node-real / bsc-erigon

Ethereum implementation on the efficiency frontier

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Launching new node

tofanovskiy opened this issue · comments

System information

Erigon version: erigon version 1.1.10-dev

OS & Version: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS

Erigon Command (with flags/config): erigon --p2p.protocol=66 --txpool.disable --metrics.addr= --log.console.verbosity=dbug --db.pagesize=16k - -datadir /company/bsc/ --private.api.addr=localhost:9090 --chain=bsc --metrics

Chain/Network: mainnet

Expected behaviour

Downloaded all data archives from here and snapshots torrent from

Current files/dirs in data dir after I extracted everything:
LOCK chaindata jwt.hex logs nodekey nodes parlia snapshots temp

When I running Archive node - I expect to see synced node with latest block height

Actual behaviour

daemon is running, but block height is 3m behind the tip 32846938, and it's not updating.
Logs I see all the time for almost a week:

DBUG[01-17|00:51:48.971] in turn validator has recently signed, skip initialBackOffTime inTurnAddr=0xb4dd66D7c2C7E57F628210187192fb89d4b99dD4 DBUG[01-17|00:51:48.981] in turn validator has recently signed, skip initialBackOffTime inTurnAddr=0xea0A6E3c511bbD10f4519EcE37Dc24887e11b55d DBUG[01-17|00:51:48.997] in turn validator has recently signed, skip initialBackOffTime inTurnAddr=0x2D4C407BBe49438ED859fe965b140dcF1aaB71a9 INFO[01-17|00:51:49.002] [2/15 Headers] Inserting headers progress=33311630 queue=2 DBUG[01-17|00:51:49.928] in turn validator has recently signed, skip initialBackOffTime inTurnAddr=0x61Dd481A114A2E761c554B641742C973867899D3 DBUG[01-17|00:51:49.932] in turn validator has recently signed, skip initialBackOffTime inTurnAddr=0x685B1ded8013785d6623CC18D214320b6Bb64759 DBUG[01-17|00:51:49.954] in turn validator has recently signed, skip initialBackOffTime inTurnAddr=0xBe807Dddb074639cD9fA61b47676c064fc50D62C DBUG[01-17|00:51:49.967] in turn validator has recently signed, skip initialBackOffTime inTurnAddr=0xE9AE3261a475a27Bb1028f140bc2a7c843318afD

Steps to reproduce the behaviour



It's seem normal.

@blxdyx why blocks 3m behind and not updating then?

show: integration print_stage
Btw, you could try restart

what is that? Hot to use it? "show: integration print_stage"

I would avoid creating this thread if restart could help)

stop erigon and make integration
then run ./integration print_stage --chain=bsc --datadir={}

./integration print_stages --chain=bsc --datadir=/company/bsc/
INFO[01-21|18:35:38.309] logging to file system log dir=/company/bsc/logs file prefix=erigon log level=info json=false
INFO[01-21|18:35:43.677] [snapshots] Blocks Stat blocks=33843k indices=33843k alloc=2.6GB sys=2.7GB
Note: prune_at doesn't mean 'all data before were deleted' - it just mean stage.Prune function were run to this block. Because 1 stage may prune multiple data types to di
fferent prune distance.

stage_at prune_at
Snapshots 32846937 0
Headers 32846938 0
BlockHashes 32846938 0
Bodies 32846938 0
Senders 32846938 0
Execution 32846938 32846938
Translation 0 0
HashState 32846938 0
IntermediateHashes 32846938 32846938
AccountHistoryIndex 32846938 0
StorageHistoryIndex 32846938 0
LogIndex 32846938 0
CallTraces 32846938 32846938
TxLookup 32846938 32756000
Finish 32846938 0

prune distance:

blocks.v2: blocks=33842999, segments=33842999, indices=33842999

history.v3: false, idx steps: 0.00, lastMaxTxNum=0->0, lastBlockInSnap=0

sequence: EthTx=4893606329, NonCanonicalTx=24176

in db: first header 32756000, last header 32846938, first body 32756000, last body 32846938

Use the latest release.

Use the latest release.
hey @blxdyx and everyone

I updated to 1.1.12

here are the logs after launch

[INFO] [01-22|15:49:18.330] new subscription to logs established
[INFO] [01-22|15:49:18.330] rpc filters: subscribing to Erigon events
[INFO] [01-22|15:49:18.331] new subscription to newHeaders established
[INFO] [01-22|15:49:18.332] Reading JWT secret                       path=/company/bsc/jwt.hex
[INFO] [01-22|15:49:18.333] HTTP endpoint opened for Engine API      url= ws=true ws.compression=true
[INFO] [01-22|15:49:18.333] HTTP endpoint opened                     url= ws=false ws.compression=true grpc=false
[INFO] [01-22|15:49:18.339] Started P2P networking                   version=66 self=enode://cb13e789c92285575147b4e6c4dade6811da64391567b9efb05d8670bd74d8c35938f23504e8031d846f0c329763a21bb767a14385df9b51a3343c6
68dcc212e@ name=erigon/v1.1.12/linux-amd64/go1.20.2
[INFO] [01-22|15:49:18.350] [1/15 Snapshots] Fetching torrent files metadata
[INFO] [01-22|15:49:18.601] [snapshots] Blocks Stat                  blocks=33843k indices=33843k alloc=3.4GB sys=3.6GB
[INFO] [01-22|15:49:38.602] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 1491k/33842k

[INFO] [01-22|15:49:58.602] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 2920k/33842k
[INFO] [01-22|15:50:20.025] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 3728k/33842k
[INFO] [01-22|15:50:38.602] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 5483k/33842k
[INFO] [01-22|15:51:07.162] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 7456k/33842k
[INFO] [01-22|15:51:17.743] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=34
[INFO] [01-22|15:51:18.602] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 8727k/33842k
[INFO] [01-22|15:51:38.603] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 10900k/33842k
[INFO] [01-22|15:51:58.602] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 12022k/33842k
[INFO] [01-22|15:52:18.602] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 14217k/33842k
[INFO] [01-22|15:52:38.602] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 15295k/33842k
[INFO] [01-22|15:52:58.603] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 17477k/33842k
[INFO] [01-22|15:53:17.743] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=37
[INFO] [01-22|15:53:19.961] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 18641k/33842k
[INFO] [01-22|15:53:38.602] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 20749k/33842k
[WARN] [01-22|15:53:56.593] Served                                   conn= method=eth_coinbase reqid=2 t=198.837µs err="etherbase must be explicitly specified"
[WARN] [01-22|15:53:56.615] Served                                   conn= method=eth_accounts reqid=2 t=107.443µs err="the method has been deprecated: eth_accounts"
[INFO] [01-22|15:54:04.367] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 22369k/33842k
[INFO] [01-22|15:54:18.603] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 23902k/33842k
[INFO] [01-22|15:54:38.602] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 26082k/33842k
[INFO] [01-22|15:54:58.602] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 27202k/33842k
[INFO] [01-22|15:55:17.742] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=38
[INFO] [01-22|15:55:18.602] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 29287k/33842k
[INFO] [01-22|15:55:38.602] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 30282k/33842k
[WARN] [01-22|15:55:53.315] Served                                   conn= method=eth_coinbase reqid=2 t=127.564µs err="etherbase must be explicitly specified"
[WARN] [01-22|15:55:53.340] Served                                   conn= method=eth_accounts reqid=2 t=72.352µs err="the method has been deprecated: eth_accounts"
[INFO] [01-22|15:55:58.827] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 31539k/33842k
[INFO] [01-22|15:56:18.602] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 32599k/33842k
[INFO] [01-22|15:56:41.092] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 33554k/33842k
[INFO] [01-22|15:57:14.955] [1/15 Snapshots] DONE                    in=7m56.613048663s
[INFO] [01-22|15:57:14.976] [2/15 Headers] Waiting for headers...    from=33842999
[INFO] [01-22|15:57:17.742] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=38
[INFO] [01-22|15:57:34.977] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-22|15:57:54.976] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999```

Please show more log?


[INFO] [01-23|12:16:07.958] Req/resp stats                           req=5168 reqMin=33767120 reqMax=33773615 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 re
sp=13364 respMin=33767208 respMax=34136565 dups=1885929
[INFO] [01-23|12:16:27.957] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:16:27.958] Req/resp stats                           req=5299 reqMin=33760686 reqMax=33767311 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=13782 respMin=33760819 respMax=34136565 dups=1992191
[INFO] [01-23|12:16:38.870] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=99
[INFO] [01-23|12:16:47.957] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:16:47.958] Req/resp stats                           req=5092 reqMin=33754403 reqMax=33760877 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 re
[INFO] [01-23|12:15:47.958] Req/resp stats                           req=4914 reqMin=33773424 reqMax=33779690 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=12744 respMin=33773518 respMax=34136565 dups=1823795
[WARN] [01-23|12:17:06.668] Served                                   conn= method=eth_accounts reqid=2 t=78.192µs err="the method has been
deprecated: eth_accounts"
[WARN] [01-23|12:17:06.691] Served                                   conn= method=eth_coinbase reqid=2 t=132.665µs err="etherbase must be e
xplicitly specified"
[INFO] [01-23|12:17:07.958] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:17:07.958] Req/resp stats                           req=4298 reqMin=33752806 reqMax=34136564 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=12481 respMin=33752807 respMax=34136565 dups=1593878
[INFO] [01-23|12:17:27.957] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:17:27.958] Req/resp stats                           req=5363 reqMin=33834408 reqMax=34027630 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 re
sp=13576 respMin=33834516 respMax=34136565 dups=1899954
[INFO] [01-23|12:17:47.957] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:17:47.958] Req/resp stats                           req=5172 reqMin=33827901 reqMax=33834599 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=13334 respMin=33828043 respMax=34136565 dups=1881913
[INFO] [01-23|12:18:07.957] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:18:07.957] Req/resp stats                           req=5030 reqMin=33821585 reqMax=33828092 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 re
sp=12894 respMin=33821657 respMax=34136565 dups=1827356
[INFO] [01-23|12:18:27.957] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:18:27.958] Req/resp stats                           req=5185 reqMin=33814948 reqMax=33821776 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=13241 respMin=33815066 respMax=34136565 dups=1873022
[INFO] [01-23|12:18:38.870] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=99
[INFO] [01-23|12:18:47.958] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:18:47.958] Req/resp stats                           req=4935 reqMin=33808565 reqMax=33815139 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=12663 respMin=33808744 respMax=34136565 dups=1799677
[WARN] [01-23|12:19:06.617] Served                                   conn= method=eth_coinbase reqid=2 t=147.094µs err="etherbase must be e
xplicitly specified"
[WARN] [01-23|12:19:06.640] Served                                   conn= method=eth_accounts reqid=2 t=764.135µs err="the method has been deprecated: eth_accounts"
[INFO] [01-23|12:19:07.957] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:19:07.958] Req/resp stats                           req=5028 reqMin=33802259 reqMax=33808753 skel=19 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 re
sp=12936 respMin=33802357 respMax=34136565 dups=1818274
[INFO] [01-23|12:19:27.958] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:19:27.958] Req/resp stats                           req=4929 reqMin=33795922 reqMax=33802450 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 re
sp=12719 respMin=33796027 respMax=34136565 dups=1768644
[INFO] [01-23|12:19:47.958] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:19:47.958] Req/resp stats                           req=4811 reqMin=33789663 reqMax=33796113 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 re
sp=12593 respMin=33789760 respMax=34136565 dups=1788945
[INFO] [01-23|12:20:07.957] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:20:07.958] Req/resp stats                           req=4987 reqMin=33783301 reqMax=33789854 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=12920 respMin=33783397 respMax=34136565 dups=1860124
[INFO] [01-23|12:20:27.958] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:20:27.958] Req/resp stats```

it doesn't change, I saw same errors in other git issues related to erigon client, but not for bsc-erigon

Same happened to me. I downloaded official snapshot, started archive node (latest snapshot, latest image version).
First snapshot download started (~800Gb) then when it was finished it's just logging:
No block headers to write in this log period.
This was known issue on ledgerwatch/erigon and it was fixed there, but they don't support bsc anymore.


