nodefluent / kafka-streams

equivalent to kafka-streams :octopus: for nodejs :sparkles::turtle::rocket::sparkles:

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Confluent / Avro support?

codeburke opened this issue · comments

Apologies if I missed it anywhere, but is there any plan for implementing support for the Confluent protocol using Avro SerDes? I looked in both node-sinek and this library and didn't see any mention of that anywhere.

Had the same question, I tried to open the SSL/SASL example: but it is down. Could you guys add an example on how to use this framework with Confluent Cloud (not the local deployed version).

This issue is still actual, block us from establishing connection to confluent cloud. Are there any updates how to connect using SSL/SASL? Searching through the source code still didn't help

I managed to connect with the confluent cloud through the following way:


const debug = require("debug");
const path = require("path");

const logger = {
  debug: debug("sinek:debug"),
  info: debug("sinek:info"),
  warn: debug("sinek:warn"),
  error: debug("sinek:error")

const consumerConfig = {
  noptions: {
    debug: "all",
    "": "***",
    "": "example-group",
    "": false,
    event_cb: true,
    "compression.codec": "none",
    "": 200,
    "message.send.max.retries": 10,
    "socket.keepalive.enable": true,
    "queue.buffering.max.messages": 100000,
    "": 1000,
    "batch.num.messages": 1000000,

    "security.protocol": "sasl_ssl",
    "sasl.mechanisms": "PLAIN",
    "sasl.username": "***",
    "sasl.password": "***",
    "api.version.request": true
  tconf: {
    "auto.offset.reset": "latest"

const producerConfig = {
  noptions: {
    //"debug": "all",
    "": "***",
    "": "example-client",
    event_cb: true,
    "compression.codec": "none",
    "": 200,
    "message.send.max.retries": 10,
    "socket.keepalive.enable": true,
    "queue.buffering.max.messages": 100000,
    "": 1000,
    "batch.num.messages": 1000000,

    "security.protocol": "sasl_ssl",
    "sasl.mechanisms": "PLAIN",
    "sasl.username": "***",
    "sasl.password": "***",
    "api.version.request": true
  tconf: {
    "request.required.acks": 1

module.exports = {


const { KafkaStreams } = require("../kafkastreams.js");
const { consumerConfig: config } = require("../config.js");

const kafkaStreams = new KafkaStreams(config);
const kafkaTopicName = "***";
const stream = kafkaStreams.getKStream(kafkaTopicName);

Whereby *** is filled in with the correct details

Furthermore for avro deserialisation in Node.js you can write your own deserializer given the avro schemas with:

Until this feature is built-in you might just want to use this as a step in your streaming pipeline.