noamraph / dreampie

DreamPie - The Python shell you've always dreamed about!


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Remember window/pane size on exit.

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Just an enhancement proposal, haven't taken a good look at the code yet so I can make a pull request (maybe in the future). I am liking Dreampie more and more because of the multi-line editing, overall 'look and feel', and the option to choose horizontal or vertical layout. One thing that really bugs me is having to re-size the window every time it opens. The default seems a little small to me (at least on this machine).

So.. save the window size on exit, remember it next time Dreampie opens?
Also, remember the size of the output/input panes.

A year has passed. Window sizes are handled well by my window manager (kwin), and it remembers sizes. It won't remember the position of the split though, so there's that. It would be great if DreamPie would remember the position and set it on start up.