[INFO] [01-23|12:16:07.958] Req/resp stats                           req=5168 reqMin=33767120 reqMax=33773615 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 re
sp=13364 respMin=33767208 respMax=34136565 dups=1885929
[INFO] [01-23|12:16:27.957] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:16:27.958] Req/resp stats                           req=5299 reqMin=33760686 reqMax=33767311 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=13782 respMin=33760819 respMax=34136565 dups=1992191
[INFO] [01-23|12:16:38.870] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=99
[INFO] [01-23|12:16:47.957] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:16:47.958] Req/resp stats                           req=5092 reqMin=33754403 reqMax=33760877 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 re
[INFO] [01-23|12:15:47.958] Req/resp stats                           req=4914 reqMin=33773424 reqMax=33779690 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=12744 respMin=33773518 respMax=34136565 dups=1823795
[WARN] [01-23|12:17:06.668] Served                                   conn= method=eth_accounts reqid=2 t=78.192µs err="the method has been
deprecated: eth_accounts"
[WARN] [01-23|12:17:06.691] Served                                   conn= method=eth_coinbase reqid=2 t=132.665µs err="etherbase must be e
xplicitly specified"
[INFO] [01-23|12:17:07.958] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:17:07.958] Req/resp stats                           req=4298 reqMin=33752806 reqMax=34136564 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=12481 respMin=33752807 respMax=34136565 dups=1593878
[INFO] [01-23|12:17:27.957] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:17:27.958] Req/resp stats                           req=5363 reqMin=33834408 reqMax=34027630 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 re
sp=13576 respMin=33834516 respMax=34136565 dups=1899954
[INFO] [01-23|12:17:47.957] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:17:47.958] Req/resp stats                           req=5172 reqMin=33827901 reqMax=33834599 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=13334 respMin=33828043 respMax=34136565 dups=1881913
[INFO] [01-23|12:18:07.957] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:18:07.957] Req/resp stats                           req=5030 reqMin=33821585 reqMax=33828092 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 re
sp=12894 respMin=33821657 respMax=34136565 dups=1827356
[INFO] [01-23|12:18:27.957] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:18:27.958] Req/resp stats                           req=5185 reqMin=33814948 reqMax=33821776 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=13241 respMin=33815066 respMax=34136565 dups=1873022
[INFO] [01-23|12:18:38.870] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=99
[INFO] [01-23|12:18:47.958] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:18:47.958] Req/resp stats                           req=4935 reqMin=33808565 reqMax=33815139 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=12663 respMin=33808744 respMax=34136565 dups=1799677
[WARN] [01-23|12:19:06.617] Served                                   conn= method=eth_coinbase reqid=2 t=147.094µs err="etherbase must be e
xplicitly specified"
[WARN] [01-23|12:19:06.640] Served                                   conn= method=eth_accounts reqid=2 t=764.135µs err="the method has been deprecated: eth_accounts"
[INFO] [01-23|12:19:07.957] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:19:07.958] Req/resp stats                           req=5028 reqMin=33802259 reqMax=33808753 skel=19 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 re
sp=12936 respMin=33802357 respMax=34136565 dups=1818274
[INFO] [01-23|12:19:27.958] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:19:27.958] Req/resp stats                           req=4929 reqMin=33795922 reqMax=33802450 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 re
sp=12719 respMin=33796027 respMax=34136565 dups=1768644
[INFO] [01-23|12:19:47.958] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:19:47.958] Req/resp stats                           req=4811 reqMin=33789663 reqMax=33796113 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 re
sp=12593 respMin=33789760 respMax=34136565 dups=1788945
[INFO] [01-23|12:20:07.957] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:20:07.958] Req/resp stats                           req=4987 reqMin=33783301 reqMax=33789854 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=12920 respMin=33783397 respMax=34136565 dups=1860124
[INFO] [01-23|12:20:27.958] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-23|12:20:27.958] Req/resp stats```

Restart can fix?

Add static peers in latest commit, try it

hey @blxdyx
I updated the client, but now node is not working at all and keeps crashing 30 seconds after launch....


INFO[01-24|17:58:33.471] logging to file system                   log dir=/company/bsc/logs file prefix=erigon log level=info json=false
INFO[01-24|17:58:33.480] Build info                               git_branch= git_tag= git_commit=
INFO[01-24|17:58:33.480] Starting Erigon on Ethereum mainnet...
INFO[01-24|17:58:33.481] Maximum peer count                       ETH=100 total=100
INFO[01-24|17:58:33.482] starting HTTP APIs                       APIs=eth,erigon,engine
INFO[01-24|17:58:33.482] torrent verbosity                        level=WRN
INFO[01-24|17:58:35.586] Set global gas cap                       cap=50000000
INFO[01-24|17:58:35.681] [Downloader] Runnning with               ipv6-enabled=true ipv4-enabled=true download.rate=16mb upload.rate=4mb
INFO[01-24|17:58:35.682] Opening Database                         label=chaindata path=/company/bsc/chaindata
INFO[01-24|17:58:35.682] [db] params: growStep=2GB, mapsSize=10TB, shrinkThreshold=-1, pageSize=16KB, label=chaindata, WriteMap=false, Durable=false, NoRe
INFO[01-24|17:58:35.685] Initialised chain configuration          config="{ChainID: 56 Ramanujan: 0, Niels: 0, MirrorSync: 5184000, Bruno: 13082000, Euler: 18907621, Gibbs: 23846001, Nano: 21962149, Moran: 22107423, Gibbs: 23846001, Planck: 27281024, Luban: 29020050, Plato: 30720096, Hertz: 31302048 Engine: parlia}" genesis=0x0d21840abff46b96c84b2ac9e10e4f5cdaeb5693cb665db62a2f3b02d2d57b5b
INFO[01-24|17:58:35.685] Effective                                prune_flags= snapshot_flags="--snapshots=true" history.v3=false
runtime: goroutine stack exceeds 1000000000-byte limit
runtime: sp=0xc05b6003b8 stack=[0xc05b600000, 0xc07b600000]
fatal error: stack overflow

runtime stack:
runtime.throw({0x28cdfac?, 0x4a8a940?})
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:1047 +0x5d fp=0x7f9857fdb0c0 sp=0x7f9857fdb090 pc=0x4578bd
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/stack.go:1105 +0x5bd fp=0x7f9857fdb270 sp=0x7f9857fdb0c0 pc=0x471ebd
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:574 +0x8b fp=0x7f9857fdb278 sp=0x7f9857fdb270 pc=0x48c78b

goroutine 1 [running]:, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x1, 0x281194, ...)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x6cd fp=0xc05b6003c8 sp=0xc
05b6003c0 pc=0x10bbdad, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x281193, ...)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x2b0 fp=0xc05b600480 sp=0xc
05b6003c8 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0,
 0x9, 0x281193, ...)
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 0x6, 0x281190, ...)
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05b6006a8 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0,
 0x5, 0x28118f, ...)
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05b600760 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0,
 0x4, 0x28118e, ...)
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05b600818 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x3, 0x28118d, ...)
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05b6008d0 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x2, 0x28118c, ...)
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 0x1, 0x28118b, ...)
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05b600a40 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0,
 0x0, 0x28118a, ...)
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05b600bb0 pc=0x10bbd16, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x8, 0x281189, ...)
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05b600c68 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0,
 0x7, 0x281188, ...)
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05b600dd8 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x5, 0x281186, ...)
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 0x3, 0x281184, ...)
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05b601170 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0,
 0x0, 0x281181, ...)
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 0x9, 0x281181, ...)
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05b6012e0 pc=0x10bbd16, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x8, 0x281180, ...)
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05b601398 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x7, 0x28117f, ...)
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 0x6, 0x28117e, ...)
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05b601508 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x5, 0x28117d, ...)
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 0x4, 0x28117c, ...)
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 0x2, 0x28117a, ...)
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05b6018a0 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x281178, ...)
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05b601958 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x9, 0x281178, ...)
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05b601ac8 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0,
 0x7, 0x281176, ...)
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 0x6, 0x281175, ...)
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05b601c38 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x5, 0x281174, ...)
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05b601da8 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x3, 0x281172, ...)
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 0x2, 0x281171, ...)
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05b601f18 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x1, 0x281170, ...)
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 0x8, 0x28116e, ...)
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 0x5, 0x28116b, ...)
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 0x3, 0x281169, ...)
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 0x1, 0x281167, ...)
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05b602700 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x281166, ...)
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05b6027b8 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x9, 0x281166, ...)
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05b602928 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0,
 0x7, 0x281164, ...)
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05b6029e0 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0,
 0x6, 0x281163, ...)
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05b602a98 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x5, 0x281162, ...)
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05b602cc0 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0,
 0x2, 0x28115f, ...)
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05b602e30 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x28115d, ...)
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 0x9, 0x28115d, ...)
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 0x8, 0x28115c, ...)
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05b603058 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x7, 0x28115b, ...)
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05b6031c8 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0,
 0x5, 0x281159, ...)
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05b603280 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x4, 0x281158, ...)
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05b603338 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0,
 0x3, 0x281157, ...)
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 0x2, 0x281156, ...)
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 0x1, 0x281155, ...)
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05b603560 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x281154, ...)
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05b603618 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x9, 0x281154, ...)
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 0x8, 0x281153, ...)
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 0x7, 0x281152, ...)
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05b6039b0 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x4, 0x28114f, ...)
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 0x9, 0x28114b, ...)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x636 fp=0xc05b603eb8 sp=0xc05b603e00 pc=0x10bbd16, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0,
 0x8, 0x28114a, ...)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x2b0 fp=0xc05b603f70 sp=0xc05b603eb8 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0,
 0x7, 0x281149, ...)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x2b0 fp=0xc05b604028 sp=0xc
05b603f70 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x6, 0x281148, ...)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x2b0 fp=0xc05b6040e0 sp=0xc05b604028 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x5, 0x281147, ...)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x2b0 fp=0xc05b604198 sp=0xc05b6040e0 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x4, 0x281146, ...)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x2b0 fp=0xc05b604250 sp=0xc05b604198 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0,
 0x3, 0x281145, ...)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x2b0 fp=0xc05b604308 sp=0xc05b604250 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x2, 0x281144, ...)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x2b0 fp=0xc05b6043c0 sp=0xc05b604308 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x1, 0x281143, ...)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x2b0 fp=0xc05b604478 sp=0xc05b6043c0 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x0, 0x281142, ...)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x2b0 fp=0xc05b604530 sp=0xc05b604478 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x9, 0x281142, ...)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x636 fp=0xc05b6045e8 sp=0xc05b604530 pc=0x10bbd16, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x8, 0x281141, ...)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x2b0 fp=0xc05b6046a0 sp=0xc05b6045e8 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0,
 0x7, 0x281140, ...)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x2b0 fp=0xc05b604758 sp=0xc05b6046a0 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x6, 0x28113f, ...)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x2b0 fp=0xc05b604810 sp=0xc05b604758 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0,
 0x5, 0x28113e, ...)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x2b0 fp=0xc05b6048c8 sp=0xc
05b604810 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x4, 0x28113d, ...)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x2b0 fp=0xc05b604980 sp=0xc
05b6048c8 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0, 0x3, 0x28113c, ...)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x2b0 fp=0xc05b604a38 sp=0xc05b604980 pc=0x10bb990, {0xc02a637560?, 0x3756, 0x4954}, {0xc02a5d0020?, 0x3756, 0x4154}, 0x0,
 0x2, 0x28113b, ...)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x2b0 fp=0xc05b604af0 sp=0xc
05b604a38 pc=0x10bb990
...additional frames elided...

goroutine 2 [force gc (idle)]:
runtime.gopark(0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xd6 fp=0xc000084fb0 sp=0xc000084f90 pc=0x45a5d6
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:305 +0xb0 fp=0xc000084fe0 sp=0xc000084fb0 pc=0x45a410
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598 +0x1 fp=0xc000084fe8 sp=0xc000084fe0 pc=0x48e861
created by runtime.init.6
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:293 +0x25

goroutine 3 [GC sweep wait]:
runtime.gopark(0x1?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xd6 fp=0xc000085780 sp=0xc000085760 pc=0x45a5d6
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgcsweep.go:319 +0xde fp=0xc0000857c8 sp=0xc000085780 pc=0x44469e
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:178 +0x26 fp=0xc0000857e0 sp=0xc0000857c8 pc=0x439906
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598 +0x1 fp=0xc0000857e8 sp=0xc0000857e0 pc=0x48e861
created by runtime.gcenable
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:178 +0x6b

goroutine 18 [GC scavenge wait]:
runtime.gopark(0xc0000aa000?, 0x347cbd0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xd6 fp=0xc000080770 sp=0xc000080750 pc=0x45a5d6
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgcscavenge.go:400 +0x53 fp=0xc0000807a0 sp=0xc000080770 pc=0x442573
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgcscavenge.go:633 +0x65 fp=0xc0000807c8 sp=0xc0000807a0 pc=0x442b65
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:179 +0x26 fp=0xc0000807e0 sp=0xc0000807c8 pc=0x4398a6
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598 +0x1 fp=0xc0000807e8 sp=0xc0000807e0 pc=0x48e861
created by runtime.gcenable
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:179 +0xaa

goroutine 19 [finalizer wait]:
runtime.gopark(0x1a0?, 0x4c5faa0?, 0x80?, 0x26?, 0xc000084770?)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xd6 fp=0xc000084628 sp=0xc000084608 pc=0x45a5d6
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mfinal.go:193 +0x107 fp=0xc0000847e0 sp=0xc000084628 pc=0x438947
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598 +0x1 fp=0xc0000847e8 sp=0xc0000847e0 pc=0x48e861
created by runtime.createfing
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mfinal.go:163 +0x45

goroutine 20 [sleep]:
runtime.gopark(0xaa02c9f23ba33?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0x0?)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xd6 fp=0xc000080f40 sp=0xc000080f20 pc=0x45a5d6
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/time.go:195 +0x135 fp=0xc000080f80 sp=0xc000080f40 pc=0x48b655
        /root/go/pkg/mod/!victoria!metrics/metrics@v1.23.1/summary.go:237 +0x36 fp=0xc000080fc8 sp=0xc000080f80 pc=0x8b3816
        /root/go/pkg/mod/!victoria!metrics/metrics@v1.23.1/summary.go:211 +0x26 fp=0xc000080fe0 sp=0xc000080fc8 pc=0x8b3526
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598 +0x1 fp=0xc000080fe8 sp=0xc000080fe0 pc=0x48e861
created by
        /root/go/pkg/mod/!victoria!metrics/metrics@v1.23.1/summary.go:211 +0x128

goroutine 21 [GC worker (idle)]:
runtime.gopark(0x4cac640?, 0x3?, 0xe1?, 0x70?, 0x0?)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xd6 fp=0xc000081750 sp=0xc000081730 pc=0x45a5d6
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xf1 fp=0xc0000817e0 sp=0xc000081750 pc=0x43b671
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598 +0x1 fp=0xc0000817e8 sp=0xc0000817e0 pc=0x48e861
created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x25

goroutine 34 [GC worker (idle)]:
runtime.gopark(0xaa02da451cbf4?, 0x1?, 0x9?, 0x91?, 0x0?)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xd6 fp=0xc000536750 sp=0xc000536730 pc=0x45a5d6
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xf1 fp=0xc0005367e0 sp=0xc000536750 pc=0x43b671
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598 +0x1 fp=0xc0005367e8 sp=0xc0005367e0 pc=0x48e861
created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x25

