njanirudh / Paper-Summaries

Summaries of papers related to deep learning , computer vision

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Paper Summaries


Personal collection of papers in the field of Robot Learning along with a small summary of each. (ShortScience)

Taxonomy/Mindmap of various related fields

Robot Learning / AI Systems

Robot Learning or AI systems can be generally divided into the following ways.[1] Feature

Full MindMap

This is a mindmap of all the related fields to Robot Learning. This is not an extensive mindmap and many addition/changes can still be made. Feature

Optimization Methods

General optimization techniques used.[1][2][3] Feature


  1. Deep Learning , Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville
  2. Optimization methods , http://adl.stanford.edu/aa222/lecture_notes_files/chapter6_gradfree.pdf
  3. Optimization Slides , https://fenix.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/downloadFile/1126518382173838/MDO_lecture_05.pdf
  4. OpenAI spinningup , http://spinningup.openai.com/en/latest/index.html The mind maps were made using MindMup


Summaries of papers related to deep learning , computer vision

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