node-real / bsc-erigon

Ethereum implementation on the efficiency frontier

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Inconsistent `totalDifficulty` value from `eth_getBlockByNumber` method

NikitosnikN opened this issue · comments

System information

Erigon version: erigon version 1.1.12-dev-376131b1

OS & Version: Linux

Erigon Command (with flags/config):

erigon --chain=bsc --datadir=/home/erigon/persistence/data --http.addr= --rpc.accessList=/home/erigon/acl-config/acl.json --rpc.batch.limit=1000 --http.api=eth,erigon,web3,net,debug,txpool,trace --http.vhosts=* --http.corsdomain=null --http --ws --db.pagesize=4096 --ethash.dagdir=/home/erigon/persistence/dag --maxpeers=100 --private.api.addr= --private.api.ratelimit=31872 --rpc.returndata.limit=150000 --metrics --metrics.addr= --healthcheck --port=30303 --snap.stop --snapshots=false --sentry.drop-useless-peers --db.size.limit=8TB --no-downloader --downloader.disable.ipv4 --downloader.disable.ipv6

Concensus Layer: nimbus

Chain/Network: bsc-mainnet


on multiple eth_getBlockByNumber requests to the same block erigon client is returning inconsistent totalDifficulty value

Expected behaviour

return consistent totalDifficulty field value to the same block

origin erigon, bsc geth and original geth are working as expected

Actual behaviour

value is different on several requests to node

Steps to reproduce the behaviour

python script (also can be reproduced with any http client including curl)


def main(url):
    import requests
    latest =, json={
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "method": "eth_getBlockByNumber",
        "params": ["latest", False],
        "id": 1,
    by_number =, json={
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "method": "eth_getBlockByNumber",
        "params": [latest["number"], False],
        "id": 1,
    by_number_2 =, json={
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "method": "eth_getBlockByNumber",
        "params": [latest["number"], False],
        "id": 1,
    by_number_3 =, json={
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "method": "eth_getBlockByNumber",
        "params": [latest["number"], False],
        "id": 1,

    print("latest: ", latest["number"], latest["totalDifficulty"])
    print("by_number: ", by_number["number"], by_number["totalDifficulty"])
    print("by_number_2: ", by_number_2["number"], by_number_2["totalDifficulty"])
    print("by_number_3: ", by_number_3["number"], by_number_3["totalDifficulty"])

example result:

latest:  0x21bd42f 0xa48b1
by_number:  0x21bd42f 0x975b1
by_number_2:  0x21bd42f 0xe3407
by_number_3:  0x21bd42f 0x975b1

Reproduced, will follow

Use the latest commit, run integration stage_headers --reset. And than restart.

Reopen if still have some problem

we have the same issue: example request



"totalDifficulty": "0xec855"

should be

"totalDifficulty": "0x434fc36"

Use the latest commit in devel branch and then integration stage_headers --reset

now it is truncating blocks, we were pointing to the wrong directory where the database is not, but an error did not appear, it would be ideal to add an error if the DB is not found when running "integration stage_headers --reset"