nodejs / http-parser

http request/response parser for c

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NEWS/Changes file

0-wiz-0 opened this issue · comments

Please include a NEWS or Changes file in the repository and distfiles, to make it easier to see what the changes between different versions are.

You can see it with v2.9.1...v2.9.2

I personally don't see the point of replicating that in a Changes file. I do it in other projects like nodejs and libuv, where we do it because we do it, but it always feels kind of pointless and superfluous.

I'm not super motivated to start doing it here.

It doesn't have to be detailed, but I'd still like to see one.
Please consider that you have to write it once per release, but there are many more users/packagers that will have to look at your commits and extract the information from there.
Thank you for thinking about it :)