njleonzhang / vue-data-tables

A simple, customizable and pageable table with SSR support, based on vue2 and element-ui

Home Page:https://njleonzhang.github.io/vue-data-tables

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[Help] Pager Count Invalid Prop

ra-heang opened this issue · comments

Please tell me,i want to use a property pager-count with pagintation in data-tables & data-tables-server
<data-tables-server :data="data" :total="total" :pagination-props="{ pageSizes: [ 5],`pagerCount:3`,layout: prev, pager, next, total }" @query-change="loadData" > <el-table-column v-for="title in titles" :prop="title.prop" :label="title.label" :key="title.label" sortable="custom"> </el-table-column> </data-tables-server>


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