goroutine 4 [GC worker (idle)]:
runtime.gopark(0xaa02da451b600?, 0x3?, 0x80?, 0x2e?, 0x0?)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xd6 fp=0xc000085f50 sp=0xc000085f30 pc=0x45a5d6
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xf1 fp=0xc000085fe0 sp=0xc000085f50 pc=0x43b671
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598 +0x1 fp=0xc000085fe8 sp=0xc000085fe0 pc=0x48e861
created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x25

goroutine 35 [GC worker (idle)]:
runtime.gopark(0xaa02da451bb46?, 0x1?, 0x99?, 0xac?, 0x0?)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xd6 fp=0xc000536f50 sp=0xc000536f30 pc=0x45a5d6
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xf1 fp=0xc000536fe0 sp=0xc000536f50 pc=0x43b671
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598 +0x1 fp=0xc000536fe8 sp=0xc000536fe0 pc=0x48e861
created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x25

goroutine 5 [GC worker (idle)]:
runtime.gopark(0x4cac640?, 0x3?, 0xa5?, 0x65?, 0x0?)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xd6 fp=0xc000086750 sp=0xc000086730 pc=0x45a5d6
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xf1 fp=0xc0000867e0 sp=0xc000086750 pc=0x43b671
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598 +0x1 fp=0xc0000867e8 sp=0xc0000867e0 pc=0x48e861
created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x25

goroutine 22 [GC worker (idle)]:
runtime.gopark(0xaa02da451bee8?, 0x3?, 0x90?, 0x69?, 0x0?)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xd6 fp=0xc000081f50 sp=0xc000081f30 pc=0x45a5d6
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xf1 fp=0xc000081fe0 sp=0xc000081f50 pc=0x43b671
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598 +0x1 fp=0xc000081fe8 sp=0xc000081fe0 pc=0x48e861
created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x25

goroutine 23 [GC worker (idle)]:
runtime.gopark(0xaa02da451b704?, 0x3?, 0xf4?, 0x64?, 0x0?)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xd6 fp=0xc000082750 sp=0xc000082730 pc=0x45a5d6
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xf1 fp=0xc0000827e0 sp=0xc000082750 pc=0x43b671
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598 +0x1 fp=0xc0000827e8 sp=0xc0000827e0 pc=0x48e861
created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x25

goroutine 24 [GC worker (idle)]:
runtime.gopark(0xaa02da451de5a?, 0x1?, 0xb6?, 0x9b?, 0x0?)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xd6 fp=0xc000082f50 sp=0xc000082f30 pc=0x45a5d6
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1275 +0xf1 fp=0xc000082fe0 sp=0xc000082f50 pc=0x43b671
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598 +0x1 fp=0xc000082fe8 sp=0xc000082fe0 pc=0x48e861
created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/mgc.go:1199 +0x25

goroutine 50 [select]:
runtime.gopark(0xc000538f98?, 0x2?, 0x20?, 0x8e?, 0xc000538f6c?)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xd6 fp=0xc000538de8 sp=0xc000538dc8 pc=0x45a5d6
runtime.selectgo(0xc000538f98, 0xc000538f68, 0x1?, 0x0, 0xc000538fa8?, 0x1)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/select.go:327 +0x7be fp=0xc000538f28 sp=0xc000538de8 pc=0x46a89e*defaultPolicy).processItems(0xc0001100c0)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x91 fp=0xc000538fc8 sp=0xc000538f28 pc=0x14cf6b1
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x26 fp=0xc000538fe0 sp=0xc000538fc8 pc=0x14cf566
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598 +0x1 fp=0xc000538fe8 sp=0xc000538fe0 pc=0x48e861
created by
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x156

goroutine 51 [select]:
runtime.gopark(0xc000538788?, 0x3?, 0x98?, 0x86?, 0xc000538732?)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xd6 fp=0xc0005385a8 sp=0xc000538588 pc=0x45a5d6
runtime.selectgo(0xc000538788, 0xc00053872c, 0xc0001100c0?, 0x0, 0x0?, 0x1)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/select.go:327 +0x7be fp=0xc0005386e8 sp=0xc0005385a8 pc=0x46a89e*Cache).processItems(0xc000148000)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x15e fp=0xc0005387c8 sp=0xc0005386e8 pc=0x14cd
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x26 fp=0xc0005387e0 sp=0xc0005387c8 pc=0x14cd9c6
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598 +0x1 fp=0xc0005387e8 sp=0xc0005387e0 pc=0x48e861
created by
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x6a5

goroutine 52 [chan receive]:
runtime.gopark(0x2363700?, 0xc000090faf?, 0x20?, 0xa9?, 0x0?)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:381 +0xd6 fp=0xc000090ee0 sp=0xc000090ec0 pc=0x45a5d6
runtime.chanrecv(0xc00029a8c0, 0xc000090faf, 0x1)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/chan.go:583 +0x49d fp=0xc000090f70 sp=0xc000090ee0 pc=0x4257dd
runtime.chanrecv2(0xc001ead800?, 0x0?)
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/chan.go:447 +0x18 fp=0xc000090f98 sp=0xc000090f70 pc=0x425318*Logger).millRun(0xc001ead800)
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x45 fp=0xc000090fc8 sp=0xc000090f98 pc=0x1783705*Logger).mill.func1.1()
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x26 fp=0xc000090fe0 sp=0xc000090fc8 pc=0x17838c6
        /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1598 +0x1 fp=0xc000090fe8 sp=0xc000090fe0 pc=0x48e861
created by*Logger).mill.func1
        /root/go/pkg/mod/ +0x96```
erigon version 1.1.9-dev```

Use the latest devel branch.


erigon -v
erigon version 1.1.12-dev-7695188b

launch command:
nohup erigon --p2p.protocol=66 --txpool.disable --metrics.addr= --log.console.verbosity=info --db.pagesize=16k --datadir /company/bsc/ --private.api.addr=localhost:9090 --chain=bsc --metrics --snapshots=true &


[INFO] [01-25|15:15:51.406] Reading JWT secret                       path=/company/bsc/jwt.hex
[INFO] [01-25|15:15:51.407] HTTP endpoint opened for Engine API      url= ws=true ws.compression=true
[INFO] [01-25|15:15:51.408] HTTP endpoint opened                     url= ws=false ws.compression=true grpc=false
[INFO] [01-25|15:15:51.413] Started P2P networking                   version=66 self=enode://cb13e789c92285575147b4e6c4dade6811da64391567b9efb05d8670bd74d8c35938f23504e8031d846f0c329763a21bb767a14385df9b51a3343c668dcc212e@ name=erigon/v1.1.12-dev-7695188b/linux-amd64/go1.20.13
[INFO] [01-25|15:15:51.425] [1/15 Snapshots] Fetching torrent files metadata
[INFO] [01-25|15:15:51.651] [snapshots] Blocks Stat                  blocks=33843k indices=33843k alloc=3.4GB sys=3.6GB
[INFO] [01-25|15:16:11.652] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 1479k/33842k
[INFO] [01-25|15:16:31.652] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 2974k/33842k
[INFO] [01-25|15:16:51.711] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 3728k/33842k
[INFO] [01-25|16:00:27.264] Req/resp stats                           req=3001 reqMin=33765211 reqMax=35355869 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=18108 respMin=33765390 respMax=35557521 dups=2606698
[INFO] [01-25|16:00:47.264] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-25|16:00:47.264] Req/resp stats                           req=2943 reqMin=33762243 reqMax=35354333 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=17782 respMin=33762429 respMax=35557528 dups=2547206
[INFO] [01-25|16:01:07.264] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-25|16:01:07.265] Req/resp stats                           req=2991 reqMin=33759213 reqMax=35352989 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=18040 respMin=33759397 respMax=35557535 dups=2557248
[WARN] [01-25|16:01:09.169] Served                                   conn= method=eth_accounts reqid=2 t=106.544µs err="the method has been deprecated: eth_accounts"
[WARN] [01-25|16:01:09.405] Served                                   conn= method=eth_coinbase reqid=2 t=72.672µs err="etherbase must be explicitly specified"
[INFO] [01-25|16:01:27.265] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-25|16:01:27.265] Req/resp stats                           req=3058 reqMin=33756136 reqMax=35352221 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=18451 respMin=33756325 respMax=35557541 dups=2659191
[INFO] [01-25|16:01:47.264] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-25|16:01:47.264] Req/resp stats                           req=3067 reqMin=33753024 reqMax=35350301 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=18480 respMin=33753210 respMax=35557548 dups=2662593
[INFO] [01-25|16:01:50.798] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=100
[INFO] [01-25|16:02:07.265] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-25|16:02:07.265] Req/resp stats                           req=3008 reqMin=33752806 reqMax=35348189 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=16508 respMin=33752807 respMax=35557554 dups=1896585
[INFO] [01-25|16:02:27.264] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-25|16:02:27.264] Req/resp stats                           req=2997 reqMin=33838496 reqMax=35345885 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=18049 respMin=33769793 respMax=35557561 dups=2673309
[INFO] [01-25|16:02:47.264] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-25|16:02:47.264] Req/resp stats                           req=2941 reqMin=33835541 reqMax=35345117 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=17764 respMin=33768770 respMax=35557568 dups=2605895
[INFO] [01-25|16:03:07.264] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-25|16:03:07.264] Req/resp stats                           req=2928 reqMin=33832589 reqMax=35343581 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=17721 respMin=33766540 respMax=35557574 dups=2594414
[WARN] [01-25|16:03:15.226] Served                                   conn= method=eth_accounts reqid=2 t=94.454µs err="the method has been deprecated: eth_accounts"
[WARN] [01-25|16:03:15.455] Served                                   conn= method=eth_coinbase reqid=2 t=79.122µs err="etherbase must be explicitly specified"
[INFO] [01-25|16:03:27.264] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-25|16:03:27.264] Req/resp stats                           req=2977 reqMin=33829594 reqMax=35341469 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=17970 respMin=33764574 respMax=35557581 dups=2593020
[INFO] [01-25|16:03:47.264] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-25|16:03:47.265] Req/resp stats                           req=2989 reqMin=33826586 reqMax=35340509 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=18014 respMin=33764206 respMax=35557588 dups=2609777
[INFO] [01-25|16:03:50.799] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=100
[INFO] [01-25|16:04:07.264] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-25|16:04:07.265] Req/resp stats                           req=3018 reqMin=33823535 reqMax=35339357 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=18266 respMin=33762826 respMax=35557594 dups=2656802
[INFO] [01-25|16:04:27.264] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-25|16:04:27.264] Req/resp stats                           req=3083 reqMin=33820430 reqMax=35338013 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=18633 respMin=33761367 respMax=35557601 dups=2682797
[INFO] [01-25|16:04:47.265] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-25|16:04:47.266] Req/resp stats                           req=3170 reqMin=33817235 reqMax=35336861 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=19053 respMin=33759759 respMax=35557608 dups=2750904
[INFO] [01-25|16:05:07.264] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-25|16:05:07.264] Req/resp stats                           req=3023 reqMin=33814200 reqMax=35333981 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=18284 respMin=33757576 respMax=35557614 dups=2632887
[WARN] [01-25|16:05:10.748] Served                                   conn= method=eth_coinbase reqid=2 t=169.526µs err="etherbase must be explicitly specified"
[WARN] [01-25|16:05:10.864] Served                                   conn= method=eth_accounts reqid=2 t=225.758µs err="the method has been deprecated: eth_accounts"
[INFO] [01-25|16:05:27.264] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-25|16:05:27.264] Req/resp stats                           req=3026 reqMin=33811144 reqMax=35332061 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=18295 respMin=33756767 respMax=35557621 dups=2600646
[INFO] [01-25|16:05:47.264] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-25|16:05:47.264] Req/resp stats                           req=3018 reqMin=33808098 reqMax=35330333 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=18909 respMin=33753875 respMax=35557628 dups=2496703
[INFO] [01-25|16:05:50.797] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=100
[INFO] [01-25|16:06:07.264] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-25|16:06:07.264] Req/resp stats                           req=3042 reqMin=33805017 reqMax=35328797 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=18417 respMin=33753138 respMax=35557634 dups=2497546
[INFO] [01-25|16:06:27.264] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-25|16:06:27.264] Req/resp stats                           req=3074 reqMin=33801910 reqMax=35326877 skel=19 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=18458 respMin=33763265 respMax=35557641 dups=2581209
[INFO] [01-25|16:06:47.265] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [01-25|16:06:47.265] Req/resp stats                           req=2970 reqMin=33798904 reqMax=35324765 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=17963 respMin=33760658 respMax=35557648 dups=2500505
[INFO] [01-25|16:07:07.264] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999

Show: integration print_stages --datadir=./data --chain=bsc and change log.console.verbosity=dbug

@blxdyx hey.. it's just insane to make it work... Is there any other docs where guys actually could run it without dances?

We've downloaded those snapshots for weeks and uploaded to our internal storage, and we don't want to do this again, It's quite critical to make it work now.

latest output:

root@603429b6-f73a-4dbb-9ce5-bcb8fffad0fe:/company/bsc# erigon -v
erigon version 1.1.12-dev-7695188b
root@603429b6-f73a-4dbb-9ce5-bcb8fffad0fe:/company/bsc# integration print_stages --datadir /company/bsc --chain bsc
INFO[01-29|11:34:17.423] logging to file system                   log dir=/company/bsc/logs file prefix=erigon log level=info json=false
INFO[01-29|11:34:21.003] [snapshots] Blocks Stat                  blocks=33843k indices=33843k alloc=2.5GB sys=2.6GB
Note: prune_at doesn't mean 'all data before were deleted' - it just mean stage.Prune function were run to this block. Because 1 stage may prune multiple data types to different prune distance.

