sure, will this be open to all who'd like to attend, new collaborators too?

@joshgav That's how EU was and I haven't heard anyone say it would be different for NA.

Oy I just now spotted this. Sorry about that! This is looking great so far

On Wednesday, November 2, 2016, William Kapke

@joshgav That's how EU was and I haven't
heard anyone say it would be different for NA.

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Update on registration!
Currently, 257 folks have registered for Collaboration Summit. We're expecting ~%50 attrition if NI EU is a base to go from.


We will be updating this agenda with more atomic meetings for specific working groups the week of the event. We will paste a signup link for a spreadsheet in the description above on Monday, November 27.(we need to be onsite again to verify the spaces we have for breakout meetings)

Question about the schedule: is there anything planned for the morning of December 1st? I notice the first day starts at lunch time.

I'd like to see us spend a little time discussing the CTC/TSC merger during the general collaborator section. We've been discussing it in the TSC for a while, and @rvagg wrote a really good summary of where we are right now. tl;dr the next step is trying to formalize a list of concerns that are trying to be solved, something I think the summit format would be well suited for kickstarting.

is there anything planned for the morning of December 1st?

@nebrius There’s Code & Learn, which will ideally involve most of the collaborators who are there

@nebrius There’s Code & Learn, which will ideally involve most of the collaborators who are there

Ah that's right, thanks @addaleax!

I've added a session for the newly forming security WG.

Many of us may like to attend several of the sessions. Here's a proposed schedule based on the threads at the moment:

Group Time
VM Thursday 1pm
Diag Friday 9am
Security Friday 1pm (?)
Version Mgmt Thursday 12pm (?)