nkanaev / yarr

yet another rss reader

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"import API" seems not work.

alxctc opened this issue · comments


I compile and use the git version here of yarr in arch linux. I intend to use a blank storage.db symlinked to ~/.cache (tmpfs), and import feeds (opml) on system startup, manually importing opml thr. web browser is ok.
I learnt that there's a API for importing OPML file by using curl in Issues #23
cmd syntax:
curl http://localhost:7070/opml/import -X POST -F 'opml=/path/to/feeds.xml'
curl http://localhost:7070/opml/export > /path/to/feeds.xml

And my cmd like this :
curl http://localhost:7070/opml/import -X POST -F "opml=/home/user/.config/yarr/feeds.xml"

But failed to import. (provided that the export API work fine.)

The log file as :
2023/11/01 16:53:58 main.go:150: starting server at
2023/11/01 16:55:50 routes.go:408: http: no such file

pls let me know the correct mth. to import opml file thr. API, thank you!

04-16-2024 , RE: Thanks nkanaev! It works. ☺️☺️☺️

The original answer had @ missing (corrected):

curl http://localhost:7070/opml/import -X POST -F "opml=@/path/to/opml.xml"