                                 stage_at        prune_at
Snapshots                        32846937        0
Headers                          32846938        0
BlockHashes                      32846938        0
Bodies                           32846938        0
Senders                          32846938        0
Execution                        32846938        32846938
Translation                      0               0
HashState                        32846938        0
IntermediateHashes               32846938        32846938
AccountHistoryIndex              32846938        0
StorageHistoryIndex              32846938        0
LogIndex                         32846938        0
CallTraces                       32846938        32846938
TxLookup                         32846938        32756000
Finish                           32846938        0

prune distance:

blocks.v2: blocks=33842999, segments=33842999, indices=33842999
history.v3: false, idx steps: 0.00, lastMaxTxNum=0->0, lastBlockInSnap=0
sequence: EthTx=4893606329, NonCanonicalTx=24176
in db: first header 32756000, last header 32846938, first body 32756000, last body 32846938

Just spam of this:

[DBUG] [01-29|11:51:41.645] QuerySeeds read nodes from the node DB   count=0
[INFO] [01-29|11:51:41.646] Started P2P networking                   version=67 self=enode://cb13e789c92285575147b4e6c4dade6811da64391567b9efb05d8670bd74d8c35938f23504e8031d846f0c329763a21bb767a14385df9b51a3343c6
68dcc212e@ name=erigon/v1.1.12-dev-7695188b/linux-amd64/go1.20.13
[DBUG] [01-29|11:51:41.647] QuerySeeds read nodes from the node DB   count=0
[INFO] [01-29|11:51:41.660] [1/15 Snapshots] Fetching torrent files metadata
[INFO] [01-29|11:51:41.905] [snapshots] Blocks Stat                  blocks=33843k indices=33843k alloc=3.5GB sys=3.7GB
[INFO] [01-29|11:52:01.906] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 1597k/33842k
[DBUG] [01-29|11:52:20.517] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a4c62b7a502d159cdf8d err="set tcp use of closed network connection"
[INFO] [01-29|11:52:21.905] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 3100k/33842k
[DBUG] [01-29|11:52:40.932] [1/15 Snapshots] Flushed buffer file     name=/company/bsc/temp/erigon-sortable-buf-3218856041
[INFO] [01-29|11:52:41.905] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 3808k/33842k
[INFO] [01-29|11:53:01.905] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 5713k/33842k
[WARN] [01-29|11:53:14.259] Served                                   conn= method=eth_accounts reqid=2 t=289.3µs err="the method has been deprecated: eth_accounts"
[WARN] [01-29|11:53:14.418] Served                                   conn= method=eth_coinbase reqid=2 t=203.197µs err="etherbase must be explicitly specified"
[DBUG] [01-29|11:53:28.524] [1/15 Snapshots] Flushed buffer file     name=/company/bsc/temp/erigon-sortable-buf-2491875640
[INFO] [01-29|11:53:28.525] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 7456k/33842k
[INFO] [01-29|11:53:41.125] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=29 eth67=6
[INFO] [01-29|11:53:41.906] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 8887k/33842k
[INFO] [01-29|11:54:01.911] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 11097k/33842k
[DBUG] [01-29|11:54:13.212] [1/15 Snapshots] Flushed buffer file     name=/company/bsc/temp/erigon-sortable-buf-1582349147
[INFO] [01-29|11:54:21.905] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 12147k/33842k
[DBUG] [01-29|11:54:33.004] [sentry] sendMessageById                 msgcode=3 err="set tcp use of closed network connection"
[INFO] [01-29|11:54:41.906] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 14327k/33842k
[DBUG] [01-29|11:54:56.832] [1/15 Snapshots] Flushed buffer file     name=/company/bsc/temp/erigon-sortable-buf-3185952062
[INFO] [01-29|11:55:01.905] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 15470k/33842k
[WARN] [01-29|11:55:14.629] Served                                   conn= method=eth_coinbase reqid=2 t=119.924µs err="etherbase must be explicitly specified"
[WARN] [01-29|11:55:14.670] Served                                   conn= method=eth_accounts reqid=2 t=68.132µs err="the method has been deprecated: eth_accounts"
[INFO] [01-29|11:55:21.905] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 17690k/33842k
[INFO] [01-29|11:55:41.124] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=31 eth67=7
[DBUG] [01-29|11:55:41.176] [1/15 Snapshots] Flushed buffer file     name=/company/bsc/temp/erigon-sortable-buf-4214005886
[INFO] [01-29|11:55:41.905] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 18714k/33842k
[INFO] [01-29|11:56:01.906] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 20818k/33842k
[DBUG] [01-29|11:56:26.040] [1/15 Snapshots] Flushed buffer file     name=/company/bsc/temp/erigon-sortable-buf-2517056421
[INFO] [01-29|11:56:26.040] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 22369k/33842k
[INFO] [01-29|11:56:41.906] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 24009k/33842k
[DBUG] [01-29|11:57:11.510] [1/15 Snapshots] Flushed buffer file     name=/company/bsc/temp/erigon-sortable-buf-3130053184
[INFO] [01-29|11:57:11.512] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 26097k/33842k
[WARN] [01-29|11:57:14.668] Served                                   conn= method=eth_accounts reqid=2 t=40.891µs err="the method has been deprecated: eth_accounts"
[WARN] [01-29|11:57:15.256] Served                                   conn= method=eth_coinbase reqid=2 t=89.553µs err="etherbase must be explicitly specified"
[INFO] [01-29|11:57:21.906] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 27244k/33842k
[INFO] [01-29|11:57:41.124] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=33 eth67=9
[INFO] [01-29|11:57:41.906] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 29340k/33842k
[DBUG] [01-29|11:57:56.687] [1/15 Snapshots] Flushed buffer file     name=/company/bsc/temp/erigon-sortable-buf-3331435031
[INFO] [01-29|11:58:01.905] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 30383k/33842k
[INFO] [01-29|11:58:21.905] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 31633k/33842k
[INFO] [01-29|11:58:42.099] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 32665k/33842k
[DBUG] [01-29|11:59:03.134] [1/15 Snapshots] Flushed buffer file     name=/company/bsc/temp/erigon-sortable-buf-3368539708
[INFO] [01-29|11:59:03.145] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 33554k/33842k
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842556, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842557, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842558, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842559, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842560, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842561, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842562, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842563, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842564, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842565, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842566, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842567, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842568, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842569, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842570, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842571, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842572, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842573, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842574, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842575, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842576, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842577, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842578, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842579, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842580, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842581, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842582, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842583, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842584, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842585, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842586, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842587, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842588, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842589, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842590, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842591, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842592, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842593, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842594, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842595, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842596, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842597, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842598, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842599, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842600, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842601, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842602, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842603, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842604, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842605, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842606, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842607, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842608, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842609, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842610, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842611, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842612, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842613, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842614, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842615, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842616, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842617, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842618, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842619, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842620, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842621, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842622, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842623, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842624, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842625, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842626, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842627, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842628, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842629, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842630, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842631, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842632, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842633, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842634, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842635, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842636, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842637, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842638, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842639, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842640, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.296] Header request sent                      skeleton=false req="&{Hash:0xe9864fdbe3447bce52ef7a2216f477b065be3b173972a4ab9e776e53ce762e5e Number:33842640 Length:192 Skip:0 Reverse:true Anchor:0xc09f3aaea0}" peer=29540a7c
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.296] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842553, latest header in db: 33842999

You start in ethereum mainnet. You start command should add --chain=bsc.

it's my launch command @blxdyx
erigon --p2p.protocol=67 --txpool.disable --metrics.addr= --log.console.verbosity=dbug --db.pagesize=16k --datadir /company/bsc/ --private.api.addr=localhost:9090 --chain=bsc --metrics --snapshots=true

@blxdyx hey.. it's just insane to make it work... Is there any other docs where guys actually could run it without dances?

We've downloaded those snapshots for weeks and uploaded to our internal storage, and we don't want to do this again, It's quite critical to make it work now.

latest output:

root@603429b6-f73a-4dbb-9ce5-bcb8fffad0fe:/company/bsc# erigon -v
erigon version 1.1.12-dev-7695188b
root@603429b6-f73a-4dbb-9ce5-bcb8fffad0fe:/company/bsc# integration print_stages --datadir /company/bsc --chain bsc
INFO[01-29|11:34:17.423] logging to file system                   log dir=/company/bsc/logs file prefix=erigon log level=info json=false
INFO[01-29|11:34:21.003] [snapshots] Blocks Stat                  blocks=33843k indices=33843k alloc=2.5GB sys=2.6GB
Note: prune_at doesn't mean 'all data before were deleted' - it just mean stage.Prune function were run to this block. Because 1 stage may prune multiple data types to different prune distance.

                                 stage_at        prune_at
Snapshots                        32846937        0
Headers                          32846938        0
BlockHashes                      32846938        0
Bodies                           32846938        0
Senders                          32846938        0
Execution                        32846938        32846938
Translation                      0               0
HashState                        32846938        0
IntermediateHashes               32846938        32846938
AccountHistoryIndex              32846938        0
StorageHistoryIndex              32846938        0
LogIndex                         32846938        0
CallTraces                       32846938        32846938
TxLookup                         32846938        32756000
Finish                           32846938        0

prune distance:

blocks.v2: blocks=33842999, segments=33842999, indices=33842999
history.v3: false, idx steps: 0.00, lastMaxTxNum=0->0, lastBlockInSnap=0
sequence: EthTx=4893606329, NonCanonicalTx=24176
in db: first header 32756000, last header 32846938, first body 32756000, last body 32846938

Logs: Just spam of this:

[DBUG] [01-29|11:51:41.645] QuerySeeds read nodes from the node DB   count=0
[INFO] [01-29|11:51:41.646] Started P2P networking                   version=67 self=enode://cb13e789c92285575147b4e6c4dade6811da64391567b9efb05d8670bd74d8c35938f23504e8031d846f0c329763a21bb767a14385df9b51a3343c6
68dcc212e@ name=erigon/v1.1.12-dev-7695188b/linux-amd64/go1.20.13
[DBUG] [01-29|11:51:41.647] QuerySeeds read nodes from the node DB   count=0
[INFO] [01-29|11:51:41.660] [1/15 Snapshots] Fetching torrent files metadata
[INFO] [01-29|11:51:41.905] [snapshots] Blocks Stat                  blocks=33843k indices=33843k alloc=3.5GB sys=3.7GB
[INFO] [01-29|11:52:01.906] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 1597k/33842k
[DBUG] [01-29|11:52:20.517] [p2p] Handshake failure                  peer=a4c62b7a502d159cdf8d err="set tcp use of closed network connection"
[INFO] [01-29|11:52:21.905] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 3100k/33842k
[DBUG] [01-29|11:52:40.932] [1/15 Snapshots] Flushed buffer file     name=/company/bsc/temp/erigon-sortable-buf-3218856041
[INFO] [01-29|11:52:41.905] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 3808k/33842k
[INFO] [01-29|11:53:01.905] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 5713k/33842k
[WARN] [01-29|11:53:14.259] Served                                   conn= method=eth_accounts reqid=2 t=289.3µs err="the method has been deprecated: eth_accounts"
[WARN] [01-29|11:53:14.418] Served                                   conn= method=eth_coinbase reqid=2 t=203.197µs err="etherbase must be explicitly specified"
[DBUG] [01-29|11:53:28.524] [1/15 Snapshots] Flushed buffer file     name=/company/bsc/temp/erigon-sortable-buf-2491875640
[INFO] [01-29|11:53:28.525] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 7456k/33842k
[INFO] [01-29|11:53:41.125] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=29 eth67=6
[INFO] [01-29|11:53:41.906] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 8887k/33842k
[INFO] [01-29|11:54:01.911] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 11097k/33842k
[DBUG] [01-29|11:54:13.212] [1/15 Snapshots] Flushed buffer file     name=/company/bsc/temp/erigon-sortable-buf-1582349147
[INFO] [01-29|11:54:21.905] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 12147k/33842k
[DBUG] [01-29|11:54:33.004] [sentry] sendMessageById                 msgcode=3 err="set tcp use of closed network connection"
[INFO] [01-29|11:54:41.906] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 14327k/33842k
[DBUG] [01-29|11:54:56.832] [1/15 Snapshots] Flushed buffer file     name=/company/bsc/temp/erigon-sortable-buf-3185952062
[INFO] [01-29|11:55:01.905] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 15470k/33842k
[WARN] [01-29|11:55:14.629] Served                                   conn= method=eth_coinbase reqid=2 t=119.924µs err="etherbase must be explicitly specified"
[WARN] [01-29|11:55:14.670] Served                                   conn= method=eth_accounts reqid=2 t=68.132µs err="the method has been deprecated: eth_accounts"
[INFO] [01-29|11:55:21.905] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 17690k/33842k
[INFO] [01-29|11:55:41.124] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=31 eth67=7
[DBUG] [01-29|11:55:41.176] [1/15 Snapshots] Flushed buffer file     name=/company/bsc/temp/erigon-sortable-buf-4214005886
[INFO] [01-29|11:55:41.905] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 18714k/33842k
[INFO] [01-29|11:56:01.906] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 20818k/33842k
[DBUG] [01-29|11:56:26.040] [1/15 Snapshots] Flushed buffer file     name=/company/bsc/temp/erigon-sortable-buf-2517056421
[INFO] [01-29|11:56:26.040] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 22369k/33842k
[INFO] [01-29|11:56:41.906] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 24009k/33842k
[DBUG] [01-29|11:57:11.510] [1/15 Snapshots] Flushed buffer file     name=/company/bsc/temp/erigon-sortable-buf-3130053184
[INFO] [01-29|11:57:11.512] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 26097k/33842k
[WARN] [01-29|11:57:14.668] Served                                   conn= method=eth_accounts reqid=2 t=40.891µs err="the method has been deprecated: eth_accounts"
[WARN] [01-29|11:57:15.256] Served                                   conn= method=eth_coinbase reqid=2 t=89.553µs err="etherbase must be explicitly specified"
[INFO] [01-29|11:57:21.906] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 27244k/33842k
[INFO] [01-29|11:57:41.124] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=33 eth67=9
[INFO] [01-29|11:57:41.906] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 29340k/33842k
[DBUG] [01-29|11:57:56.687] [1/15 Snapshots] Flushed buffer file     name=/company/bsc/temp/erigon-sortable-buf-3331435031
[INFO] [01-29|11:58:01.905] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 30383k/33842k
[INFO] [01-29|11:58:21.905] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 31633k/33842k
[INFO] [01-29|11:58:42.099] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 32665k/33842k
[DBUG] [01-29|11:59:03.134] [1/15 Snapshots] Flushed buffer file     name=/company/bsc/temp/erigon-sortable-buf-3368539708
[INFO] [01-29|11:59:03.145] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 33554k/33842k
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842556, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842557, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842558, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842559, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842560, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842561, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842562, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842563, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842564, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842565, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842566, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842567, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842568, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842569, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842570, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842571, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842572, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842573, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842574, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842575, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842576, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842577, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842578, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842579, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842580, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842581, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842582, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842583, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842584, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842585, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842586, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842587, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842588, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842589, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842590, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842591, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842592, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842593, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842594, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842595, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842596, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842597, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842598, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842599, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842600, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842601, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842602, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842603, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842604, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842605, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842606, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842607, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842608, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842609, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842610, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842611, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842612, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842613, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842614, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842615, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842616, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842617, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842618, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842619, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842620, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842621, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842622, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842623, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842624, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842625, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842626, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842627, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842628, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842629, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842630, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842631, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842632, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842633, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842634, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842635, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842636, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842637, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842638, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842639, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.295] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842640, latest header in db: 33842999
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.296] Header request sent                      skeleton=false req="&{Hash:0xe9864fdbe3447bce52ef7a2216f477b065be3b173972a4ab9e776e53ce762e5e Number:33842640 Length:192 Skip:0 Reverse:true Anchor:0xc09f3aaea0}" peer=29540a7c
[DBUG] [01-29|11:45:27.296] [downloader] new anchor too far in the past: 33842553, latest header in db: 33842999

