nobody-famous / alive

Common Lisp Extension for VSCode

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

why isn't the repl a repl?

lewisl opened this issue · comments

The repl for slime in emacs or in lem (an emacs clone with all of the support for common lisp built-in) works like a repl. After each input and response, a new prompt line appears. Just like a shell. I have never really seen a repl (see Julia, see Python) that doesn't work essentially like a specialized shell.

So, what happened here? Entering a line, and seeing results displayed consecutively without the intervening commands that produced that output is kind of useless. Far better to just use sbcl in a terminal pane: but, then we lose variable inspectors and other nice things.

There are other languages that use LSP protocol for various editors that include scrolling repls.

What am I missing? Is there no multiline mode for this so-called repl?

Let's just close this. I'll use rlwrap sbcl. That just works. I can reload changed functions and everything else is there. There is little value added to Alive, slime, sly, slynk, swank, etc. The latter are archaic religious forms, not unlike Druidism, but not as nice.