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GitHub SSH public key missing from `test-ibm-rhel8_arm_cross_container-x64-1`

targos opened this issue · comments

Related to #3678, as I redeployed all Docker containers on the host.

I disconnected the agent for now.

In there's some scripting that's supposed to add to the known_hosts:

grep -q ^$TEMP_REPO_SERVER ~/.ssh/known_hosts || (ssh-keyscan -t rsa $TEMP_REPO_SERVER >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts)

but looking at, e.g., the attempt to git checkout is happening before that script is run.

I've manually added the key to the known_hosts file -- we're going to have to update it again when we migrate the tmp binary git repository from Equinix Metal (#3597).

In there's some scripting that's supposed to add to the known_hosts

Do you know why it's not added by Ansible?

No. I'm +1 for adding the known_host via Ansible to the machines that need to access the temporary binary git repo.