It's show that the highest block in snapshots is 33842999, and highest block in db is 32756000.
So you need run ./integration stage_headers --reset --chain=bsc --datadir=./data. It will take hours to redownload block to db.

hey @blxdyx

root@603429b6-f73a-4dbb-9ce5-bcb8fffad0fe:/company/bsc# integration stage_headers --reset --chain=bsc --datadir=/company/bsc

INFO[01-31|16:07:52.008] logging to file system                   log dir=/company/bsc/logs file prefix=erigon log level
=info json=false
INFO[01-31|16:07:57.125] [snapshots] Blocks Stat                  blocks=33843k indices=33843k alloc=2.5GB sys=2.6GB
panic: unsupported fork ordering: hertzfixBlock enabled at 34140700, but berlinBlock enabled at 31302048

goroutine 1 [running]:{0x22c4538?, 0xc001b920a0}, {0x22ce170?, 0xc00061d930}, 0x
0) +0x1268{0x22ce170?, 0xc00061d930}, {0x22c4538?, 0xc001b920a0}) +0x168, {0x1aec41c?, 0x3?, 0x3?}) +0x14c*Command).execute(0x2eacee0, {0xc000573d10, 0x3, 0x3}) +0x847*Command).ExecuteC(0x2eb0580) +0x3bd*Command).Execute(...)*Command).ExecuteContext(0x486465?, {0x22c4538?, 0xc001b920a0?}) +0x4a
main.main() +0xed```

Use the latest commint in devel branch, it's bug fixed

@blxdyx latest logs from launch with updated erigon:

[INFO] [02-07|13:25:39.476] HTTP endpoint opened for Engine API      url= ws=true ws.compression=true
[INFO] [02-07|13:25:39.477] HTTP endpoint opened                     url= ws=false ws.compression=true grpc
[INFO] [02-07|13:25:39.478] Started P2P networking                   version=67 self=enode://cb13e789c92285575147b4e6c4dade6811da64391567b9efb05d8670bd74d8c35938f23504e8031d846f0c329763a21bb767a14385df9b51a3343c668dcc212e@ name=eri
[INFO] [02-07|13:25:39.492] [1/15 Snapshots] Fetching torrent files metadata
[INFO] [02-07|13:25:39.718] [snapshots] Blocks Stat                  blocks=33843k indices=33843k alloc=3.5GB sys=3.7GB
[INFO] [02-07|13:25:59.718] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 1590k/33842k
[INFO] [02-07|13:26:19.719] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 3115k/33842k
[INFO] [02-07|13:26:39.719] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 3928k/33842k
[INFO] [02-07|13:26:59.718] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 5869k/33842k
[INFO] [02-07|13:27:24.531] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 7456k/33842k
[INFO] [02-07|13:27:38.917] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=22 eth67=7
[INFO] [02-07|13:27:39.719] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 9082k/33842k
[INFO] [02-07|13:28:08.069] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 11184k/33842k
[INFO] [02-07|13:28:19.718] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 12450k/33842k
[INFO] [02-07|13:28:39.719] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 14577k/33842k
[INFO] [02-07|13:28:59.719] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 15750k/33842k
[INFO] [02-07|13:29:19.718] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 17980k/33842k
[INFO] [02-07|13:29:38.917] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=29 eth67=7
[INFO] [02-07|13:29:39.719] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 19107k/33842k
[INFO] [02-07|13:29:59.718] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 21297k/33842k
[WARN] [02-07|13:30:09.440] Served                                   conn= method=eth_coinbase reqid=2 t=243.19µs err="etherbase must be explicitly specified"
[WARN] [02-07|13:30:09.485] Served                                   conn= method=eth_accounts reqid=2 t=1
58.576µs err="the method has been deprecated: eth_accounts"
[INFO] [02-07|13:30:19.719] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 22385k/33842k
[INFO] [02-07|13:30:39.719] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 24542k/33842k
[INFO] [02-07|13:31:04.662] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 26097k/33842k
[INFO] [02-07|13:31:19.719] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 27760k/33842k
[INFO] [02-07|13:31:38.917] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=30 eth67=8
[INFO] [02-07|13:31:48.170] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 29826k/33842k
[INFO] [02-07|13:31:59.719] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 30768k/33842k
[INFO] [02-07|13:32:19.718] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 31866k/33842k
[INFO] [02-07|13:32:39.719] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 32875k/33842k
[INFO] [02-07|13:32:59.719] [1/15 Snapshots] Total difficulty index: 33740k/33842k
[INFO] [02-07|13:33:29.086] [1/15 Snapshots] DONE                    in=7m49.602271169s
[INFO] [02-07|13:33:29.086] [2/15 Headers] Waiting for headers...    from=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:33:38.917] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth67=9 eth66=30
[INFO] [02-07|13:33:49.087] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:34:09.086] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:34:29.087] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:34:49.086] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:35:09.086] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:35:09.087] Req/resp stats                           req=4987 reqMin=33818172 reqMax=35899146 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=10967 respMin=33818210 respMax=35928328 dups=765351
[INFO] [02-07|13:35:29.086] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:35:29.087] Req/resp stats                           req=5070 reqMin=33812107 reqMax=35889354 skel=19 ske
lMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=11215 respMin=33812142 respMax=35928335 dups=769209
[INFO] [02-07|13:35:38.916] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=31 eth67=9
[INFO] [02-07|13:35:49.087] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:35:49.087] Req/resp stats                           req=5013 reqMin=33806075 reqMax=35886090 skel=20 ske
lMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=10909 respMin=33806097 respMax=35928342 dups=738205
[INFO] [02-07|13:36:09.087] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:36:09.087] Req/resp stats                           req=4909 reqMin=33800105 reqMax=35880906 skel=20 ske
lMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=10812 respMin=33800129 respMax=35928348 dups=721248
[INFO] [02-07|13:36:29.087] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:36:29.087] Req/resp stats                           req=4873 reqMin=33794179 reqMax=35877834 skel=20 ske
lMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=10826 respMin=33794213 respMax=35928355 dups=740276
[INFO] [02-07|13:36:49.087] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:36:49.087] Req/resp stats                           req=5011 reqMin=33788094 reqMax=35872650 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=10959 respMin=33788120 respMax=35928362 dups=744018
[INFO] [02-07|13:37:09.086] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:37:09.087] Req/resp stats                           req=5031 reqMin=33782001 reqMax=35871114 skel=20 ske
lMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=10958 respMin=33782038 respMax=35928368 dups=764022
[INFO] [02-07|13:37:29.087] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:37:29.087] Req/resp stats                           req=5015 reqMin=33775957 reqMax=35865162 skel=20 ske
lMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=11012 respMin=33775981 respMax=35928375 dups=743692
[INFO] [02-07|13:37:38.917] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=31 eth67=9
[INFO] [02-07|13:37:49.087] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:37:49.088] Req/resp stats                           req=4961 reqMin=33769968 reqMax=35861322 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=10924 respMin=33769999 respMax=35928382 dups=745446
[INFO] [02-07|13:38:09.087] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:38:09.087] Req/resp stats                           req=4871 reqMin=33764130 reqMax=35858442 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=10773 respMin=33764159 respMax=35928388 dups=717085
[INFO] [02-07|13:38:29.086] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:38:29.087] Req/resp stats                           req=5187 reqMin=33757843 reqMax=35854602 skel=20 ske
lMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=11357 respMin=33757869 respMax=35928395 dups=765368
[INFO] [02-07|13:38:49.087] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:38:49.087] Req/resp stats                           req=4877 reqMin=33752806 reqMax=35851338 skel=20 ske
lMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=10889 respMin=33752807 respMax=35928402 dups=711486
[INFO] [02-07|13:39:09.087] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:39:09.087] Req/resp stats                           req=4668 reqMin=33838526 reqMax=35845194 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=10436 respMin=33838558 respMax=35928408 dups=669983
[INFO] [02-07|13:39:29.087] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:39:29.087] Req/resp stats                           req=5125 reqMin=33832380 reqMax=35843466 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=11249 respMin=33832413 respMax=35928415 dups=761210
[INFO] [02-07|13:39:38.917] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth67=9 eth66=31
[INFO] [02-07|13:39:49.086] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:39:49.087] Req/resp stats                           req=5045 reqMin=33826276 reqMax=35838204 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=11055 respMin=33826308 respMax=35928422 dups=758663
[INFO] [02-07|13:40:09.087] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:40:09.087] Req/resp stats                           req=4934 reqMin=33820228 reqMax=35836476 skel=20 ske
lMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=10994 respMin=33820265 respMax=35928428 dups=758179
[INFO] [02-07|13:40:29.086] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:40:29.087] Req/resp stats                           req=4887 reqMin=33814269 reqMax=35833980 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=10800 respMin=33814298 respMax=35928435 dups=735165
[INFO] [02-07|13:40:49.086] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:40:49.087] Req/resp stats                           req=4933 reqMin=33808194 reqMax=35832828 skel=20 ske
lMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=10969 respMin=33808229 respMax=35928442 dups=759108
[INFO] [02-07|13:41:09.087] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:41:09.087] Req/resp stats                           req=4873 reqMin=33802267 reqMax=35832636 skel=20 ske
lMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=10837 respMin=33802287 respMax=35928448 dups=736491
[WARN] [02-07|13:41:28.516] Served                                   conn= method=eth_coinbase reqid=2 t=232.954µs err="etherbase must be explicitly specified"
[WARN] [02-07|13:41:28.532] Served                                   conn= method=eth_accounts reqid=2 t=80.462µs err="the method has been deprecated: eth_accounts"
[INFO] [02-07|13:41:29.088] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:41:29.088] Req/resp stats                           req=5101 reqMin=33796112 reqMax=35832636 skel=20 skelMin=33842998 skelMax=34138102 resp=11185 respMin=33796141 respMax=35928455 dups=767724
[INFO] [02-07|13:41:38.917] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth66=32 eth67=9
[INFO] [02-07|13:41:49.086] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=33842999
[INFO] [02-07|13:41:49.087

latest print_stages command:

root@603429b6-f73a-4dbb-9ce5-bcb8fffad0fe:/company/bsc# integration print_stages --datadir /company/bsc --chain bsc
INFO[02-05|16:16:05.810] logging to file system                   log dir=/company/bsc/logs file prefix=erigon log level=info json=false
INFO[02-05|16:16:12.800] [snapshots] Blocks Stat                  blocks=33843k indices=33843k alloc=2.6GB sys=2.7GB
Note: prune_at doesn't mean 'all data before were deleted' - it just mean stage.Prune function were run to this block. Be
cause 1 stage may prune multiple data types to different prune distance.

