nock / nock

HTTP server mocking and expectations library for Node.js

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Application to become a nock maintainer.

Uzlopak opened this issue · comments

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I would like to become a maintainer for the nock project.

I am most and foremost interested in getting the fetch mocking to work. I invested already a significant amount of time to investigate the sourcecode of nock regarding this topic and I think I understand the inner logics of nock.

I am also maintainer at fastify (very active), mongoose (less active lately), tinylibs (with its project tinybench which is part of vitest).

I have the role "enterprise owner" for the github enterpise account of my employer. My daily work is basically taking care of our github orgs, teams and over 1000 devs. One of my current tasks is taking care, that our bots use node lts. So I am really motivated to get nock up and running :).

Thank you.


No response

If the feature request is accepted, would you be willing to submit a PR?

  • yes

Thank you @Uzlopak! I've reached out to the rest of @nock/maintainers. Everyone has two weeks to get back with questions. If there are no objections we'll onboard you as our newest @nock maintainer. But hopefully we won't need to wait that long.

SGTM. Thanks, @Uzlopak!

👍🏼 Thanks @Uzlopak

Welcome Aras!!! 🎉

Thank you for your trust :)