njleonzhang / vue-data-tables

A simple, customizable and pageable table with SSR support, based on vue2 and element-ui

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Vue warn Computed property "validateState" was assigned to but it has no setter

zek opened this issue · comments

Online reproduce

Current Behavior

[Vue warn]: Computed property "validateState" was assigned to but it has no setter.

found in

---> <ElInput> at packages/input/src/input.vue
             <BColxx> at components/common/Colxx.vue
               <WalletView> at pages/wallet/index.vue
                 <App> at layouts/app.vue

Steps to Reproduce



Detailed Description

I get the warning all the time even in the code given above.

Other Information

element-ui 2.5.4
vue-data-tables 3.4.4

I am using nuxt and marked them ssr false

{src: '~plugins/element-ui', ssr: false},
{src: '~plugins/vue-data-tables', ssr: false},

validateState is not a variable of vue-data-tables, please check your own code.
you can use vue-data-tables with ssr, refer to https://www.njleonzhang.com/vue-data-tables/#/en-us/ssr

I also tried the referenced method but warning persists.

If I hide pagination, warning is gone. Maybe this is a bug related to element-ui and you are using old buggy version?

<data-tables-server layout="table"></data-tables-server>

I have checked the online demo, and have not found the issue you mentioned. element-ui is not built into vue-data-tables, but a peer dependency, so you can determine the version of element-ui.

By searching validateState in element-ui code , I find that the variable is used in el-form, I think you need to check your code.

Currently I can not think out any relationship between your issue and vue-data-tables.

Anyway, if you think it's really a bug of vue-data-tables, please provide me a reproduce link. (refer to https://jsfiddle.net/zpczjl/xboja87c/)

By searching validateState in element-ui code , I find that the variable is used in el-form, I think you need to check your code.

I know you can't reproduce the issue in jsfiddle but this is a nuxt project. Obviously it works in normal environment but my problem occurs in nuxt and I dont know how to simulate nuxt as you do in jsfiddle.

You can see my main layout in the picture. There is no other code. What can I check 😞


My element-ui plugin

import Vue from 'vue';
import ElementUI from 'element-ui';
import lang from 'element-ui/lib/locale/lang/en'
import locale from 'element-ui/lib/locale'


import 'element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css';


const ElTreeGrid = require('element-tree-grid');
Vue.component(ElTreeGrid.name, ElTreeGrid);

My vue-data-tables plugin

import Vue from 'vue'
import DataTablesServer from 'vue-data-tables/dist/data-tables.server'


And here is my plugin definition

{src: '~/plugins/vue-data-tables', ssr: false},

I can render el-pagination easily and I get no warning

              layout="prev, pager, next"

I guess this bug is related to element-ui. Sorry for my inconvenience

@zek OK, maybe you can provide a sample Nuxt project to repro the issue, otherwise I am afraid element-ui would not help you.

ElemeFE/element#14467 (comment)

If you don't put ElInput in ElForm, validateState will be empty. I think it's not a bug of Element.