node-apn / node-apn

:calling: Apple Push Notification module for Node.js

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Maintainer Needed

argon opened this issue · comments

Due to new work commitments I am no longer permitted to publish code to, or participate in, the node-apn project. Therefore I am seeking a maintainer to take good care of it and ensure it remains a useful module.

Please DM me via Twitter (@argon) or send an email to the address on my GH profile if you wish to take it over. If you do take it over, please follow these rules:

  • Do not claim to be the original author, so the license should retain my name, but feel free to add yourself to it once you have made any substantial contributions. Please keep my name and Twitter handle intact in the README - but you can move it around as you see fit.
  • If at any point in the future, you want to stop maintaining the project:
    • If you find someone else to takeover the project, please ensure they will continue following these rules.
    • If you cannot find anyone to take it over, please add an unmainted badge (see here) to the README and transfer the project back to my GitHub account (@argon). That will allow me to find a new maintainer myself or to at least keep the project available for historical purposes.
  • My GitHub account (@argon) should continue to be one of the owners of the project, but you will have full control over its future direction.

I am the new node-apn maintainer. However, it would be great if additional maintainers would join the node-apn team. Please get in touch.

We use node-apn in our stack and I will start monitoring this repo.

I am interested in being a maintainer too as I constantly use this module :)

@debjeet-sarkar Just start watching this repo and reply to issues or create pull requests.

I'll add maintainers to the node-apn organization after they've made a few contributions. Ping me if you want to be added to the organization.

We use this pretty heavily in our stack too so I'd love to help maintain. Will watch and contribute where I can.

I use this npm package, I will watch and contribute ;)

@florianreinhart if we'd like to contribute whats the best way to ensure someone else isnt already working on a particular issue? just commenting on the issue itself?

@alexcorre Yes, commenting on the issue would be the best way.

@florianreinhart we use apps for parse-server, we'll try to make sure we contribute as much as we can on user reported bugs! Thanks for the hard work and thanks @argon for everything!

@florianreinhart If you are now maintaining this you need to publish some form of email or contact information. For issues that require urgent attention or shouldn't be made public there should be a way to contact a maintainer of the project.

@fishcharlie my email address has always been in the package.json. No idea what you are talking about.


I would like to participate in maintaining this repo.

Best regards,
Tarek M.


We're getting ready to publish our fork of this repo to @parse/node-apn

We'd prefer to just help with this repo going forward as there is nothing parse specific about our fork, we'd be glad to help, and I think it would be less confusing to users if there were just a single module.

Would you be interested in adding me and @davimacedo and @dplewis to this repo? We are all owners/contributors of Parse Server, know this package, and can hit the ground running.

Thanks a lot for you work. I've added all of you as collaborators.

I hope I have some time to check PRs, etc. in October.

@florianreinhart Great to see this thread active after a while. Would love to join node-apn org


We're already using a fork in production with the native HTTP/2 version.

@florianreinhart I'd be happy to contribute to this repository as it's less of a hassle to maintain and backport fixes to our own fork. If you're interested in accepting new contributors let me know! :)

@ArtemisMucaj hi. @florianreinhart added me and two other of the core [Parse-Server] (@davimacedo & @dplewis ) ( contributors. We'll open up a pr to merge our branch into master. I don't think we have native HTTP/2 though so we'll want to get that in from you and we can see what else is needed?

@funkenstrahlen, interested in lending a hand here?

Do you have an opinion on how best to proceed?

Here's the diff between the v3alpha tag and the parse master: v3.0.0-alpha1...parse-community:master

Any interest in reviewing the queue of open prs?

Would be nice if we could get a release together and if you're game, I think you've got a handle on this code base?

I'm also happy to help out as a collaborator @florianreinhart

I would like to help as collaborator.

I replaced this library with AndrewBarba/apns2 in production and it's been great. I'd recommend giving it a try if you're looking for a better-maintained alternative.