nlf / dlite

The simplest way to use Docker on OS X

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Docker commands hang indefinitely without output

herrbischoff opened this issue · comments


I have installed dlite (1.1.5) via Homebrew and it used to work fine on my machine. Recently (I'm unable to pinpoint it, probably after the 10.11.5 update), it stopped working for me. Running any docker command like docker info results in an indefinite hang until I abort.

Installing the HEAD version via Homebrew results in error, downloading the 2.0.0-beta5 and replacing the Homebrew-installed binary works but does not change the behavior. I have also completely uninstalled dlite and reinstalled it, without any luck.


❯ sw_vers
ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.11.5
BuildVersion:   15F3
❯ dlite version
❯ docker version

Hi @nlf! Is there any news on this or are you currently not actively working on dlite?


i'm still working on dlite, but i do so after i work a full time job so it's not exactly a fast pace most weeks. i have made a bit of progress lately, but after making a mess of my own code i had to slow down and think more about how i want the pieces to fit together.

i promise a new version is coming, i can't promise when it's coming though. hopefully soon.

No worries! I know that work takes a major chunk of ones' time and energy. I'm looking forward to see what you come up with on your time. Thanks for taking the time to respond and for creating dlite in the first place!


@herrbischoff I ran into this recently when I had my local firewall set to block all incoming connections. Unsetting that option made things work again. Can't guarantee that's what's happening to you, but the system logs (from the Console app) may help pinpoint the problem.

Try running sudo dlite daemon (after dlite stopping it). I was also having this but it didn't start working until I manually saw the daemon boot back up. dlite start correctly brought up the daemon for me and it was working again.

FWIW, I am running 1.1.5 but with a newer image (dlite install -v 2.3.0). In my case, installing a newer version of the image took the error from a client version mismatch to the hanging. I think I must have had an old VM that didn't shut down properly or something else that was preventing the new one from booting and being available.

Hope that helps in some fashion until @herrbischoff has a more permanent solution with his current WIP...

Thanks everyone for your suggestions. Since the official Docker for Mac is far more integrated into macOS (still an ugly spelling...) now, I stopped using dlite altogether and switched full-time to

Aww... too bad. dlite is such a nicer solution IMO, but I understand not wanting to duplicate efforts.

May I suggest updating the README on the default branch so that others can find that info quickly?


i promise a new version is coming, i've been short on time lately but i am working on it.

I only got it to work without restarting my machine with a combination of "sudo dlite daemon" and using "brew install homebrew/versions/docker110" docker 1.11 or dlite start didn't work with dlite install -v 2.3.0

apparently that linux image has docker 1.10 inside it, not 1.11 as is the default on hombrew right now

commented new beta, remove your old versions before trying it!