                                 stage_at        prune_at
Snapshots                        32846937        0
Headers                          32846938        0
BlockHashes                      32846938        0
Bodies                           32846938        0
Senders                          32846938        0
Execution                        32846938        32846938
Translation                      0               0
HashState                        32846938        0
IntermediateHashes               32846938        32846938
AccountHistoryIndex              32846938        0
StorageHistoryIndex              32846938        0
LogIndex                         32846938        0
CallTraces                       32846938        32846938
TxLookup                         32846938        32756000
Finish                           32846938        0
prune distance:

blocks.v2: blocks=33842999, segments=33842999, indices=33842999

history.v3: false, idx steps: 0.00, lastMaxTxNum=0->0, lastBlockInSnap=0

sequence: EthTx=4893606329, NonCanonicalTx=24176

in db: first header 32756000, last header 32846938, first body 32756000, last body 32846938

@blxdyx latest stage reset command:

root@603429b6-f73a-4dbb-9ce5-bcb8fffad0fe:/company/bsc# integration stage_headers --reset --chain=bsc --datadir=/company
/bsc                                                     integration stage_headers --reset --chain=bsc --datadir=/company/bsc
INFO[02-05|16:16:28.966] logging to file system                   log dir=/company/bsc/logs file prefix=erigon log leve
l=info json=false
INFO[02-05|16:16:28.970] Re-Opening DB in exclusive mode to apply DB migrations
INFO[02-05|16:16:28.972] Apply migration                          name=db_schema_version5
INFO[02-05|16:16:28.974] Applied migration                        name=db_schema_version5
INFO[02-05|16:16:28.974] Apply migration                          name=txs_begin_end
INFO[02-05|16:16:28.976] Applied migration                        name=txs_begin_end
INFO[02-05|16:16:28.976] Apply migration                          name=reset_blocks_4
INFO[02-05|16:16:28.976] Applied migration                        name=reset_blocks_4
INFO[02-05|16:16:28.976] Updated DB schema to                     version=6.0.0
INFO[02-05|16:16:28.994] Writing custom genesis block             hash=0x0d21840abff46b96c84b2ac9e10e4f5cdaeb5693cb665db6
INFO[02-05|16:16:29.019] Clear                                    table=NonCanonicalTransaction
INFO[02-05|16:16:29.019] Clear                                    table=BlockTransaction
INFO[02-05|16:16:29.020] Clear                                    table=MaxTxNum

You datadir is wrong?

it's correct, it's github formatting issue.. @blxdyx

image It do something about db migration, maybe you have do before?

this happened when you interrupted snapshot downloading(torrent) . remove few last .seg files (ordered by modify time ) in snapshot directory and try again.

Having the same issue with the fresh snapshots downloaded.

erigon_1  | [INFO] [03-11|11:47:05.228] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=36499999
erigon_1  | [INFO] [03-11|11:47:05.228] Req/resp stats                           req=0 reqMin=0 reqMax=0 skel=12 skelMin=36499998 skelMax=36795102 resp=71 respMin=0 respMax=0 dups=0
erigon_1  | [INFO] [03-11|11:47:25.228] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=36499999
erigon_1  | [INFO] [03-11|11:47:25.228] Req/resp stats                           req=0 reqMin=0 reqMax=0 skel=13 skelMin=36499998 skelMax=36795102 resp=76 respMin=0 respMax=0 dups=0
erigon_1  | [INFO] [03-11|11:47:45.229] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=36499999
erigon_1  | [INFO] [03-11|11:47:45.229] Req/resp stats                           req=0 reqMin=0 reqMax=0 skel=14 skelMin=36499998 skelMax=36795102 resp=86 respMin=0 respMax=0 dups=0
erigon_1  | [INFO] [03-11|11:48:05.228] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=36499999
erigon_1  | [INFO] [03-11|11:48:05.228] Req/resp stats                           req=1 reqMin=36874577 reqMax=36874769 skel=12 skelMin=36499998 skelMax=36795102 resp=69 respMin=36874770 respMax=36874770 dups=0
erigon_1  | [INFO] [03-11|11:48:25.228] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=36499999
erigon_1  | [INFO] [03-11|11:48:25.228] Req/resp stats                           req=4 reqMin=36874385 reqMax=36874769 skel=14 skelMin=36499998 skelMax=36795102 resp=106 respMin=36874578 respMax=36874769 dups=0


integration stage_headers --reset
integration stage_headers --unwind 100

But not working

Show: integration print_stages

Show: integration print_stages


/ $ integration print_stages --datadir /work --chain bsc
INFO[03-11|12:52:20.901] logging to file system                   log dir=/work/logs file prefix=erigon log level=info json=false
INFO[03-11|12:52:25.328] [snapshots] Blocks Stat                  blocks=36500k indices=36500k alloc=2.5GB sys=2.7GB
Note: prune_at doesn't mean 'all data before were deleted' - it just mean stage.Prune function were run to this block. Because 1 stage may prune multiple data types to different prune distance.

 				 stage_at 	 prune_at
Snapshots 			 36499999 	 0
Headers 			 36499999 	 0
BlockHashes 			 36592657 	 0
Bodies 				 36499999 	 0
Senders 			 36499999 	 0
Execution 			 36592657 	 36592657
Translation 			 0 		 0
HashState 			 36592657 	 0
IntermediateHashes 		 36592657 	 36592657
AccountHistoryIndex 		 36592657 	 0
StorageHistoryIndex 		 36592657 	 0
LogIndex 			 36592657 	 0
CallTraces 			 36592657 	 36592657
TxLookup 			 36592657 	 36500000
Finish 				 36592657 	 0
prune distance:

blocks.v2: blocks=36499999, segments=36499999, indices=36499999

history.v3: false, idx steps: 0.00, lastMaxTxNum=0->0, lastBlockInSnap=0

sequence: EthTx=5481340659, NonCanonicalTx=0

in db: first header 0, last header 0, first body 0, last body 0

Startup command

version: '2.2'

    image: bsc-erigon:v1.1.14
    user: 1000:1000
    command: |
       --p2p.protocol=66 --txpool.disable --metrics.addr=
       --log.console.verbosity=info --db.pagesize=16k
       --datadir /home/erigon/.local/share/erigon
       --private.api.addr=localhost:9090 --chain=bsc --metrics
       --log.dir.path /home/erigon/.local/share/erigon/logs
       --http.port=8565 --http.addr= --http --ws

Do you start from the scratch? There are no data in the db.

Do you start from the scratch? There are no data in the db.

No, I starts with the snapshots downloaded (~7T)

~/.local/share/erigon $ ls
LOCK       chaindata  jwt.hex    logs       nodekey    nodes      parlia     snapshots  temp
~/.local/share/erigon $ ls -lha chaindata/
total 7T
drwxrwxr-x    2 erigon   erigon        50 Mar 11 07:42 .
drwxrwxr-x    8 erigon   erigon       173 Mar 11 09:12 ..
-rw-rw-r--    1 erigon   erigon      7.2T Mar 11 11:23 mdbx.dat
-rw-r--r--    1 erigon   erigon   1004.0K Mar 12 02:06 mdbx.lck
~/.local/share/erigon $ ls -lha snapshots | wc -l
~/.local/share/erigon $

@wtdcode There are different datadir when you print_stages?

There are different datadir when you print_stages?

The same folder. I just started another containers with another mount point.

~/.local/share $ cd erigon/^C
~/.local/share $ integration print_stages --datadir ./erigon --chain bsc
INFO[03-12|02:27:15.295] logging to file system                   log dir=erigon/logs file prefix=erigon log level=info json=false
INFO[03-12|02:27:18.556] [snapshots] Blocks Stat                  blocks=36500k indices=36500k alloc=2.5GB sys=2.6GB
Note: prune_at doesn't mean 'all data before were deleted' - it just mean stage.Prune function were run to this block. Because 1 stage may prune multiple data types to different prune distance.

 				 stage_at 	 prune_at
Snapshots 			 36499999 	 0
Headers 			 36499999 	 0
BlockHashes 			 36592657 	 0
Bodies 				 36499999 	 0
Senders 			 36499999 	 0
Execution 			 36592657 	 36592657
Translation 			 0 		 0
HashState 			 36592657 	 0
IntermediateHashes 		 36592657 	 36592657
AccountHistoryIndex 		 36592657 	 0
StorageHistoryIndex 		 36592657 	 0
LogIndex 			 36592657 	 0
CallTraces 			 36592657 	 36592657
TxLookup 			 36592657 	 36500000
Finish 				 36592657 	 0
prune distance:

blocks.v2: blocks=36499999, segments=36499999, indices=36499999

history.v3: false, idx steps: 0.00, lastMaxTxNum=0->0, lastBlockInSnap=0

sequence: EthTx=5481340659, NonCanonicalTx=0

in db: first header 0, last header 0, first body 0, last body 0
~/.local/share $

Please show the log about stage_headers —reset ?

Please show the log about stage_headers —reset ?

I have already reset it (see 36499999 there). I have started another run, but this will take a while.

Please show the log about stage_headers —reset ?

I have already reset it (see 36499999 there). I have started another run, but this will take a while.

Yes, i also want to check that the headers progress must be >= snapshots. Do you download the snapshots and the mdbx snapshot the same time?

@blxdyx Oh wait, I found previously saved reset logs:

[INFO] [03-11|08:29:55.160] logging to file system                   log dir=/work/logs file prefix=erigon log level=info json=false
[INFO] [03-11|08:30:03.277] [snapshots] Blocks Stat                  blocks=36500k indices=36500k alloc=2.4GB sys=2.6GB
[INFO] [03-11|08:30:04.585] TruncateBlocks                           block=36592557
[INFO] [03-11|08:30:24.586] TruncateBlocks                           block=36588554
[INFO] [03-11|08:30:44.586] TruncateBlocks                           block=36584089
[INFO] [03-11|08:31:04.586] TruncateBlocks                           block=36579154
[INFO] [03-11|08:31:24.586] TruncateBlocks                           block=36573197
[INFO] [03-11|08:31:44.586] TruncateBlocks                           block=36566818
[INFO] [03-11|08:32:04.586] TruncateBlocks                           block=36562019
[INFO] [03-11|08:32:24.586] TruncateBlocks                           block=36558330
[INFO] [03-11|08:32:44.586] TruncateBlocks                           block=36553521
[INFO] [03-11|08:33:04.586] TruncateBlocks                           block=36548866
[INFO] [03-11|08:33:24.586] TruncateBlocks                           block=36543529
[INFO] [03-11|08:33:44.586] TruncateBlocks                           block=36537448
[INFO] [03-11|08:34:04.586] TruncateBlocks                           block=36534495
[INFO] [03-11|08:34:24.586] TruncateBlocks                           block=36531221
[INFO] [03-11|08:34:44.586] TruncateBlocks                           block=36528088
[INFO] [03-11|08:35:04.586] TruncateBlocks                           block=36524350
[INFO] [03-11|08:35:24.586] TruncateBlocks                           block=36519493
[INFO] [03-11|08:35:44.587] TruncateBlocks                           block=36513452
[INFO] [03-11|08:36:04.585] TruncateBlocks                           block=36507555
[INFO] [03-11|08:36:24.586] TruncateBlocks                           block=36503152
[INFO] [03-11|08:36:39.806] TruncateBlocks done
[INFO] [03-11|08:58:32.235] Clear                                    table=NonCanonicalTransaction
[INFO] [03-11|08:58:32.288] Clear                                    table=BlockTransaction
[INFO] [03-11|08:58:32.353] Clear                                    table=MaxTxNum
[INFO] [03-11|08:58:34.958] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=100000
[INFO] [03-11|08:58:56.785] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=100000
[INFO] [03-11|08:58:57.077] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 102k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|08:59:00.843] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=200000
[INFO] [03-11|08:59:20.119] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=200000
[INFO] [03-11|08:59:20.943] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 204k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|08:59:23.895] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=300000
[INFO] [03-11|08:59:45.928] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=300000
[INFO] [03-11|08:59:47.415] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 307k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|08:59:50.058] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=400000
[INFO] [03-11|09:00:11.894] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=400000
[INFO] [03-11|09:00:14.239] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 409k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:00:17.370] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=500000
[INFO] [03-11|09:00:38.674] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=500000
[INFO] [03-11|09:00:41.494] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 512k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:00:44.680] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=600000
[INFO] [03-11|09:01:03.595] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=600000
[INFO] [03-11|09:01:06.195] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 614k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:01:08.545] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=700000
[INFO] [03-11|09:01:27.816] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=700000
[INFO] [03-11|09:01:31.790] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 716k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:01:32.361] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 731k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:01:35.465] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=800000
[INFO] [03-11|09:01:53.134] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=800000
[INFO] [03-11|09:01:56.620] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 819k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:01:59.250] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=900000
[INFO] [03-11|09:02:12.635] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=900000
[INFO] [03-11|09:02:15.805] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 921k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:02:18.585] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=1000000
[INFO] [03-11|09:02:35.319] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=1000000
[INFO] [03-11|09:02:41.615] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 1024k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:02:45.147] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=1100000
[INFO] [03-11|09:03:03.356] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=1100000
[INFO] [03-11|09:03:09.040] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 1126k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:03:11.576] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=1200000
[INFO] [03-11|09:03:27.891] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=1200000
[INFO] [03-11|09:03:34.931] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 1228k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:03:39.061] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=1300000
[INFO] [03-11|09:03:53.889] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=1300000
[INFO] [03-11|09:03:59.051] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 1331k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:04:02.228] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=1400000
[INFO] [03-11|09:04:12.870] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=1400000
[INFO] [03-11|09:04:21.406] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 1433k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:04:26.393] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=1500000
[INFO] [03-11|09:04:36.922] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=1500000
[INFO] [03-11|09:04:42.785] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 1536k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:04:45.923] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=1600000
[INFO] [03-11|09:04:57.302] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=1600000
[INFO] [03-11|09:05:03.532] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 1638k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:05:06.173] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=1700000
[INFO] [03-11|09:05:14.527] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=1700000
[INFO] [03-11|09:05:20.943] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 1740k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:05:23.663] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=1800000
[INFO] [03-11|09:05:36.899] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=1800000
[INFO] [03-11|09:05:47.193] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 1843k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:05:49.690] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=1900000
[INFO] [03-11|09:05:59.533] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=1900000
[INFO] [03-11|09:06:09.011] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 1945k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:06:12.361] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 2046k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:06:12.956] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=2000000
[INFO] [03-11|09:06:24.882] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=2000000
[INFO] [03-11|09:06:36.626] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 2048k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:06:40.747] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=2100000
[INFO] [03-11|09:06:51.664] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=2100000
[INFO] [03-11|09:07:03.510] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 2150k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:07:06.854] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=2200000
[INFO] [03-11|09:07:15.287] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=2200000
[INFO] [03-11|09:07:23.561] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 2252k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:07:26.783] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=2300000
[INFO] [03-11|09:07:33.752] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=2300000
[INFO] [03-11|09:07:42.435] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 2355k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:07:46.244] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=2400000
[INFO] [03-11|09:07:53.074] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=2400000
[INFO] [03-11|09:08:06.689] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 2457k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:08:10.666] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=2500000
[INFO] [03-11|09:08:16.218] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=2500000
[INFO] [03-11|09:08:28.473] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 2560k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:08:32.485] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 2652k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:08:34.250] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=2600000
[INFO] [03-11|09:08:41.936] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=2600000
[INFO] [03-11|09:08:52.361] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 2685k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:08:54.549] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=2700000
[INFO] [03-11|09:08:59.864] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=2700000
[INFO] [03-11|09:09:12.361] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 2823k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:09:14.034] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=2800000
[INFO] [03-11|09:09:18.791] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=2800000
[INFO] [03-11|09:09:32.361] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 2945k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:09:34.841] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=2900000
[INFO] [03-11|09:09:40.635] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=2900000
[INFO] [03-11|09:09:57.324] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 2969k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:10:02.784] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=3000000
[INFO] [03-11|09:10:08.797] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=3000000
[INFO] [03-11|09:10:23.862] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 3072k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:10:32.014] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=3100000
[INFO] [03-11|09:10:36.961] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=3100000
[INFO] [03-11|09:10:50.690] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 3174k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:10:52.360] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 3232k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:10:54.625] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=3200000
[INFO] [03-11|09:10:57.981] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=3200000
[INFO] [03-11|09:11:14.082] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 3276k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:11:18.428] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=3300000
[INFO] [03-11|09:11:22.302] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=3300000
[INFO] [03-11|09:11:36.863] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 3379k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:11:40.332] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=3400000
[INFO] [03-11|09:11:42.665] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=3400000
[INFO] [03-11|09:11:54.304] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 3481k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:11:58.008] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=3500000
[INFO] [03-11|09:11:59.554] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=3500000
[INFO] [03-11|09:12:12.361] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 3618k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:12:14.403] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=3600000
[INFO] [03-11|09:12:15.700] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=3600000
[INFO] [03-11|09:12:34.736] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 3686k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:12:54.937] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 3728k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:12:58.299] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=3700000
[INFO] [03-11|09:12:59.614] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=3700000
[INFO] [03-11|09:13:18.553] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 3788k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:13:44.723] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 3891k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|09:14:05.168] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 3993k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|10:32:52.772] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=36200000
[INFO] [03-11|10:32:56.892] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=36200000
[INFO] [03-11|10:33:00.577] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=36200000
[INFO] [03-11|10:33:04.526] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 36249k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|10:33:05.425] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=36300000
[INFO] [03-11|10:33:08.934] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=36300000
[INFO] [03-11|10:33:13.250] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=36300000
[INFO] [03-11|10:33:16.732] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=36300000
[INFO] [03-11|10:33:20.865] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 36352k/36499k
[INFO] [03-11|10:33:21.738] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=36400000
[INFO] [03-11|10:33:25.120] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=36400000
[INFO] [03-11|10:33:29.628] [parlia] snapshots build, gather headers block=36400000
[INFO] [03-11|10:33:32.918] [parlia] snapshots build, recover from headers block=36400000
[INFO] [03-11|10:33:37.246] [fillind_db_from_snapshots] Total difficulty index: 36454k/36499k

