nmcspadden / docker-reposado

Docker container for reposado

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Docker container for Reposado.

To run this container:

Make a data-only container:
docker run -d --name reposado-data --entrypoint /bin/echo nmcspadden/reposado Data-only container for reposado

Configure preferences.plist with any custom settings you want. See the Reposado documentation for details.

Run the container itself:
docker run -d --name reposado --volumes-from reposado-data -h reposado nmcspadden/reposado

If you want to pass in a custom preferences.plist:
docker run -d --name reposado --volumes-from reposado-data -h reposado -v preferences.plist:/reposado/code/preferences.plist nmcspadden/reposado

If you want to map to a port other than port 80 (if, for example, you're already running Munki on port 80), use the -p option. This will map reposado to port 8080 on the host instead:
docker run -d --name reposado --volumes-from reposado-data -p 8080:80 -h reposado nmcspadden/reposado

Using Reposado:

Configuring a client can be done with:
defaults write com.apple.SoftwareUpdate CatalogURL http://docker_ip/content/catalogs/<catalogURL>
where docker_ip is the IP address of your Docker host, and <catalogURL> is one of the available catalogs.

This container includes automatic URL rewrites for "/index.sucatalog". You can simplify client configuration by pointing all clients to that central index:
defaults write com.apple.SoftwareUpdate CatalogURL http://docker_ip/index.sucatalog

From the Reposado URL rewrite documentation:, you can test out the URL rewrites using curl:
curl --user-agent "Darwin/11.4.0" http://docker_ip:8080/content/catalogs/index.sucatalog > /tmp/testing
where docker_ip is the IP address of your Docker host.

Then, check the catalog you downloaded to see the CatalogName key:
$ tail -5 /tmp/testing


To sync the repo:
docker exec reposado python /reposado/code/repo_sync

See the Reposado documentation for reference on how to use repoutil, but all commands will be:
docker exec reposado python /reposado/code/repoutil <arguments>


Docker container for reposado


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