nodejs / http-parser

http request/response parser for c

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Option to Drop support for Proxy-Connection

Mythra opened this issue · comments

Currently, http-parser will always support the: Proxy-Connection header. This header is not standard, and not required for any real legitimate client:

are two examples explaining this weird header.

As a result, everything built on top of http-parser implicitly has to support this unstandard header (which can lead to some bugs if you're not expecting this unstandard case to be handled see: envoyproxy/envoy#6749 ),

It'd be great if we had a flag to turn off (or just didn't support at all) this header that isn't part of the standard.

cc @indutny (also, llhttp seems to handle Proxy-Connection in a similar way).