Please show the log about stage_headers —reset ?

I have already reset it (see 36499999 there). I have started another run, but this will take a while.

Yes, i also want to check that the headers progress must be >= snapshots. Do you download the snapshots and the mdbx snapshot the same time?

Yes, exactly the same pair. erigon_snapshots_20240301.tar.lz4 and erigon_data_20240302.lz4.00*

May be you could try rename the snapshots folder. Just start without the snapshots. And start erigon, see what happen?

May be you could try rename the snapshots folder. Just start without the snapshots. And start erigon, see what happen?

It's starting to download the snapshots but slow. I think my network is not well for bt downloading.

Btw, another stage_headers --reset doesn't work, still:

erigon_1  | [INFO] [03-12|04:36:59.938] [1/15 Snapshots] Fetching torrent files metadata
erigon_1  | [INFO] [03-12|04:36:59.947] [snapshots] Blocks Stat                  blocks=36500k indices=36500k alloc=3.1GB sys=3.3GB
erigon_1  | [INFO] [03-12|04:37:00.566] [2/15 Headers] Waiting for headers...    from=36499999
erigon_1  | [INFO] [03-12|04:37:20.567] [2/15 Headers] No block headers to write in this log period block number=36499999

May be you could try rename the snapshots folder. Just start without the snapshots. And start erigon, see what happen?

It's starting to download the snapshots but slow. I think my network is not well for bt downloading.

Ok, or just remove the v1-036500-036600* snapshots, and set --log.console.verbosity=dbug

I downloaded the snapshots again and same error. Sigh...

I gave up syncing and decided to start rpcdaemon to server the database only while spinning another bsc_geth.

I'm having the same issue using the chaindata+snapshots from bsc-snapshots.

Versions are:

  • bsc-erigon 1.1.15
  • erigon_data_20240302.lz4
  • erigon_snapshots_20240301.tar

PS: @tofanovskiy did you manage to sort it out?

Commenting here in case anyone else has this same issue. The flag --p2p.protocol=66 seems to be the culprit for not getting the new headers. After removing it, it all flows. Version 1.2.2.

Suggest add this flag: --p2p.protocol=68 Bsc remove support of 66 and 67 after v1.4.x

@blxdyx hey

launched node with new client and new data/snaphots downloaded

seeing a lot of errors in logs like :
[DBUG] [04-04|21:17:33.738] [p2p] Dial scheduler protocol=68 peers=15/33 tried=465 static=6 connect: connection refused=20 connect: no route to host=2 i/o timeout=26 connect: connection reset by peer=21 [DBUG] [04-04|21:17:33.738] [p2p] Discovery table protocol=68 version=v4 len=181 live=5 unsol=138 ips=241 db=0 reval=9 RPC timeout=3 unsolicited reply=47 unknown node=5 [DBUG] [04-04|21:17:33.739] [p2p] Server protocol=68 peers=15 trusted=0 inbound=7 [INFO] [04-04|21:17:44.150] [7/15 Execution] Executed blocks number=37312074 blk/s=4.7 tx/s=841.0 Mgas/s=84.0 gas State=0.10 batch=54.2MB alloc=5.2GB sys=9.5GB [DBUG] [04-04|21:17:49.173] [downloader] too many anchors: 512, limit 512 [DBUG] [04-04|21:17:55.278] [downloader] too many anchors: 512, limit 512 [DBUG] [04-04|21:18:01.262] [downloader] too many anchors: 512, limit 512 [DBUG] [04-04|21:18:04.200] [downloader] too many anchors: 512, limit 512 [DBUG] [04-04|21:18:04.389] [downloader] too many anchors: 512, limit 512 [DBUG] [04-04|21:18:07.232] [downloader] too many anchors: 512, limit 512 [DBUG] [04-04|21:18:13.113] [downloader] too many anchors: 512, limit 512 [INFO] [04-04|21:18:14.348] [7/15 Execution] Executed blocks number=37312227 blk/s=5.1 tx/s=837.3 Mgas/s=88.9 gas State=0.10 batch=56.6MB alloc=6.4GB sys=9.5GB

what can I do to improve sync process and avoid such errors?

@blxdyx ?
[DBUG] [04-05|07:17:48.430] [downloader] too many anchors: 512, limit 512
[DBUG] [04-05|07:17:51.163] [downloader] too many anchors: 512, limit 512
[DBUG] [04-05|07:17:54.159] [downloader] too many anchors: 512, limit 512
[DBUG] [04-05|07:17:57.204] [downloader] too many anchors: 512, limit 512
[DBUG] [04-05|07:18:00.194] [downloader] too many anchors: 512, limit 512
[DBUG] [04-05|07:18:03.288] [downloader] too many anchors: 512, limit 512
[DBUG] [04-05|07:18:03.321] [downloader] too many anchors: 512, limit 512
[DBUG] [04-05|07:18:06.318] [downloader] too many anchors: 512, limit 512
[DBUG] [04-05|07:18:06.571] [downloader] too many anchors: 512, limit 512
[DBUG] [04-05|07:18:09.150] [downloader] too many anchors: 512, limit 512

command I am using - erigon --p2p.protocol=68 --txpool.disable --metrics.addr= --log.console.verbosity=info --db.pagesize=16k --datadir /bsc/ --private.api.addr=localhost:9090 --chain=bsc --snapshots=true --maxpeers 100 --downloader.verify --log.console.verbosity=dbug

Block height: 37295042

Those are normal logs

why then I have same Block height: 37295042 for 3 days already? if that are normal logs
CC @blxdyx

why then I have same Block height: 37295042 for 3 days already? if that are normal logs

I need more log about when the block height don't increase. BTW, which version do you use.


`[INFO] [04-08|08:06:41.951] Starting Erigon on BSC mainnet...
[INFO] [04-08|08:06:41.954] Maximum peer count ETH=100 total=100
[INFO] [04-08|08:06:41.954] starting HTTP APIs port=8545 APIs=eth,erigon,engine
[INFO] [04-08|08:06:41.955] torrent verbosity level=WRN
[INFO] [04-08|08:06:43.962] Set global gas cap cap=50000000
[INFO] [04-08|08:06:43.971] [Downloader] Running with ipv6-enabled=true ipv4-enabled=true download.rate=500mb upload.rate=4mb
[INFO] [04-08|08:06:43.972] Opening Database label=chaindata path=/bsc/chaindata
mdbx_setup_dxb:15946 filesize mismatch (expect 8252678995968b/503703552p, have 8262728548352b/504316928p)
[INFO] [04-08|08:06:44.276] [db] open lable=chaindata sizeLimit=12TB pageSize=16384
[INFO] [04-08|08:06:44.292] Initialised chain configuration config="{ChainID: 56 Ramanujan: 0, Niels: 0, MirrorS
ync: 5184000, Bruno: 13082000, Euler: 18907621, Gibbs: 23846001, Nano: 21962149, Moran: 22107423, Planck: 27281024, Luban: 29020050, Plato: 30720096, Hertz: 31302048, Hertzfix: 34140700, ShanghaiTime: 1705996800, KeplerTime 1705996800, FeynmanTime , FeynmanFixTime , Engine: parlia}" genesis=0x0d21840abff46b96c84b2ac9e10e4f5cdaeb5693cb665db62a2f3b02d2d
FO] [04-08|08:07:23.572] Initialising Ethereum protocol network=56
[INFO] [04-08|08:07:23.572] Opening Database label=parlia path=/bsc/parlia
mdbx_setup_dxb:16114 opening after an unclean shutdown, but boot-id(b674166c760de900-f896d802e4c54fb4) is MATCH: rollback NOT needed, steady-sync NEEDED
[DBUG] [04-08|08:07:23.587] [db] open lable=consensus sizeLimit=2TB pageSize=16384
[INFO] [04-08|08:07:27.929] Starting private RPC server on=localhost:9090
[INFO] [04-08|08:07:27.929] new subscription to logs established
[INFO] [04-08|08:07:27.930] rpc filters: subscribing to Erigon events
[DBUG] [04-08|08:07:27.931] Establishing event subscription channel with the RPC daemon ...
[INFO] [04-08|08:07:27.931] new subscription to newHeaders established
[INFO] [04-08|08:07:27.935] Reading JWT secret path=/bsc/jwt.hex
[INFO] [04-08|08:07:27.935] JsonRpc endpoint opened ws=false ws.compression=true grpc=false http.url=127
[DBUG] [04-08|08:07:27.935] [db] open lable=sentry sizeLimit=8GB pageSize=4096
[INFO] [04-08|08:07:27.936] HTTP endpoint opened for Engine API url= ws=true ws.compression=true
[WARN] [04-08|08:07:27.937] NAT ExternalIP resolution has failed, try to pass a different --nat option err="no UPnP or NAT-PMP router discovered"
[DBUG] [04-08|08:07:27.937] Couldn't add port mapping proto=tcp extport=30303 intport=30303 interface="UPn
P or NAT-PMP" err="no UPnP or NAT-PMP router discovered"
[DBUG] [04-08|08:07:27.937] Couldn't add port mapping proto=udp extport=30303 intport=30303 interface="UPn
P or NAT-PMP" err="no UPnP or NAT-PMP router discovered"
[DBUG] [04-08|08:07:27.938] QuerySeeds read nodes from the node DB count=0
[DBUG] [04-08|08:07:27.939] QuerySeeds read nodes from the node DB count=0
[INFO] [04-08|08:07:27.940] Started P2P networking version=68 self=enode://36d16e47e5cb3098b7cd5c1ef9c5
eededa3b7886e03d142d98d6c4a613950b98d31f0539c14b722c65e473963c85962f2f987cfc208e6fcae9ce7cb94043bae2@ name
[INFO] [04-08|08:07:27.943] [1/15 Snapshots] Requesting downloads
[INFO] [04-08|08:07:27.946] [snapshots] Verify start
[DBUG] [04-08|08:07:28.381] AnchorTree add anchor anchor.blockHeight=37674911 success=false
[DBUG] [04-08|08:07:28.381] AnchorTree add anchor anchor.blockHeight=37674911 success=false
[DBUG] [04-08|08:07:44.205] AnchorTree add anchor anchor.blockHeight=37674917 success=false
[INFO] [04-08|08:07:47.960] [snapshots] Verify progress=1.25%
[DBUG] [04-08|08:07:59.162] AnchorTree add anchor anchor.blockHeight=37674922 success=false
[INFO] [04-08|08:08:07.972] [snapshots] Verify progress=2.23%


will add additional logs after stage is completed, it executes each time after start

additional progress:

