node-saml / passport-saml

SAML 2.0 authentication with Passport

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[BUG] TypeError: expirationTimer.unref is not a function

maxime-ducoroy opened this issue · comments

Hello, find my bug below

To Reproduce

My Code

import * as metadata from 'passport-saml-metadata'
import passport from 'passport'
import { Strategy as SamlStrategy, type SamlConfig } from 'passport-saml'

const { SSO_URL, SSO_METADATA_URL, SSO_ENTITY_ID } = useRuntimeConfig().public
const reader = await metadata.fetch({
const config = metadata.toPassportConfig(reader) as unknown as SamlConfig
config.entryPoint = SSO_URL
config.issuer = SSO_ENTITY_ID
config.callbackUrl = 'http://localhost:3000/api/login/callback'
config.cert = reader.signingCert
config.requestIdExpirationPeriodMs = 3600
const samlStrategy = new SamlStrategy(config, (done, profile) => {
  console.log('Maurice aime mauricette')
passport.use('saml', samlStrategy)

When i run my code i have this error:
TypeError: expirationTimer.unref is not a function
at new CacheProvider (inmemory-cache-provider.ts:52:21)

It's because setInterval return an ID and number haven't got unref function.

Expected behavior

don't call expirationTimer.unref() function.


  • Node.js version: 20.12.2
  • passport-saml version: 3.2.4

It's in node_modules/passport-saml/lib/node-saml/inmemory-cache-provider.js

First of all passport-saml 3.2.4 is deprecated as reported by npm (npm install and website) I assume no-one is going to spend time investigating that version's problems.

Having said that and out of curiosity:

nodejs API documentation for version 20.12.2 is very clear about possible return values of setInterval:

It throws TypeError or returns Timeout object ( )

Source code verifies this:

IMHO this case "smells" like case of usage of some incorrectly implemented test library which mocks setInterval incorrectly or (based on quick consultation with internet search engine) you might be trying to execute your code after all in browser

don't call expirationTimer.unref() function.

There seems to be reason why unref is called: #68

Sidenote (not related to this issue):
I wonder how many unreference repeated interval timers there might be at end of the day e.g. in case of multisaml strategy because SAML ctor (which creates inmemory cache provide implicitily if none is provided) is invoked multiple times (at least once per new authentication attempt/logout/saml responce callback) (links point to 3.2.4 version)

authenticate(req: RequestWithUser, options: AuthenticateOptions): void {
this._options.getSamlOptions(req, (err, samlOptions) => {
if (err) {
return this.error(err);
const samlService = new SAML({ ...this._options, ...samlOptions });

constructor(ctorOptions: SamlConfig) {
this.options = this.initialize(ctorOptions);

ctorOptions.cacheProvider ??
new InMemoryCacheProvider({
keyExpirationPeriodMs: ctorOptions.requestIdExpirationPeriodMs,

constructor(options: Partial<CacheProviderOptions>) {
this.cacheKeys = {};
this.options = {
keyExpirationPeriodMs: options?.keyExpirationPeriodMs ?? 28800000, // 8 hours,
// Expire old cache keys
const expirationTimer = setInterval(() => {
const nowMs = new Date().getTime();
const keys = Object.keys(this.cacheKeys);
keys.forEach((key) => {
if (
nowMs >=
new Date(this.cacheKeys[key].createdAt).getTime() + this.options.keyExpirationPeriodMs
) {
}, this.options.keyExpirationPeriodMs);
// we only want this to run if the process is still open; it shouldn't hold the process open (issue #68)

I.e. is there perhaps "memory leakish" issue. I did not spend time to investigate code flow too well.

Seems that usage of setInterval was dropped at

which was released at version 4.0.0 (Oct 10th 2022) of @node-saml/node-saml:

Note: @node-saml/passport-saml >=4.0.0 uses internally aforementioned @node-saml/node-saml. Development of core saml functionality was splitted to separated repository to the library which does not have any dependencies to passportjs or to any specific web framework and @node-saml/passport-saml became "shell" that provides just passportjs module functionality/implementation of passportjs strategy for SAML 2.0