noctuid / lispyville

lispy + evil = lispyville

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lispyville hijacks evil-yank :move-point configuration

ninrod opened this issue · comments

Hi @noctuid. I've just opened emacs-evil/evil#966, but found out that it is a bug in lispyville.

here's the summary:

I wan't to configure evil-yank so that it moves point after a yank operation:

(evil-set-command-property 'evil-yank :move-point t)

this does not work if lispyville-mode is active. If I turn off lispyville-mode, then it works.

Solution was very simple: just add (evil-set-command-property 'lispyville-yank :move-point t)).
here's my full lispyville working use-package configuration, for posterity's sake:

(use-package lispyville
  :ensure t
  :diminish ""
  (add-hook 'lispy-mode-hook #'lispyville-mode)
  (with-eval-after-load 'lispyville
    (lispyville-set-key-theme '(operators
                                (escape insert emacs)
    (evil-set-command-property 'lispyville-yank :move-point t))
  (with-eval-after-load 'lispy
    (lispy-define-key lispy-mode-map "v" #'lispyville-toggle-mark-type)))