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wordWrap and (at least) readOnly properties don't seem to work

mperreir opened this issue · comments

When trying this code:

<script lang="ts">
    import { onMount } from "svelte";
    import type { NSVElement, RNWindow } from "@nodegui/svelte-nodegui";
    import { Direction } from "@nodegui/nodegui";
    import fetch from "node-fetch";

     * The exact type for this is: NSVElement<RNWindow>
     * ... However, the Svelte language tools erroneously expect all bind:this values to extend HTMLElement, so
     * for now, we have to rely on reasserting the type.
    let win;
    let urlWidget;
    let dataWidget;
    let jsonData="";

    async function loadPressed(){
        let dataPromise = await loadData(urlWidget.textContent);
        jsonData = JSON.stringify(dataPromise);

    async function loadData(url){
            let response = await fetch(url);
            let jsonResponse = await response.json();
            return jsonResponse;

    onMount(() => {
        (window as any).win = win; // Prevent garbage collection, otherwise the window quickly disappears!
        (win as NSVElement<RNWindow>);

        urlWidget.textContent = "";

        return () => {
            delete (window as any).win;

    windowTitle="Seafile Share link DL">
    <view class="vertical">
        <view class="horizontal">
            <text>Share link url:</text>
            <lineEdit id="lineEdit" bind:this={urlWidget}/>
            <button text="Load" on:clicked={loadPressed}/>
            <text id="dataWidget" wordWrap={true} bind:this={dataWidget}>{jsonData}</text>
            <plainTextEdit readOnly={true} text={jsonData}></plainTextEdit>

     * CSS has a few gotchas for now.
     * 1) Some values need to be enclosed with quotes (e.g. `width: '100%';` rather than `width: 100%;`).
     *    See:
     * 2) Classes are not supported yet; they're a bit weird in Qt5.
     * 3) You can't write element-level rules like `text { color: 'red'; }`, unless they're global (not scoped).
     *    For scoped rules, you have to refer to the underlying native element, e.g. `QLabel { color: 'red'; }`.
     *    See:
        flex-direction: column;

        flex-direction: row;

        flex: 1;

the text widget does not wrap and the plainTextEdit is not readonly.

I've found the reason for the issue. Svelte is compiling the attributes from camel-case to lower-case before passing them to Svelte NodeGUI. This is something I'd thought we'd solved once and for all with the PRs to Svelte from @halfnelson and @mrsauravsahu to support foreign namespaces. The Svelte NodeGUI preprocessor (and Svelte Native preprocessor from which it is forked) implicitly inserts <svelte:options namespace="foreign" /> to indicate that our host is foreign and so should not be treated as HTML. But it appears there are still some further cases where it is mistreated.

<window windowTitle="abc"/> correctly preserves casing, i.e. it results in a correct call to widget.setProps({ windowTitle: "abc" }, {}).

However, <text wordWrap={true}>abc</text> strips casing, resulting in an incorrect call to widget.setProps({ wordwrap: true }, {}).

Incidentally, <text wordWrap>abc</text> also strips casing, resulting in an incorrect call to widget.setProps({ wordwrap: "" }, {}).

I also tried <text wordWrap="abc">abc</text>, which also strips casing, resulting in an incorrect call to widget.setProps({ wordwrap: "abc" }, {}).

So it has nothing to do with the values being booleans or strings. I guess Svelte must be special-casing certain attributes from the HTML5 spec, as wordwrap and readonly.

I can't find any mentions of wordwrap in the Svelte repo, but there are some indications that readonly may be treated as a special case in some manner:

I'm just surprised that this is biting us when we're in a foreign namespace. Does this analysis seem plausible @halfnelson, @mrsauravsahu?

Mentioned PRs:

A horrible workaround for now if it's blocking you:

// BetterText.svelte
<script lang="ts">
    import type { NSVElement, RNText } from "@nodegui/svelte-nodegui";

    let ref: any;
    export let wordwrap: boolean = false;
    // Find some way to map out the other attributes you need.
    // There is probably a clever Svelte way to extend all those of RNTextProps, but I don't know how!
    $: {
            /** With reference to the setTextProps() method in: src/dom/react-nodegui/src/components/Text/RNText.ts */
            (ref as NSVElement<RNText>).nativeView.setWordWrap(wordwrap);
<text bind:this={ref}><slot></slot></text>

And use like this:

<script lang="ts">
    import BetterText from BetterText.svelte

<BetterText wordwrap={true}>abc</BetterText>

Far from perfect, but at least it allows to set wordWrap and readOnly on components that need it :-).

Looking at the Svelte JS output of the same code in the repl ( gives us a clue

c() {
	window_1 = document.createElementNS("", "window");
	view2 = svg_element("view");
	view0 = svg_element("view");
	text0 = svg_element("text");
        attr(text1, "wordwrap", text1_wordwrap_value = true);

The elements are being detected as and forced to SVG. There must be some code in svelte that does this which we need to skip for namespace foreign