njaladan / NESmerize

NES emulator in C++

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An NES emulator written in C++.


A to-do list, (roughly) in order of priority.

  • All 6502 CPU opcodes implemented and working
  • PPU implementation
  • iNES memory mapper 0 [NROM]
  • SDL gui
  • PPU scrolling
  • APU support
  • memory mappers 1, 2
  • save support

Code clarity ideas

The code's pretty messy, since I've been prioritizing quantity of quality (at the moment). Here are a few things that I think can make it better.

  • enums for addressing modes - especially since they're formulaic
  • wrapper functions for things like EOR, AND, ORA, etc. since the only difference is addressing modes
  • object organization -> master class for NES object
  • consider passing object / struct as a parameter? instead of function signature changes
  • refactor the opcode switch completely [low priority]
  • have a instance variable for "extra cycle" flag
  • use a function for detecting upper byte overflow?
  • move enums and initializer lists to separate file

Current to-dos

Smaller things to work on incrementally - more for me to not forget what I'm working on

  • STA always increments cycle in favor of page turn - how to force this?
  • unofficial opcodes, starting at LAX
  • keep in mind that mapper 0 is hardcoded into current logic (but that's still 250 games)
  • benchmark case-switch and check why it's so fast

Potential optimizations

  • only update framebuffer for changed tiles in nametable



case-switch for all opcodes: ~6 microseconds (fa08c0d)

prebuilt opcode table: ~200 microseconds (8edcb51)

[checked with g++ nes.cpp -std=c++11 -O3 -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer and std::chrono]

  • use latch in memory.cpp to take advantage of quickness of pure case switch and still do memory-mapped i/o (ppu, dma, etc) [maybe]


screencap of me sucking


NES Development Guide



NES emulator in C++


Language:C++ 95.8%Language:Python 3.9%Language:Makefile 0.3%