noDRM / DeDRM_tools

DeDRM tools for ebooks

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ineptpdf_fileopen.pyw error when removing FileOpen DRM "Error: global name 'binascii' is not defined", but previous version ineptpdf_8.4.51.pyw decodes the file successfully

WeAreLegion999 opened this issue · comments

edit: [solved]

import binascii

at the beginning of the script and it worked.


Noticed that that Tetrachroma_FileOpen_ineptpdf was updated few months ago. And I'm using to test the DRM removal.

However, it seems that the updated script does not work as intended like the previous script ineptpdf_8.4.51.pyw (or I'm missing a library?) because the PDF is decrypted successfully in the previous version while the updated script returns an error "Error: global name 'binascii' is not defined"

new version:
Debut txt:
ineptpdf debug.txt

old version ineptpdf_8.4.51.pyw:
Debug txt:

my Python v2.7.17


edit: [solved]

import binascii

at the beginning of the script and it worked.

Thanks for the report, I've added that import statement. Thanks for confirming that the new version works.