nning / transmission-rss

Adds torrents from RSS feeds to Transmission web frontend

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Retrieval error

wjk82 opened this issue · comments


Got this issue only on one feed.

  • ruby -v
    ruby 2.3.3p222 (2016-11-21) [i386-linux-gnu]

  • transmission-rss -v

//edit: updated to v.1.0.0 and error is still an issue

Other feeds configured same as this one working fine.

you need to change line 55 in aggregator.rb:

content = open(feed.url, "User-Agent" => "transmission-rss").read


you need to change line 55 in aggregator.rb:

content = open(feed.url, "User-Agent" => "transmission-rss").read

Thanx, that fixed the problem for me!

Is the website black-listing certain user agent strings?

This change could be included into the code; would you say, there is something argueing against it?

you need to change line 55 in aggregator.rb:

content = open(feed.url, "User-Agent" => "transmission-rss").read

For the uninitiated, is this a file you can change after installing as a gem, or does it need to be edited before installing from source?

EDIT: I found it at /var/lib/gems/2.5.0/gems/transmission-rss-1.0.0/lib/transmission-rss/aggregator.rb

I made this change a default in the current development version.

@nning FWIW I thought I was having the same issue, but my 403 was from the RPC connection (first time user here). But in any case, I've continued using this change and it hasn't affected me adversely.