nnstreamer / nntrainer

NNtrainer is Software Framework for Training Neural Network Models on Devices.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tizen 7.0 build

eightreal opened this issue · comments

Hello, I'm try to use gbs to build the nntrainer , I follow your docs but it report the error

No source package found at ...
<gbs> some package failed to be built

I'm try to write a native DrL app (follow your dqn code)for tizen-7.0 aarch64.
Is there any another method to use the nnstrain (for example: add buildRequires?)

Thanks for your help

:octocat: cibot: Thank you for posting issue #2337. The person in charge will reply soon.

Provide more information on what you have tried so that others can reproduce the results.

If you are using gbs, you need to share your gbs configuration, the environment of yours (host OS), the gbs command you use, the path you are using in (e.g., git commit or branch), more outputs from gbs, and so on.

Anyway, are you new to gbs or Tizen development?
Do you also aware that, by using gbs, you are actually developing the os (and its middleware/service), not the app?

You appear to be on a wrong path, though. (need to be at the root of the git repo)

The most recommended way to access nntrainer for Tizen applications is to access via Tizen ML API.


No source package found at ...
<gbs> some package failed to be built

This means that the directory ... is not nntrainer.git or any other valid Tizen package git. or you have some access control issue in your file system. That's why I'm insisting on you to open up more info of your build env.

Even in an empty git repo with a single file ./packaging/name.spec, you don't get such an error.

Look at this:

mzx@kohaku:~$ mkdir testgit
mzx@kohaku:~$ cd testgit
mzx@kohaku:~/testgit$ gbs build
info: No arch specified, using system arch: x86_64
info: generate repositories ...
warning: No local package repository for arch x86_64
info: build conf has been downloaded at:
info: start building packages from: /home/mzx/testgit (git)
2023-10-18 18:31 +0900
gbs 0.25.30
error: No source package found at /home/mzx/testgit
error: <gbs>some packages failed to be built
mzx@kohaku:~/testgit$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/mzx/testgit/.git/
mzx@kohaku:~/testgit$ mkdir packaging
mzx@kohaku:~/testgit$ touch packaging/test.spec
mzx@kohaku:~/testgit$ git add packaging/test.spec
mzx@kohaku:~/testgit$ git commit -s -a
[master (root-commit) 69380a8] test
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 packaging/test.spec
mzx@kohaku:~/testgit$ gbs build
info: No arch specified, using system arch: x86_64
info: generate repositories ...
warning: No local package repository for arch x86_64
info: build conf has been downloaded at:
info: start building packages from: /home/mzx/testgit (git)
2023-10-18 18:30 +0900
gbs 0.25.30
info: prepare sources...
info: retrieving repo metadata...
info: parsing package data...
info: building repo metadata ...
info: resolving skipped packages ...
info: package dependency resolving ...
info: there is no circle in 0 packages
warning: no available packages to build.
File::Glob::glob() will disappear in perl 5.30. Use File::Glob::bsd_glob() instead. at /usr/bin/depanneur line 2293.
info: *** Build Status Summary ***
=== Total succeeded built packages: (0) ===
info: generated html format report:
info: generated RPM packages can be found from local repo:
info: generated source RPM packages can be found from local repo:
info: build logs can be found in:
info: build roots located in:
error: <gbs>some packages failed to be built

Yes ,I agree with you ,the error looks like not find a spec file, but I can compile my package with the gbs conf

And ,as you said use ml api method, could you help provide more information, as I add requires pkgconfig nntrainer, I can' t find the nntrainer headline in my gbs build root.

Yes ,I agree with you ,the error looks like not find a spec file, but I can compile my package with the gbs conf

So, show me the command sequence (and its outputs) to reproduce what you get from a clean Ubunto.

I've never seen such an error from any legit Tizen-compliant git since pre-Tizen 1.0.

Otherwise, I can only say that you are running gbs on a non-legit git repo, on a directory without .spec file, on a broken file system, or with a file access issue.

(do $ mkdir cleandir && cd cleandir && git clone https://github.com/nnstreamer/nntrainer && cd nntrainer && gbs build)

And ,as you said use ml api method, could you help provide more information, as I add requires pkgconfig nntrainer, I can' t find the nntrainer headline in my gbs build root.

Show the minimal code & build script reproducing the same results along with the full output.
For the given info, I can only say that your build script is incorrect. (meson, ninja, make, cmake, or whatsoever you use...)
This is a pretty basic Linux development stuff (using pkgconfig and configure build scripts for that) and you can google to find millions of documents for that.

If you are running without build scripts, running gcc directly in your script, read pkgconfig and apply its compiler flags and linker options. I'm sure that you didn't specify gcc -I flags correctly.

hello, I reinstall my gbs ,now the issue is fix up! Thanks for your help very much.