NJAldwin / eleventy-plugin-gen-favicons

Favicon generator plugin for eleventy

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Eleventy Favicon Generation


An Eleventy plugin to generate favicons based on the 2022 best practices.

Include as a {% favicons 'source-image.svg' %} in your template. On build, all relevant favicons will be generated, and HTML referencing the icons will be placed in your template.

Given a single square input icon file (preferably .svg), the following is generated:

  • /favicon.svg (only if a svg is provided)
  • /favicon.ico - 64x64/32x32/16x16 legacy icon
  • /apple-touch-icon.png - 180x180 Apple home screen icon including 20px (configurable) colored padding
  • /icon-192.png - Google home screen icon
  • /icon-512.png - Google loading screen
  • /manifest.webmanifest - Manifest linking the Google icons; can be customized with additional data


Available on npm.

npm install --save-dev eleventy-plugin-gen-favicons

In .eleventy.js (or your config file if differently named), use addPlugin:

// .eleventy.js
const faviconsPlugin = require("eleventy-plugin-gen-favicons");

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(faviconsPlugin, {});

NOTE If you already have module.exports, only copy the require and addPlugin lines, as with all other plugins.

The plugin accepts a few options (replace {} as necessary):

  • outputDir: default ./_site -- where to generate the icons; should match the eleventy output directory
  • manifestData: default {} -- additional data to include in the .webmanifest (e.g. {'name': 'My Website'})
  • generateManifest: default true -- set to false to disable manifest generation (if you're already generating a manifest separately)


  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(faviconsPlugin, {'outputDir': './generated_site', 'manifestData': {'name': 'My Website'}});


Include the favicons shortcode somewhere within <head> in your template (all languages except Handlebars are supported):

{% favicons 'my-source-image.svg', appleIconBgColor='#123' %}

NOTE Do not use multiple favicons shortcodes with different images or bg colors. Favicons are site-wide and this will result in undefined behavior. It is fine to conditionally set a favicon, as long as it's site-wide.

The shortcode accepts additional options:

  • appleIconBgColor: default 'white' -- the color to use for the Apple icon padding; accepts anything that can be parsed by color, such as 'white', '#fff', {r: 128, g: 0, b: 255, alpha: 0.75}, etc
  • appleIconPadding: default 20 -- the size of the Apple icon padding in px per side (must be less than 90px)
  • manifestData: default {} -- additional data to include in the .webmanifest (e.g. {'name': 'My Website'}); overrides the plugin setting of the same name
  • generateManifest: default true -- set to false to disable manifest generation (if you're already generating a manifest separately); overrides the plugin setting of the same name


{% favicons 'favicon.svg' %}
{% favicons 'favicon.png' %}
{% favicons 'favicon.svg', appleIconBgColor='#000' %}
{% favicons 'favicon.svg', appleIconBgColor='black', manifestData={name:'My Website'} %}
{% favicons 'favicon.svg', appleIconBgColor='#f00', appleIconPadding=10, generateManifest=false %}

Example generated HTML:

<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" sizes="any">
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.svg" type="image/svg+xml">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/apple-touch-icon.png">
<link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.webmanifest">


This package uses sharp and png-to-ico and at the time of publish shows no vulnerabilities with npm audit. It is fully tested and should not alter any files other than the favicons it generates.

More Favicons

This generates the "Six files that fit most needs" for favicons in 2022. For sites that require more icons, a custom solution based on the favicons package is recommended.


PRs to the GitHub repo are welcome. Please make sure the tests pass.


Favicon generator plugin for eleventy

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%