nodejs / http-parser

http request/response parser for c

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An http-parser update broke etherpad

rgarrigue opened this issue · comments


Hi there

We're running a SoftwareFactory, a packaging of OpenStack Zuul including an etherpad. On CentOS 7 64. A yum update this morning broke etherpad : we had empty reply from the NodeJS process itself. It did work without HTTP header (like using netcat only). Looking at the update log, we tried downgrading http-parser. Then etherpad service restart. It fixed the issue.

Here are the versions

CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (Core)
node: v8.9.4
etherpad: 1.7.5


The broken version : http-parser-2.7.1-8.el7_7.2.x86_64
The functional version after downgrade : http-parser-2.7.1-8.el7.x86_64

This is a duplicate of ether/etherpad-lite#3815

Could you provide a more complete bug report?

This doesn't have any reproduction information.

It also doesn't have any troubleshooting information. Is etherpad written in Node? What's the client? you ran netcat? What was its output?

Note that you are using an EOL node.js version, and a non-standard build (its not using the builtin http-parser), and an older release of http-parser.

this looks like a duplicate of #500 (it's pretty much a centos packaging issue)

I agree. I'm going to close this out as inactionable on multiple fronts (old node, old http-parser, in both cases not using an upstream version.)


Agreed. My problem was solved by the downgrade to begin with, I'm aware that I'm not running latest versions. Opening the issue was mostly about signaling it here and there for people search to hit some result. Sorry, I should have said this to begin with.