[INFO] [04-08|08:46:27.967] [snapshots] Verify                       progress=80.53%
[DBUG] [04-08|08:46:38.326] AnchorTree add anchor                    anchor.blockHeight=37675695 success=false
[DBUG] [04-08|08:46:47.175] AnchorTree add anchor                    anchor.blockHeight=37675698 success=false
[INFO] [04-08|08:46:47.957] [snapshots] Verify                       progress=81.15%
[INFO] [04-08|08:47:08.760] [snapshots] Verify                       progress=81.88%
[DBUG] [04-08|08:47:09.101] AnchorTree add anchor                    anchor.blockHeight=37675704 success=false
[DBUG] [04-08|08:47:23.177] AnchorTree add anchor                    anchor.blockHeight=37675710 success=false
[INFO] [04-08|08:47:27.953] [snapshots] Verify                       progress=82.54%
[DBUG] [04-08|08:47:29.026] [p2p] Dial scheduler                     protocol=68 peers=21/33 tried=77 static=6 connect: connection refused=7 i/o timeout=1
[DBUG] [04-08|08:47:29.027] [p2p] Discovery table                    protocol=68 version=v4 len=76 live=0 unsol=59 ips=90 db=0 reval=2 RPC timeout=1 unsolicited reply=34 unknown node=5
[DBUG] [04-08|08:47:29.027] [p2p] Server                             protocol=68 peers=21 trusted=0 inbound=15
[DBUG] [04-08|08:47:30.499] Couldn't add port mapping                proto=tcp extport=30303 intport=30303 interface="UPnP or NAT-PMP" err="no UPnP or NAT-PMP router discovered"
[DBUG] [04-08|08:47:30.499] Couldn't add port mapping                proto=udp extport=30303 intport=30303 interface="UPnP or NAT-PMP" err="no UPnP or NAT-PMP router discovered"
[DBUG] [04-08|08:47:38.303] AnchorTree add anchor                    anchor.blockHeight=37675715 success=false
[INFO] [04-08|08:47:47.954] [snapshots] Verify                       progress=83.32%
[DBUG] [04-08|08:47:53.292] AnchorTree add anchor                    anchor.blockHeight=37675720 success=false
[DBUG] [04-08|08:48:05.266] AnchorTree add anchor                    anchor.blockHeight=37675724 success=false
[INFO] [04-08|08:48:07.966] [snapshots] Verify                       progress=84.11%

[DBUG] [04-08|08:48:23.208] AnchorTree add anchor                    anchor.blockHeight=37675730 success=false
id message=1
[INFO] [04-08|08:54:27.947] [snapshots] Verify                       progress=99.33%
[DBUG] [04-08|08:54:44.101] AnchorTree add anchor                    anchor.blockHeight=37675854 success=false
[WARN] [04-08|08:54:46.312] [rpc] served                             conn= method=eth_coinbase reqid=2 t=2
56.656µs err="etherbase must be explicitly specified"
[WARN] [04-08|08:54:46.349] [rpc] served                             conn= method=eth_accounts reqid=2 t=223.835µs err="the method has been deprecated: eth_accounts"
[INFO] [04-08|08:54:47.948] [snapshots] Verify                       progress=99.88%
[DBUG] [04-08|08:54:50.256] AnchorTree add anchor                    anchor.blockHeight=37675856 success=false
[INFO] [04-08|08:54:54.583] [snapshots] Verify done                  files=237 whiteList=[]

[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.265] HeaderEvicted                            link.blockHeight=37245227
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.267] justifiedNumber = 37310596, curJustifiedNumber = 37310595, header.number = 37310597, hd.highestInDb = 37310596
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.268] HeaderEvicted                            link.blockHeight=37245228
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.270] justifiedNumber = 37310597, curJustifiedNumber = 37310596, header.number = 37310598, hd.highestInDb = 37310597
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.270] HeaderEvicted                            link.blockHeight=37245229
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.273] justifiedNumber = 37310598, curJustifiedNumber = 37310597, header.number = 37310599, hd.highestInDb = 37310598
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.273] HeaderEvicted                            link.blockHeight=37245230
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.276] justifiedNumber = 37310599, curJustifiedNumber = 37310598, header.number = 37310600, hd.highestInDb = 37310599
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.277] HeaderEvicted                            link.blockHeight=37245231
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.280] justifiedNumber = 37310600, curJustifiedNumber = 37310599, header.number = 37310601, hd.highe
stInDb = 37310600
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.280] HeaderEvicted                            link.blockHeight=37245232
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.283] justifiedNumber = 37310601, curJustifiedNumber = 37310600, header.number = 37310602, hd.highe
stInDb = 37310601
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.283] HeaderEvicted                            link.blockHeight=37245233
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.286] justifiedNumber = 37310602, curJustifiedNumber = 37310601, header.number = 37310603, hd.highe
stInDb = 37310602
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.286] HeaderEvicted                            link.blockHeight=37245234
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.289] justifiedNumber = 37310603, curJustifiedNumber = 37310602, header.number = 37310604, hd.highestInDb = 37310603
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.289] HeaderEvicted                            link.blockHeight=37245235
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.292] justifiedNumber = 37310604, curJustifiedNumber = 37310603, header.number = 37310605, hd.highe
stInDb = 37310604
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.292] HeaderEvicted                            link.blockHeight=37245236
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.294] justifiedNumber = 37310605, curJustifiedNumber = 37310604, header.number = 37310606, hd.highe
stInDb = 37310605
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.294] HeaderEvicted                            link.blockHeight=37245237
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.297] justifiedNumber = 37310606, curJustifiedNumber = 37310605, header.number = 37310607, hd.highe
stInDb = 37310606
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.297] HeaderEvicted                            link.blockHeight=37245238
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.299] justifiedNumber = 37310607, curJustifiedNumber = 37310606, header.number = 37310608, hd.highe
stInDb = 37310607
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.299] HeaderEvicted                            link.blockHeight=37245239
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.301] justifiedNumber = 37310608, curJustifiedNumber = 37310607, header.number = 37310609, hd.highestInDb = 37310608
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.301] HeaderEvicted                            link.blockHeight=37245240
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.304] justifiedNumber = 37310609, curJustifiedNumber = 37310608, header.number = 37310610, hd.highestInDb = 37310609
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.304] HeaderEvicted                            link.blockHeight=37245241
[DBUG] [04-08|08:55:53.307] justifiedNumber = 37310610, curJustifiedNumber = 37310609, header.number = 37310611, hd.highe
stInDb = 37310610

It start download header. Actually not found error. You need hours to catch the head.

[DBUG] [04-08|09:15:27.669] HeaderEvicted                            link.blockHeight=37610734
[DBUG] [04-08|09:15:27.672] justifiedNumber = 37676265, curJustifiedNumber = 37676264, header.number = 37676266, hd.highestInDb = 37676265
[DBUG] [04-08|09:15:27.672] HeaderEvicted                            link.blockHeight=37610735
[DBUG] [04-08|09:15:27.939] [p2p] Discovery table                    protocol=68 version=v4 len=76 live=0 unsol=59 ips=90 db=0 reval=2 RPC timeout=1 unsolicited reply=34 unknown node=5
[DBUG] [04-08|09:15:27.939] [p2p] Dial scheduler                     protocol=68 peers=7/33 tried=77 static=6 connect: connection refused=7 i/o timeout=1
[DBUG] [04-08|09:15:27.940] [p2p] Server                             protocol=68 peers=7 trusted=0 inbound=1 too many peers=1
[INFO] [04-08|09:15:30.412] [2/15 Headers] Processed                 highest=37676266 age=3s headers=381224 in=1229.853 blk/sec=309
[INFO] [04-08|09:15:30.412] [2/15 Headers] DONE                      in=20m29.855813202s
[DBUG] [04-08|09:15:30.413] [3/15 BorHeimdall] DONE                  in=839.66µs
[INFO] [04-08|09:16:16.606] [4/15 BlockHashes] ETL [2/2] Loading     into=HeaderNumber current_prefix=1cc54d3e

Just wait. It seems fine.

Does it catch up the latest block?

Block height: 37295042

latest logs:

[DBUG] [04-09|10:06:27.941] [p2p] Server                             protocol=68 peers=3 trusted=0 inbound=3 ecies: invalid message=1
[INFO] [04-09|10:06:39.612] [8/15 HashState] ETL [2/2] Loading       into=HashedAccount current_prefix=70cf6174
[INFO] [04-09|10:07:09.068] [8/15 HashState] ETL [2/2] Loading       into=HashedAccount current_prefix=7509133f
[INFO] [04-09|10:07:23.558] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth68=3
[DBUG] [04-09|10:07:27.939] [p2p] Dial scheduler                     protocol=68 peers=3/33 tried=82 static=6 connect: connection refused=7 i/o timeout=7
[DBUG] [04-09|10:07:27.939] [p2p] Discovery table                    protocol=68 version=v4 len=76 live=0 unsol=59 ips=90 db=0 reval=2 RPC timeout=1 unsolicited reply=34 unknown node=5
[DBUG] [04-09|10:07:27.940] [p2p] Server                             protocol=68 peers=3 trusted=0 inbound=3 ecies: invalid message=1
[INFO] [04-09|10:07:39.041] [8/15 HashState] ETL [2/2] Loading       into=HashedAccount current_prefix=77d09f48
[INFO] [04-09|10:08:17.285] [8/15 HashState] ETL [2/2] Loading       into=HashedAccount current_prefix=7a6bf30b
[DBUG] [04-09|10:08:27.939] [p2p] Discovery table                    protocol=68 version=v4 len=76 live=0 unsol=59 ips=90 db=0 reval=2 RPC timeout=1 unsolicited reply=34 unknown node=5
[DBUG] [04-09|10:08:27.939] [p2p] Dial scheduler                     protocol=68 peers=3/33 tried=82 static=6 i/o timeout=7 connect: connection refused=7
[DBUG] [04-09|10:08:27.941] [p2p] Server                             protocol=68 peers=3 trusted=0 inbound=3 ecies: invalid message=1
[INFO] [04-09|10:08:39.042] [8/15 HashState] ETL [2/2] Loading       into=HashedAccount current_prefix=7b01a270
[INFO] [04-09|10:09:11.331] [8/15 HashState] ETL [2/2] Loading       into=HashedAccount current_prefix=7e3ad6d9

How about it

[DBUG] [04-10|10:45:27.939] [p2p] Discovery table protocol=68 version=v4 len=76 live=0 unsol=59 ips=90
db=0 reval=2 RPC timeout=1 unsolicited reply=34 unknown node=5
[DBUG] [04-10|10:45:27.941] [p2p] Server protocol=68 peers=5 trusted=0 inbound=5
[INFO] [04-10|10:45:36.243] [14/15 TxLookup] ETL [2/2] Loading into=BlockTransactionLookup current_prefix=bac0a562
[DBUG] [04-10|10:45:47.202] Couldn't add port mapping proto=tcp extport=30303 intport=30303 interface="UPn
P or NAT-PMP" err="no UPnP or NAT-PMP router discovered"
[DBUG] [04-10|10:45:47.202] Couldn't add port mapping proto=udp extport=30303 intport=30303 interface="UPnP or NAT-PMP" err="no UPnP or NAT-PMP router discovered"
[INFO] [04-10|10:46:06.855] [14/15 TxLookup] ETL [2/2] Loading into=BlockTransactionLookup current_prefix=bd083b4b
[INFO] [04-10|10:46:23.559] [p2p] GoodPeers eth68=5
[DBUG] [04-10|10:46:27.939] [p2p] Dial scheduler protocol=68 peers=5/33 tried=82 static=6 connect: connection refused=7 i/o timeout=7
[DBUG] [04-10|10:46:27.939] [p2p] Discovery table protocol=68 version=v4 len=76 live=0 unsol=59 ips=90
db=0 reval=2 RPC timeout=1 unsolicited reply=34 unknown node=5
[DBUG] [04-10|10:46:27.941] [p2p] Server protocol=68 peers=5 trusted=0 inbound=5

current block height is Block height: 37735895, and recently stopped again updating blocks.

[INFO] [04-10|22:46:22.970] [9/15 IntermediateHashes] Calculating Merkle root current key=6923a807
[INFO] [04-10|22:46:23.558] [p2p] GoodPeers                          eth68=5
[DBUG] [04-10|22:46:27.939] [p2p] Dial scheduler                     protocol=68 peers=5/33 tried=82 static=6 connect: co
nnection refused=7 i/o timeout=7
[DBUG] [04-10|22:46:27.939] [p2p] Discovery table                    protocol=68 version=v4 len=76 live=0 unsol=59 ips=90
 db=0 reval=2 RPC timeout=1 unsolicited reply=34 unknown node=5
[DBUG] [04-10|22:46:27.941] [p2p] Server                             protocol=68 peers=5 trusted=0 inbound=5
[INFO] [04-10|22:46:52.885] [9/15 IntermediateHashes] Calculating Merkle root current key=6ff1602a
[INFO] [04-10|22:47:22.880] [9/15 IntermediateHashes] Calculating Merkle root current key=76cc672b
[DBUG] [04-10|22:47:27.939] [p2p] Discovery table                    protocol=68 version=v4 len=76 live=0 unsol=59 ips=90
 db=0 reval=2 RPC timeout=1 unsolicited reply=34 unknown node=5
[DBUG] [04-10|22:47:27.939] [p2p] Dial scheduler                     protocol=68 peers=5/33 tried=82 static=6 connect: co
nnection refused=7 i/o timeout=7
[DBUG] [04-10|22:47:27.941] [p2p] Server                             protocol=68 peers=5 trusted=0 inbound=5

[INFO] [04-10|22:47:52.879] [9/15 IntermediateHashes] Calculating Merkle root current key=7bb0f433

If not more problem will close this issue.

I confirmed the latest version and --p2p.protocol=68 fix my issue. Thanks for your efforts!