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Extend Azure credits (Action prior May 10th)

UlisesGascon opened this issue · comments

Hi team!

We received an email from the Microsoft OSPO asking us to reply with several detail before May 10th in order to request an extension until August 31, 2024.

Not sure how this was handled in the past or if is the first time.

  • Can we use a previous sent email as a template?
  • Should we ask Ben for support?

@joaocgreis I believe you might have handled these in the past.

@UlisesGascon I like the idea of getting the Foundation involved in renewing these kinds of things. Anybody object to that?

This was handled by our Microsoft contacts in the past. We'll handle it.

@mhdawson I don't think we'll need anything from the Foundation for this, but happy to keep anyone relevant in the loop.

cc @StefanStojanovic @AdamBraden

Hi folks, As many of you know, the foundation is working this year to consolidate services. Part of that is arranging more formal relationships with our vendors who are donating services.

We are trying to avoid the situation where free services are dependent on an individual at a company.. and that person leaves :)

For Azure, we have a really good relationship with Microsoft and are working on getting Azure credits. I'd like to see if we could get nodejs under that program. Microsoft has been a really great partner.

@joaocgreis I'll reach out to you on slack for more details. Note this does not mean the foundation takes over your account or anything like that, it can just be that we handle ensuring you have enough free credits to do what you need to do.

@bensternthal you can contact me instead of João, since I'm working on this now. Thanks in advance.

Any news on this?

I reached out to Stefan about understanding usage so that in the future we can hopefully consolidate this usage under a single OpenJS account. I am not at all involved in the immediate request asking for an extension, but am happy to help if needed.

Note I have not heard back from Stefan, so if other folks have access to the node Azure account, please reach out so we can chat!

Sorry for being late to answer this everyone.

Any news on this?

It has been extended by 3 months, which is a temporary solution until a more permanent one is found. So, the new expiration date is 31 Aug 2024.

I reached out to Stefan about understanding usage so that in the future we can hopefully consolidate this usage under a single OpenJS account. I am not at all involved in the immediate request asking for an extension, but am happy to help if needed.

Note I have not heard back from Stefan, so if other folks have access to the node Azure account, please reach out so we can chat!

We're working on finding a solution for handling extensions, but will probably need to extend yearly

@StefanStojanovic I'll reach out over email again. I need to understand what services you are using, how much you are suing and who you are working with at Azure so that I can make a consolidated ask.